Please pray for the repose of the soul of Deacon Charles Outtier, aged 25, who has been tragically killed when the tractor he was operating at the ICK seminary in Italy rolled over onto him while he was working in the seminary’s olive grove.
What a truly awful tragedy.
Please pray for the repose of Deacon Outtier’s soul, for his family, for his fellow seminarians and for The Institute of Christ the King.
Holy Mother Church will lack one more priest, but hopefully Deacon Outtier will soon be praying for us, for the ICK and his confreres, and for the Church Militant while looking directly upon the Most Holy Trinity.
Folks, please, go to confession. Stay confessed. Any of us are only a split-second accident away from death.
St. Francis de Sales, St. Philip Neri, St. Benedict, pray for us.
Lorenzo Monaco (ARSH 1370-1423), Coronation of the Virgin, predella: Saint Benedict & Saint Scholastica and Maurus Saving Placid, Uffizi Gallery, Florence
Today is the feast of Saints Maurus and Placid. St. Maurus was St. Benedict’s first disciple. We see in the left half of the beautiful image above the instance wherein St. Benedict summoned St. Maurus and told him that his confrere, St. Placid, had fallen into the lake while fetching water, and was now about “the length of an arrowshot” away from the shore, drowning, and that St. Maurus should go save him. St. Maurus took off running, ran out onto the surface of the lake, pulled St. Placid out of the water, hauled him back to shore – again, on the surface of the water the whole time. St. Maurus said afterward that he didn’t realize what he had done – namely walk on water – until after the fact. All he was thinking about was saving his friend per St. Benedict’s instruction.
He just did it. He didn’t pull up at the water’s edge and stand there whining about how there was nothing he could do, and that he didn’t like swimming, and he couldn’t possibly be expected to go in the water, and maybe even risk his own life, and it was no use, and St. Placid should learn how to swim and save himself. Nope. He just did it. And God provided a miracle – a miracle not seen since Our Lord walked with (a somewhat soggy) St. Peter on the Sea of Galilee.
Dear God, please let us be more like St. Maurus and just do what needs to be done, not pulling up at the shore and making whining, faithless excuses about why we can’t
“When Cardinal Pell’s coffin was displayed in his titular church in Rome we didn’t know that his body had been deliberately desecrated
Cardinal Pell’s nose was broken, his body covered in faeces; he was shoeless and his vestments had been just thrown in the coffin.
And the Vatican must have known this because unusually Cardinal Pell’s casket was closed during his requiem Mass at St. Peter’s
‘The fact that the cardinal’s casket was closed and did not allow for the traditional farewell touch or kiss by mourners raised eyebrows among many at the Mass.’
Bergoglio’s Vatican isn’t ruled by love, it’s ruled by vindictive hate.”
– One of the things that most annoyed the bishops and cardinals present was the indolent attitude of Cardinal (Mauro) Gambetti, archpriest of St. Peter’s Basilica. His cold and mechanical attitude in the celebration of the rites (and the voice of a man just out of bed that could be heard), and his lack of obedience of many rubrics did not go unnoticed.
Here’s what was communicated to me from Rome, with permission to make this public:
After Pope Benedict’s body was moved into St. Peter’s Basilica in the very early morning darkness of Monday, January 2nd, IN A BEAT-UP OLD GREY CARGO VAN – NOT EVEN IN A HEARSE – the wicked and hateful Gambetti, Cardinal archpriest of the Basilica, immediately after processing back to the sacristy (seen in the video below at the 4:57 timestamp) re-emerged and ordered all of the lights turned off and the Basilica emptied and closed until the next morning. He literally wanted Pope Benedict’s body to lie exposed on the bier, alone, in the dark, unattended, during the overnight hours for the three days of Pope Benedict lying in state in the Basilica.
And here’s where a ray of light shone forth in the darkness:
The Swiss Guards REFUSED TO LEAVE.
