Dr. Mazza, the Smiling Honey Badger, has two pieces on the Bergoglian Antipapacy published in one day, including on the heretofore “Fwanciss is definitely pope” 1Peter5 site. The truth is outing!

Dr. Mazza, the smiling honey badger, continues to crush it.

Here’s his piece at 1Peter5 and a fantastic reference piece at LifeSite that Dr. Mazza assembled that is definitely worth a bookmark.



The DeepState/Freemasonic stooges and their pathetic, gormless mewlings in support of the Bergoglian Antipapacy, attempting to refute both Dr. Mazza’s mountain of work, and objective, observable reality, at this point remind me of a serpent being dispatched by a honey badger. It’s fun to watch.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.