Monthly Archives: November 2024

Itsy-Bitsy Teeny-Weeny Little Polka Dot.

If the voter fills in for Harris, the tiny dot is covered and the ballot processes normally. If the voter fills in for Trump, the tiny dot in the Harris box, the wink-wink-nudge-nudge “printing imperfection”, renders the ballot an “over-vote” (a vote indicated for more than one candidate), and the ballot is discarded.

Everything is fake and gay, and as we’ve been saying for years, this thing is WAY too far gone to “vote” your way out of.

St. Noon O’clock Shadow, pray for us!

Grumpy and stubbly. Team San Carlo. Yay!

Grumpy and stubbly. Team San Carlo. Yay!

Today is the Feast of Saint Charles Borromeo. He was grumpy, and apparently was rocking a five o’clock shadow well before noon.  He was a real manly-man.  Among countless other awesome achievements, St. Charles went after his confessor when it became clear that the guy was a pervert, and the confessor was, as a result, convicted of “unnatural offenses”.  He made many enemies – but the kind of enemies that it is good to have.

St. Charles was a toughguy who saw how incredibly messed up and wicked the world in his day was, and just rolled up his sleeves and FIXED IT.  He was a man who got tremendous horsepower to the pavement.  He didn’t shrug his shoulders.  He didn’t roll his eyes.  He just mashed the throttle and went right over the top of anyone who dared slow him down.  Sigh.  Yeah.  We’re a fan.

He also invented Sunday School.

Oh, and he wrote an entire book about the design and construction of churches: Instructiones Fabricae et Supellectilis Ecclesiasticae.  The people responsible for all of these hideously, hideously ugly churches today should be beaten mercilessly with a hardcover copy of Instructiones Fabricae et Supellectilis Ecclesiasticae until they repent of their wicked, evil designs and lying proclamation of ugliness as beauty.

And even though he was widely hated by the corruptocrats and perverts, and even though he was a Grumpycat who consistently wore his frowny-face, the day he died the people took to the streets demanding that he be canonized a saint.  (I’m pretty sure there is a lesson in there somewhere….)

San Carlo, pray for us!!

Act of Reparation for “Luce-fer” mascot

Okay, Boomer. 😡

Over the transom, this blasphemous boomer karen train wreck showed up at a TLM parish All Saints party today.

Here is the full cross-post from NonVeni Mark’s place of a reader-suggested Act of Reparation against the Tranny Queer Witch Jubilee mascot.

From the combox…

Come, let us atone for Rome’s 2025 Jubilee Mascot:


Does the reader reside in the Papal Apartment? No.
Does he include ‘Vicar of Christ’ in his C.V.? No.
Is he the pope? No.

These things the reader has in common with the Argentinian apostate, Jorge Bergoglio, whose latest act of treachery against God, His Christ, His Church, His Saints and His flock – timed to correspond with the traditional (i.e. authentic) Feast of Christ the King – is “Luce”, the insidious androgynous and rainbow Rosary wearing witch ‘mascot’ for the upcoming Jubilee Year, 2025 A.D.

In modern parlance, Jubilee Years are ‘a very big deal’; they come but once every fifty (50) years and are a year of Mercy: a special year of remission of sins, debts and of universal pardon; a time when the Mercy is God is on display and prevailing, and is thus more generous and accessible.

The wicked dimensions of this diabolical mockery are covered by Miss Barnhardt (here) and the reader should familiarise himself with them. To mock God is, amongst many other things, unwise; however to denigrate, revile and blaspheme His Mercy is grotesque and ghoulish.

It is also supremely provocative. Proverbially speaking, this outrage could be the ‘final straw’ and, thus, reparation is of high order. St. Bonaventure tells us that the Deluge was a response to the prevailing crime of the age: lust, as cold water cools carnal desires; and that in the last days, when avarice is the order the day, fire from heaven will be required to burn it away.

Without wishing to wade into considerations of who was the last Supreme Pontiff (Pius XII, Ratzinger, or other; ‘Class of 1958’ vs. ‘Class of 2022’; Sede or variant), it must surely be patently clear that this man Bergolio is neither Catholic nor pope, but rather a destroyer and interloper. Simply put: it is not possible that he could validly be Christ’s Vicar. The very notion has descended into dark, sardonic mirth.

If one’s Sensus Fidelium does not tell one that this man is an enemy of God, then it is absent.

If the reader thinks otherwise – and such is immaterial to the dire and urgent need for reparation in the face of this crime –  do not let him think that God rewards indifference or languid, innocuous ‘loyalty’. Let him give thought now to how he will answer, when called to Judgement, “Didst thou love me?”; “Where was thine loyalty to Me?” Let him consider too the time-specific warnings of our most Blessed Mother at La Salette (and elsewhere) and weigh the probabilities.

The following selection of reparatory prayers (reproduced in both English + Latin) is of Your correspondent’s own suggestion and, though he be far from a ‘competent authority’, they comprise the Divine Praises (the orthodox supplication in the face of blasphemy), the 3rd Sorrowful Mystery of Rosary, The Crowning with Thorns (where God as man put upon His Head the punishment which He, as God, had given man; thereby ransoming Himself for His creatures) and an abbreviated rendering of Psalm 50Miserére, the great Penitential Psalm. ‘Miserére’ is Latin for ‘mercy’, which may explain why, when correctly numbered (i.e. Vulgate & Douay Rheims) it is the 50th chapter of the Psalter, just as the Jubilee is the fiftieth year…

Over the transom: “Luce-fer” mascot bears a striking resemblance to credibly accused serial rapist author Neil Gaiman’s character “Coraline”.