The evil Gambetti AGAIN demanded that the lights be turned off, and that the Basilica be cleared and closed until the morning.
AGAIN, the Swiss Guards refused to abandon Pope Benedict’s exposed corpse – an unthinkable humiliation and desecration of a body that no mortuary or funeral home would EVER allow for ANY PERSON, much less a Pope.
The evil wretch Gambetti, seeing that these MEN were not going to relent, then huffily declared that if they wanted to stay that it would NOT count toward their “on-duty” time, that they would be “off the clock”, and no on-duty Swiss Guards would be permitted to stand overnight vigil, only Swiss Guards who were already off-duty, and thus volunteering their own private time, and would be expected to work their full, regular shifts regardless of if they had been up all night standing vigil. And then he stomped off, seething.
And so, it warms my heart to tell you, that Pope Benedict’s body was never left alone as he lay in state, that the Swiss Guards stood all-night volunteer watches at his side until he was placed in his coffin, and thus Pope Benedict’s body was never desecrated by exposure and abandonment, which was what the vile Cardinal Gambetti, fully in line with the truly evil Antipope Jorge Bergoglio, intended to happen.
It looks EXTREMELY likely that the faggot satanists utterly infesting the Vatican did to Cardinal George Pell’s body what they WANTED to do to Pope Benedict’s body: desecrate it in satanic rituals, and likely a Black Mass.
First, Cardinal Pell was almost certainly murdered. The electricity in the hospital he was in, having JUST undergone a long-planned hip replacement, “went out” while he was awake and in the post-operative recovery room. As if electricity “goes out” in hospitals, with no backup systems. It is claimed that Cardinal Pell was left alone, in the dark, in the recovery room – that NO ONE CHECKED ON HIM FOR OVER 30 MINUTES, and when the power came back on, he was found dead. WITH A BROKEN NOSE.
It was known for weeks, if not months, exactly when and where Cardinal Pell would be having major surgery.
Cardinal Pell almost certainly got “the pillow” from one or more assassins.
Now we have the confirmation that Cardinal Pell’s body arrived in Australia after having lain in state in Rome in a closed coffin, NAKED, INJURED and COVERED IN FECES.
Folks, I’ll bet ready money that the feces that Cardinal Pell was covered with were not HIS feces. This sounds 100% like a satanic ritual.
Remember, Antipope Bergoglio despised ++Pell, and appointed him head of the Vatican Bank and Audit board with the intention of hamstringing him, and throwing him under the bus, which he did. “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.”
Antipope Bergoglio resolved to attempt to essentially kill ++Pell by enabling and facilitating the kangaroo (no pun intended) trial in Australia, for which +Pell was wrongly imprisoned for over 400 days until the Supreme Court of Australia completely overturned the obviously false and corrupt verdict. And what was the catalyst for Antipope Bergoglio to want to humiliate and kill ++Pell?
Antipope Bergoglio had gone to ++Pell while he was working as the Prefect of the Secretariat of the Economy and demanded that Antipope Bergoglio be given a 1,000,000 Euro CASH slush fund for Antipope Bergoglio’s own personal use. ++Pell told Antipope Bergoglio to go pound sand. Immediately after that:
#BREAKING A senior Catholic cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu has been accused of using $1.14m of Vatican funds to bribe witnesses to secure a sex abuse conviction against rival Cardinal George Pell.
With Pope Benedict dead, and Antipope Bergoglio and the satanist cabal unable to gain access to his body thanks to the Swiss Guards who know what’s up inside the Vatican, and defended The Pope as he lay in state, it seems likely that it was resolved to murder ++Pell in his upcoming hip replacement surgery the next week and use ++Pell’s body in a Black Mass, and make absolutely certain that his body was discovered desecrated, naked, beaten and smeared probably with THEIR OWN feces, per encourager les autres, as Voltaire put it.
