The Petrine See has been unnecessarily vacant for two years. Plus, Dr. Mazza sends a quote from Antipope Bergoglio from August ARSH 2019 which strongly indicates his foreknowledge of the CoronaScam

Two years ago this morning the one and only living Vicar of Christ on Earth (whether he liked it or not) died of renal failure. Isn’t it interesting that Antipope Bergoglio mashed the throttle – attempting to suppress the Mass in the Venerable and August Rite of Gregory the Great, the attempt at Sodo-blessings – once the Pope was dead. It’s almost like the Pope was a RESTRAINER. You know, like the RESTRAINER in 2 Thessalonians 2. Hmmmmmmm…. đŸ¤”

Here’s a picture of the absolutely Luciferian treatment of Pope Benedict’s corpse, being loaded into the back of a beat-up grey cargo van. But the thing that really jumped out at me about this picture when I saw it this morning was THE DOME. My lands. I’ve seen pictures of the dome of St. Peter’s taken within the past week, and folks, it’s black. The fact that the dome is oxidizing is not in and of itself any kind of miracle, BUT the fact that it turned black so rapidly after Pope Benedict died. It … gives one pause:

And now from Dr. Mazza, apropos of yesterday’s fifth anniversary of Antipope Bergoglio beating that Chinese lady in St. Peter’s Square.

Dr. Mazza:

And as for Bergoglio beating the Chinese lady, when you watch the longer version of the video it becomes clear he stopped shaking hands to deliberately avoid HER. I say because she was Chinese and he was afraid to get Covid (running rampant in China exactly 4 years ago).

August 8, 2019 La Stampa interview: “What do you fear most for our planet?” Bergoglio: “The disappearance of biodiversity. New lethal diseases. A drift and devestation of nature that can lead to the death of humanity.”

Yup. Antipope Bergoglio was almost certainly informed and enjoined as an integral cooperator in the CoronaScam by his WEF NWO Freemasonic Luciferian buddies.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.