Hi, Ann-
I admire and appreciate your stubborn, staunch advocacy for the importance of visual beauty, and the power of clothing to convey it. And I will never forget having been struck, around three years ago now, by the utterly unexpected sight of a lowly counter attendant at our local UPS store, a man perhaps in his late thirties, wearing a 1940-style vest and long-sleeved dress shirt complete with sleeve garters.

Ann, I was stunned. This was not a conventionally handsome man — in fact, an unkind person might say that he looked like a stereotypical “nebbish” — but he sure got my attention, and in the very best way. I complimented him on how wonderful he looked, and he seemed startled and shyly appreciative.
A few weeks later, my husband and I happened to be walking near the store and lo and behold, the same fellow was walking down the street with purposeful stride, this time in a beautifully-tailored 1940s-style overcoat, and wearing a fedora! Well. I decided then and there that if I were young again, unattached and ready to settle down, I would want to make THIS gentleman’s acquaintance, just on the basis of his appearance in those clothes (and also, I guess, having seen that he was employed, 😅)

Cheers, and Happy New Year-