Monthly Archives: January 2025

Say His Name, Say His Name

Today is the Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus.

The name of God, and as we celebrate today in particular the Most Holy Name of the Second Person of the Triune Godhead, Jesus, should be spoken early and often, but always with complete reverence, and with a head bow, and a doffing of the hat for gentlemen outdoors.

There is a weird trend amongst the uncatechized and the heretical quasi-Christian sects, to adopt Jewish practices as some sort of a sign of piety.  One of the most common is to write “God” as “G-d”. Make no mistake, to do this is to DENY THE INCARNATION AND THUS TO DENY THE TRINITY ITSELF. We say the Holy Name by God’s explicit command:

For anyone who has ever loved another, to hear the name of the beloved person spoken can make the heart fly.  And, to hear the beloved speak one’s own name is also a great joy.  Such is the case with Jesus Christ, who specifically said, “Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends, if you do the things that I command you.  I will not now call you servants: for the servant knoweth not what his lord doth. But I have called you friends: because all things whatsoever I have heard of My Father, I have made known to you.”

The Most Holy Name, spoken with complete reverence, is a declaration of love, and not only is all of heaven enraptured by its every utterance, but Our Lord Himself, that font of infinite love for each of us, requited or no, loves to hear those who love Him speak His Name with loving reverence.  There it is again – that pesky bit about a “personal relationship with Jesus Christ” that keeps popping up.  Funny, that.

Which leads to…

…a few words must be said about taking the Lord’s Name in vain – that is, violating the Second Commandment. It is strange, but thinking back as a child, I had a family member who used Our Lord’s Name – Jesus Christ – constantly as an expression of disgust and contempt, and delivered it with extreme hyper-enunciated gusto.  And from the time that I was a teeny, tiny child with absolutely no formal understanding of who Jesus Christ was, I knew that That Name was different and sacred, and that when That Name was said like that, that it was a very bad and scary thing, and that the person who said it was to be avoided.  Looking back now at my adult life, I can CLEARLY see that people who used Our Lord’s Name in vain as an expression of disgust should have been immediately rejected by me.  It is a classic example of the axiom “where there’s smoke, there’s fire”.

If you want to get your head around what exactly it is that you’re doing when you use His Name as an expression of disgust, simply replace His Name with the name of the non-divine person you love most in the world.  Then imagine yourself calling out that person’s name as an expression of disgust.  A few years ago now, if you remember, I had a chunk of human poop fall on my foot from a toilet brush in a trashed apartment that I was hired to clean.  Imagine human poop falling on your foot (Eeeewww!!!) and calling out the name of your most beloved person as an expression of disgust.  It’s depraved, right?  No one does that.  Well, your beloved person isn’t Perfect Good and Infinite Love who hung on a cross and died for your sins, now are they?  So how much sicker is it when we do it to God?  Yup.  There’s a reason why the Second Commandment is the SECOND Commandment.

It is a dead giveaway, folks.  A person who uses Our Lord’s name as an expression of disgust, ESPECIALLY in combination with profanity (avoid like the plague anyone who says or uses the expression “OMFG” whether spoken in full or written as an acronym – bad, bad, bad) is a person who A.) probably doesn’t actually believe in Him, NO MATTER WHAT THEIR POSITION, or B.) does believe in Him and hates Him.  I have seen both.  An example of the latter was a layman who held and to this day holds himself out as a super-Trad and Byzantine liturgical expert, who would frequently yell, “Oh, sweet JESUS!” or “Oh, sweet Baby JESUS!” as his preferred exclamation of extreme disgust, and he turned out to be… wait for it… not just a sodomite, but a sacrilegious sodomite. As in “bedding” seminarians, clerics and prelates, sometimes inside of Basilicas and churches, and then bragging about it in “safe circles”.  We’re talking straight-up satanic activity.  The signs were all there, first among them the consciously malicious use of the Most Holy Name of Jesus.

So, say Our Lord’s Most Holy Name as often as you can, always with love and reverence. To do so is a declaration of belief in the Personal Triune Godhead, His Incarnation, and belief in His almost too-good-to-be-true words, “You are My friends.”  Say His Name with love and let your heart fly at the very sound of it.  Say His Name with love and let Him joy in the sound of you, His beloved friend, saying it.

Say His Name, because consider that in these dark days of apostasy in the post-Christian West, Our Lord’s Name is said orders of magnitude more frequently as a curse or expression of disgust than it is in loving reverence.  I would guess that just the Irish alone, who are notorious for this terrible sin – they use Our Lord’s name almost as a verbal tick, often in combination with the “f” word – more than equal with their sacrilegious abuse of The Holy Name ALL OTHER UTTERANCES of Our Lord’s Name reverently spoken in the entire world every day. That’s how bad the Irish are, and how bad the world is.

And finally, the Most Holy Name is not only the shortest prayer, but also one of the most powerful:


I’m old enough to remember when flaming faggots weren’t allowed in the “intelligence” agencies… or any aspect of decent society.

Mailbag: Sometimes the clothes DO make the man…

Hi, Ann-

I admire and appreciate your stubborn, staunch advocacy for the importance of visual beauty, and the power of clothing to convey it. And I will never forget having been struck, around three years ago now, by the utterly unexpected sight of a lowly counter attendant at our local UPS store, a man perhaps in his late thirties, wearing a 1940-style vest and long-sleeved dress shirt complete with sleeve garters.

