Non Veni Mark’s image of nasty, rancid potato salad is absolutely brilliant. That’s what Antipope Bergoglio reminds me of. He’s so revolting.
I’m shamelessly crossposting this in full as Moving Daze continue apace. Thanks, Mark!!
Exhorting prayers for the conversion of “Pope Francis” is de facto admission he is an antipope

Do you see how this works? If he needs conversion, he’s not Catholic. If he’s not Catholic, he can hardly be the visible head of the outfit he doesn’t belong to.
The thing about this here antipapacy is its utter obviousness. A true Pope cannot teach heresy in matters of faith and morals. Bergoglio has, multiple times. A true Pope is supernaturally protected from doing any such thing. The other thing about this antipapacy is that it is the first time an antipope has NOT been Catholic.
Bishop Strickland says that “Pope Francis” is “Leading souls into darkness…” well, yes and no. Yes he is leading souls into darkness, Excellency, but so are you by claiming Bergoglio is true Pope. Instead, you should be pointing out that a true Pope is incapable of leading souls into darkness. Good grief.
What is everyone so afraid of? “Pope Francis” has no more authority than that week-old potato salad in the back of your fridge. Toss that crap out.
Do we pray for Bergoglio’s conversion? Of course! We are Catholic, and we owe him that. He needs to convert to Catholicism, publicly confess his crimes, and renounce the seat he has illegally usurped and never validly occupied.
He has never been Pope.