Are you feeling especially sickened and frightened while reading this? You should. The reason why this is so horrifying is because you know that what I have laid out here is very, very likely true. This isn’t some whacky pants thing that’s easy to just shrug off. This is all highly credible. How could the body of a Cardinal possibly be put into a coffin naked, beaten and COVERED IN SHIT with the full knowledge that the coffin would be opened upon arriving in Australia unless it was done with FULL SATANIC MALICE?
Little did the mourners know that inside that coffin, ++George Pell was naked, beaten, smeared in feces, and his vestments wadded up in a ball and thrown in.
In this first episode of the second quarter of the 21st Century, Art and Ann say the uncomfortable part out loud: Los Angeles, the global font of Luciferian, soul killing propaganda and media for over a century, is long overdue for a cleansing burn. Will ANYONE repent? What kind of chastisement will be required for people to repent? Pray for the conversion of sinners, beginning with the one who stares back at you in the mirror as you brush your teeth in the morning.
The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]
After I posted the explanation of the actual meaning of the lyrics of “God Rest (Make) Ye Merry (Mighty), Gentlemen” last year, a reader emailed to point out the etymology of the word “comfort”, as in “tidings of comfort and joy”…
Com: with
Fort: strength
Here is the medley of God Make Ye Mighty, Gentlemen with We Three Kings.
Tidings of Strength and Joy, Mighty Men, in this Great Octave of the Manifestation of Our Lord: King and God and Sacrifice!
Happy Feast of the Epiphany! Might one even wish you a Spiffany Epiphany!
This is one of my favorite paintings, and this week is the octave of the feast of its depiction: the Epiphany, or Adoration of the Magi. This painting makes me smile every time I see it. I love the depiction of Our Lady because she is so very beautiful. But the Star of this Show is the Baby Jesus – and His Big Toe.
Adoration of the Magi, Ottavio Vannini, early 1600s, Florence
When I look at this image, it seems not like a painting to me, but like a .GIF. What do I mean by that? I can see the movement of Our Lord’s toe as He is wiggling it, and I can see the subtle smile come across Our Lady’s face as she looks down at the scene of the very serious and lofty king leaning in to kiss the tiny toe of the Creator of the Universe and King of Kings, and He is PLAYFULLY wiggling it and making cooing baby sounds as the Magi puckers up and leans in to “get that Toe!” as so many of us have done exactly with other babies.
We have discussed many times in this space the infinite HUGENESS of God, using galaxies and galactic clusters as metaphors for His infinite bigness and our infantesimal smallness. I am reminded of something Our Lord said to St. Catherine of Siena, to whom, let us not forget, He was MYSTICALLY ESPOUSED. Listen to His words to His beloved Catherine:
“Do you know, daughter, who you are, And who I AM? If you know these two things, you will be blessed. You are she who is not; whereas I AM HE WHO IS. Have this knowledge in you and the enemy will never deceive you….“
God Almighty can say to His beloved, “you are she who is not” because it is true relative to Him, and because ALL EXISTENCE, REALITY AND TRUTH is through Him, with Him and in Him.
And that brings us back to the Tiny Wiggling Toe. It is precisely through these infinite juxtapositions that we draw closer to God in our contemplation of Him. The selfsame God that created and sustains the galaxies, galactic clusters and the entire universe is also the cooing Baby wiggling His Big Toe at the Magi crawling on the ground to kiss It.
Without the Majesty of the Bigness, you can’t appreciate the Humility of the Smallness, and without the Condescension of the Smallness, you can’t appreciate the incomprehensible Love of the Bigness.
This is the same idea with the two species of Fear of the Lord – without the servile fear of the Lord as Our Judge, you can’t fully appreciate the filial fear that He established Himself with the words, “I no longer call you slaves, but friends….” The paradigm shifted with the Incarnation and proclamation of the Gospel from not sinning primarily for fear of punishment, to not sinning because He loves us so much that to disappoint or hurt Him in any way is (should be) revolting to us.
