The St. Andrew Christmas Novena – which isn’t exactly a novena because it is 25 days long from November 30th through December 24th – begins today, November 30th, the Feast of St. Andrew. It’s a great feast for me, because Andrew is my Confirmation Name. It was a fortuitous choice, as ‘Andrew’ means “manly” and “brave”, “strong” and “courageous” in Greek. I like to think that St. Andrew, being St. Peter’s big brother, would defend Peter in a street fight, which is definitely what defending the Petrine See against the Bergoglian Antipapacy feels like.
I’ve seen and personally received great graces from this beautiful devotion over the years, and strongly recommend it.
St. Andrew, being manly and strong, wants to help you. He wants to intercede for you as he looks upon the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, in the Beatific Vision. You just need to ask him for his help. As we hear in the Gradual of today’s Mass:
The Lord loved Andrew in an odor of sweetness. Alleluia.
Diléxit Andréam Dóminus in odórem suavitátis. Allelúia.
So don’t hesitate to ask St. Andrew to pray for your largest and even seemingly impossible intentions. Big, strong men lift heavy weights. Let St. Andrew help you. And remember, NOTHING is impossible through Christ Our Lord!
Here is the text of the Novena – you say the following prayer fifteen times per day – and break the fifteen up however you would like:
Hail, and blessed be the hour and moment at which the Son of God was born of a most pure Virgin in a stable at midnight in Bethlehem in the piercing cold. At that hour vouchsafe, I beseech Thee, to hear my prayers and grant my desires. (Mention your intentions here) Through the merits of Our Savior Jesus Christ, and of His most Blessed Mother. Amen.
And here is the fourfold intention of the Matthew 17:20 prayer initiative:
-That Antipope Bergoglio be publicly recognized as an Antipope and removed as such, and that the entire Bergoglian Antipapacy be publicly nullified.
-That Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger be publicly recognized as having been the one and only living Vicar of Christ, uninterrupted, from April ARSH 2005 until his death on December 31, ARSH 2022.
-That Jorge Bergoglio repent, revert to Catholicism, die in a state of grace in the fullness of time, and someday achieve the Beatific Vision.
-For the repose of the soul of Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger
St. Andrew, pray for us.
Our Lady of Copacabana, slayer of the Nachomama demon, pray for us.
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and upon your Holy Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation.

The Crucifixion of St. Andrew, Mattia Preti, ARSH 1651