ICYMI, in yesterday’s Taylor Marshall podcast titled, “Secret Letters? Vigano says Pope Benedict did NOT resign,” in approximately minute 18, Taylor Marshall states that he put up a Twitpoll to his followers, inquiring whether they believe Benedict validly resigned. He is shocked — shocked! — that the poll revealed that 83% of respondents are Benevacantists. [I’m shocked it isn’t higher. —AB]
This reminds me of your recent observations of recent trends at LifeSite, with both editorial content and comment sections making clear that John-Henry Westen’s audience is speaking loudly and clearly that anomalies in the papal situation are real and must be addressed. Your statement that LifeSite should listen to its audience and take a stand might be well applied to Dr. Marshall.
Considering the audience (assuming Marshall’s particular audience was the primary group responding to said poll), I am surprised that his poll showed this high number, but also not surprised. The truth is a lion, and this is another data point that people who are paying attention are “getting it,” despite the limited discourse the approved gatekeepers have permitted over the past 12 years.
“Slowly at first, then all at once.”
God bless,