And likewise, without the filial fear of breaking Our Lord’s Heart, one can very easily cast aside the fact that He is, in fact, the Fearsome and Terrible Judge and He can be twisted by our minds into the horrific cartoon character “Jesus my Boyfriend”, or even worse, “Jesus my pet Golden Retriever”. People with no healthy servile fear of the Lord are called “cheap grace” Protestants, or just universal salvationists.
So what exactly is the Good News? Is it that God is NOT the Just and Terrible Judge of Mankind who will sort the sheep from the goats, and sift men like wheat from chaff, burning the chaff? No. The Good News, the GOSPEL is that the Just and Terrible Judge is also the Baby wiggling His Tiny Toe as the Three Kings crawl forth to kiss It. The Gospel is that the Just and Terrible Judge ALSO loves you infinitely, and is thus 100% on your side. Do you understand that? THE JUDGE IS ON YOUR SIDE TO AN EXTENT THAT YOU SIMPLY CANNOT COMPREHEND.
All you have to do is say “yes” to Him. All you have to do is say and believe, “Jesus, I know that You love me”, and then ACTUALLY ACT LIKE YOU BELIEVE IT. Keep His commandments. Don’t break His heart. Enter His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Avail yourself of the Sacraments He established for YOU and YOUR SALVATION, most especially the Sacrament of Confession and the Sacrament of the Altar, which is His very Physical Substance.
Look at the Tiny Wiggling Toe. Then go look up at the stars and galaxies and galactic clusters that He made and sustains without effort. Put the two together and know that you are he who is not, and the Tiny Toe is HE WHO IS.
St. Raymond of Penafort was a Dominican who is basically THE father of Canon Law.
So, you can understand why we are especially, especially happy to celebrate his feast today, and beg his intercession, especially for any Canonists named “Raymond” that we might know of….
The Codex that St. Raymond assembled at the behest of Pope Gregory IX was essentially the codex that was in force from ARSH 1234 until the 1917 Code was promulgated.
Apparently, St. Raymond did a pretty good job. 😉
BUT, being the unlettered laywoman that I am, I can’t but be delighted by St. Raymond’s most famous miracle. Now, I want you to just stop and think in stillness about how brilliant and rigorous St. Raymond must have been, and then consider the veracity of what you are about to read. Do you think that a man like Raymond would have permitted a story like what you are about to read to spread like wildfire throughout the world, if it weren’t true? 160 miles in six hours is an average speed of 27 mph. This is a block quote from Wiki: And, just to be sure everyone knows, “Moors” are musloids.
Raymond of Penyafort served as the confessor for KingJames I of Aragon, who was a loyal son of the Church but allowed his lustful desires to shackle him. While on the island ofMajorcato initiate a campaign to help convert the Moors living there, the king brought his mistress with him. Raymond reproved the king and asked him repeatedly to dismiss his concubine. The king refused to do so. Finally, the saint told the king that he could remain with him no longer and made plans to leave for Barcelona. But the king forbade Raymond to leave the island, and threatened punishment to any ship captain who dared to take him. Saint Raymond then said to his Dominican companion, “Soon you will see how the King of Heaven will confound the wicked deeds of this earthly king and provide me with a ship!” They then went down to the seashore where Raymond took off hiscappa(the long black cloak worn by Dominicans over the white tunic and scapular), and spread one end of it on the water while rigging the other end to his walking staff. Having thus formed a miniature mast, Raymond bid the other Dominican to hop on, but his companion, lacking the saint’s faith, refused to do so. Then Raymond bid him farewell, and with the sign of the cross he pushed away from the shore and miraculously sailed away on his cloak. Skirting around the very boats that had forbidden him passage, the saint was seen by scores of sailors who shouted in astonishment and urged him on. Raymond sailed the ~160 miles toBarcelonain the space of six hours, where his landing was witnessed by a crowd of amazed spectators. In awe of this miracle, King James I renounced his evil ways, made penance, and thereafter led a good life.