I had never seen or heard of this character “Coraline” before, but apparently it’s a well-known children’s book and movie. I only know the name of Neil Gaiman, the sci-fi/fantasy author of “Coraline”, from Vox Day’s reportage of Gaiman being recently exposed as a serial molester and rapist of young girls. So, Gaiman is basically the Marko Rupnik of sci-fi. Great catch by a reader:

Hi Ann,

I’ve discovered something on my own and my Husband urged me to email you about it and if you would like to share what I’ve found on your website you absolutely can. It’s about this “Luce mascot,” that has come about. I thought this Luce character/mascot looked familiar with the yellow hoodie/jacket with blue hair. Then it came to me! It looks like Coraline on that Disney movie “Coraline”, and we all know Disney is evil and perverted, especially since Walt Disney was a 33rd degree freemason, a.k.a. a satanist.

Anyway, I never actually watched Coraline,(and I don’t allow my 12 yr old son to watch anything Disney) but I saw previews of the movie long ago and saw pics of some kids dressed up as Coraline for Halloween. I don’t remember from the previews (because it was so long ago) what the movie was all about, but I remembered what this Coraline character looked like. So I looked it up and was amazed at how fitting the description was for the current Times we are living in!

I will attach three pictures to this email. The first will be the pic of “Luce mascot.” The second will be a pic of Coraline, so you can compare it to the Luce mascot and see how much they look alike. And the third pic will be a screenshot of what it says the movie Coraline is about and I think that YOU will think, “Wow, this is SO fitting with what’s going on in the Catholic Church and the World and NOT really a coincidence at all.” Let me know what you think! Thank you for your time and for your podcasts and website. My Husband, Son and I just LOVE all the memes you post too🥰

Take care Ann and God Bless you!



Even so, Sir.

Today is the Feast of All Souls.

No sin, no impurity can enter into the unveiled presence of the Triune Godhead.  A person still attached to sin simply could not bear to be in the full presence of the Holy Trinity, could not look upon the face of God, and looking upon the face of God is what heaven IS.  Therefore, those who die in a state of grace, in friendship with Christ, but still have attachment to sin (and almost everyone does), after their Particular Judgment, enter into Purgation to remove all remaining vestiges and attachments to sin before entering into the Beatific Vision.  C.S. Lewis explained Purgatory to me very early on in my conversion process:

“Our souls demand Purgatory, don’t they? Would it not break the heart if God said to us, ‘It is true, my son, that your breath smells and your rags drip with mud and slime, but we are charitable here and no one will upbraid you with these things, nor draw away from you. Enter into the joy’? Should we not reply, ‘With submission, sir, and if there is no objection, I’d rather be cleaned first.’ ‘It may hurt, you know’ – ‘Even so, Sir.’

I assume that the process of purification will normally involve suffering. Partly from tradition; partly because most real good that has been done me in this life has involved it. But I don’t think the suffering is the purpose of the purgation. I can well believe that people neither much worse nor much better than I will suffer less than I or more. . . . The treatment given will be the one required, whether it hurts little or much.”

– C.S. Lewis, Letters To Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer, chapter 20, paragraphs 8-9

Here is the eighth movement, “Hostias” from Mozart’s Requiem Mass.  This is the last part of the Offertory:

Hostias et preces tibi, Domine, laudis offerimus:
We offer to Thee, O Lord, sacrifices and prayers:

Tu suscipe pro animabus illis, quarum hodie memoriam facimus:
Do Thou receive them in behalf of those souls of whom we make memorial this day.

Fac eas, Domine, de morte transire ad vitam,
Grant them, O Lord, to pass from death to that life,

Quam olim Abrahae promisisti et semini ejus.
Which Thou didst promise of old to Abraham and to his seed.

A Requiem Mass being offered for a soul by his family, who is exiting Purgatory and entering heaven and eternal bliss.

Every Saint in Heaven Knows that Bergoglio is an Antipope. Never feel like you’re alone. That’s the biggest lie this side of heaven.

Happy, happy feast of All the Saints!!

If you ever feel alone in the knowledge of the Bergoglian Antipapcy and the truth of Pope Benedict’s substantially erroneous “partial resignation” of only “the ministry of the active governance of the Church”, just remember that every Saint and Angel in Heaven knows the truth. His resignation was completely invalid, and therefore he remained the one and only living Pope until his death on 31 December ARSH 2022, whether he liked it or not.

Considering that every star in the universe has a custodian angel, that puts the angelic choir in the QUINTILLIONS, at minimum. Be edified today. Be very, VERY edified. They were all at the Mass you heard today. All of them. They were all right there. They are at EVERY valid Mass. Sit in stillness with that. Go ahead. I’ll wait. ☺️

All ye Saints, pray for the Petrine See, vacant these 671 days and counting, for Holy Mother Church, and pray for us!!