Ann, I was stunned. This was not a conventionally handsome man — in fact, an unkind person might say that he looked like a stereotypical “nebbish” — but he sure got my attention, and in the very best way. I complimented him on how wonderful he looked, and he seemed startled and shyly appreciative.

A few weeks later, my husband and I happened to be walking near the store and lo and behold, the same fellow was walking down the street with purposeful stride, this time in a beautifully-tailored 1940s-style overcoat, and wearing a fedora! Well. I decided then and there that if I were young again, unattached and ready to settle down, I would want to make THIS gentleman’s acquaintance, just on the basis of his appearance in those clothes (and also, I guess, having seen that he was employed, 😅)

Cheers, and Happy New Year-


Ladies: To be beautiful is your DUTY as well as your right.

This wafted in gracefully over the transom. This is from a Catholic girls’ high school newspaper in the mid-west from the late 1940’s.

Look upon this and let it sink in that our culture is truly, literally INVERTED. 

Teenaged girls today are, as a rule, revolting ugly slobs by their own choice. Beauty is actively, openly despised. Most girls today do not own ONE pretty dress. Not one. The notion that striving to always present oneself beautifully in public – and beauty is OBJECTIVE and REAL, being a constitutive quality of God Himself – is considered hate speech against fat, ugly dykes and really ANY actual females. You do notice that the only acceptable manifestation of “feminine” beauty is now transvestitism; in MEN masquerading as women. The transvestites are completely free to doll themselves up, but an actual woman? No way. Actual women are expected to conform to the cultural embrace of ugliness.

And the notion that we owe it to OTHERS to present ourselves beautifully in public, to put others first by asking ourselves, “Would I want to see me in yoga pants and a t-shirt with bedhead looking like hell? No, so why would I subject others to that? What gives me the right to inflict ugliness upon others?” – the very question is completely incomprehensible to today’s teeming throngs of narcissists.

And folks, this is about EFFORT. Speaking as a rock-solid 4 on the 1-10 scale, I turn heads on the daily NOT because I’m some great beauty. What turns heads in the EFFORT. Just being put-together and dressed in actual clothes; hat, gloves and tasteful and flattering makeup is the shocking sight. That’s it. I’m still physically a 4, but the fact that I fulfill my DUTY in the striving towards beauty actually creates beauty, just as striving for virility creates virility, striving for goodness creates goodness, and ultimately striving for sanctity creates sanctity. 

Physical beauty is obviously the most worldly of these qualities, BUT it is therefore also the most readily identifiable, relatable and accessible. So, start there. Showing a fundamental respect of oneself and of others by ALWAYS appearing in public with a SOLID EFFORT towards beauty will lead to higher, non-physical qualities and virtues IF one is so oriented and has a proper, solidly Christian conception and proper ordination of true, objective beauty commensurate with one’s sex.

Also over the transom from a long-time reader (and a VERY spiffy dresser) is this link to the beautiful coat as seen here.

It isn’t cheap, but if you’re in the market, this is the actual coat. Sigh…

Fit and Flare Coat with A-Line Skirt in Black | 'Timeless Polka Dots'

timeless polka dots coat with belt


Feast of the Proto-Passion and the Love of the Law

EIGHT DAYS.  It took Him EIGHT DAYS from His birth to shed His Blood for us, and He shed His Blood in testimony to the Law, which is derivative of Himself.

And those few drops of His Blood shed at His Circumcision WERE ENOUGH. Every drop of the God-Man’s Most Precious Blood is in itself an infinity of Mercy. But He went thirty-three years further and all the way to the Pillar and to Calvary.  Why? Love. Love of US. Love of YOU, specifically, personally and individually. Pure, infinite gratuitous LOVE.

Circumcision of The Lord (detail), Guido Reni, ARSH 1635, Siena

Ponder this, and then ask yourself these questions:

Would Jesus abandon His Church, EVER? No.

Is there hope, or is hope just a lie, a mere platitude for the immature and/or uneducated peasants who simply can’t come to grips with the futility and hopelessness of it all? Of course there is hope.  The second of the three theological virtues, which is also the Fruit of the Second Glorious Mystery of the Rosary (the Ascension) can never be a lie, and to say that it is a lie is blasphemy of the highest order.

Is God Almighty hamstrung and defeated by a bunch of reprobate, apostate sodomites and Freemasons?  If you think He is, then you don’t know Him very well, if at all.

If God Himself submitted to the Law, does it make sense to say that His Vicar could completely upend Canon Law and only “partially resign”, thus making the Law Itself a violation of the Law of Non-contradiction, that is, both an extant thing and a non-extant thing?  Are Canons 188 and 332.2 both Law and NOT Law? Is the entire Code of Canon Law, the Divine Law and the Natural Law both REAL and NOT REAL?  Is chaos the Divine Will?  If you think that it is, might I recommend that you visit your local mosque.  They worship an irrational faux-deity that they claim is pure will, mutable (changeable), capricious, contemptuous and deceitful.

Is Jesus a jerk who is Himself trying to “give us all the shake” and trick us into apostasizing and entering an Anti-church and going to hell, or is His Church and its visible head… VISIBLE? Extremely, stunningly, shockingly VISIBLE? Terribly VISIBLE, like an… eclipse.

He was VISIBLE in life, VISIBLE in death, and now the absence, the vacancy, is so clearly VISIBLE.

Ponder these things today, on the Feast of the Circumcision.

Happy New Year to one and all.


Go to confession.