Yes, Justin Trudeau is seriously Fidel Castro’s son. This isn’t a joke.
Pierre Trudeau started dating Margaret Sinclair in ARSH 1968 when she was 18 and he was the 48 year old Prime Minister of Canada. Margaret Sinclair was psychologically unstable and a sex pervert like Pierre Trudeau, who was also a closet Communist. Trudeau and Sinclair were “swingers” – perverts partaking in orgies, and Trudeau was an enthusiastic cuckold, enjoying watching other men fornicating with his fiancé/wife.
Pierre Trudeau and Margaret Sinclair married in March ARSH 1971 and honeymooned in the Caribbean where they met up with their Communist idol Fidel Castro. Castro, like most Communists, was also a sex pervert and engaged in orgies and cuckoldry with Pierre and Margaret Trudeau ON THEIR HONEYMOON.
Nine months later in December ARSH 1971 Justin “Trudeau” was born.
As anyone can obviously see from the photographs below, Justin Trudeau is Castro’s son. They are nearly identical in physiognomy. It isn’t even debatable.
Also note the attached picture of Pierre and Margaret Trudeau visiting Castro, and Margaret Trudeau’s clear physical intimacy with the mass-murdering Communist Dictator of Cuba.
Yes, in complete seriousness, Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro’s biological son, and like his father, Trudeau is a Communist dictator and monster, and mass-murderer. Nuremberg 2.0 can’t happen soon enough.
Puts a different spin and urgency on what the Truckers are doing, eh? Pray for the Truckers.
This is Margaret Trudeau looking on with clear satisfaction as father and son are reunited.
Over the transom from a longtime reader, this is a quote from Evelyn Waugh in his novelization of the life of St. Helena, the mother of Constantine, who went to Jerusalem, found the True Cross of Christ, and brought it and other relics of The Passion back to Rome. It is “Helena”, and NOT “Brideshead Revisited” that is Waugh’s masterpiece.
This beautiful passage applies perfectly to those people, both simple and grand, lettered and unlettered, who in these days of the Bergoglian Antipapacy and ascendancy of the Antichurch, are making “that tedious journey to the Truth.”
Let us pray that all of those people of good will who still labor and suffer under the misapprehension that Jorge Bergoglio is or ever was the Vicar of Christ have… an epiphany.
A blessed Epiphanytide to one and all.
Helena perhaps… apprehended that her fame, like theirs, would live in one historic act of devotion; that she too had emerged from a kind of ‘ουτοπία’ [Utopia] or nameless realm and would vanish like them in the sinking nursery fire-light among the picture-books and the day’s toys.
“Like me,” she said to the Magi, “you were late in coming. The shepherds were here long before; even the cattle. They had joined the chorus of angels before you were on your way. For you the primordial discipline of the heavens was relaxed and a new defiant light blazed among the disconcerted stars.
“How laboriously you came, taking sights and calculations, where the shepherds had run barefoot! How odd you looked on the road, attended by what outlandish liveries, laden with such strange gifts!
“You came at length to the final stage of your pilgrimage and the great star stood still above you. What did you do? You stopped to call on King Herod. Deadly exchange of compliments in which there began that unended war of mobs and magistrates against the innocent!
“Yet you came, and were not turned away. You too found room at the manger. Your gifts were not needed, but they were accepted and put carefully by, for they were brought with love. In that new order of charity that had just come to life there was room for you too.
“You are my especial patrons,” said Helena, “and patrons of all late-comers, of all who have had a tedious journey to make to the truth, of all who are confused with knowledge and speculation, of all who through politeness make themselves partners in guilt, of all who stand in danger by reason of their talents.
“Dear cousins, pray for me,” said Helena, and “for His sake who did not reject your curious gifts, pray always for the learned, the oblique, the delicate. Let them not be quite forgotten at the Throne of God when the simple come into their kingdom.”