I don’t care who sent this. (“Adolp Fleischer” 😂🤣😂🤣) What has always fascinated me about spam since the earliest days of the internet is the people who RESPOND. The first standard deviation on the LEFT side of the I.Q. bell curve specifically, the forgotten/disregarded cohort. Folks, we’re talking a THIRD of the population – a population which has been indoctrinated to believe that EVERYONE is of above average intelligence.

Yes, sit in stillness with that premise.
A truly enlightening and informative YouTube channel with regards to the I.Q. bell curve is the Romance Scam debunker channel “Catfished”.
I like these folks because they NEVER laugh at the people they are trying to help. They treat all of their clients with the utmost respect. And I don’t know how they do it sometimes.
Interestingly, I’ve noticed that the seemingly “intelligent”, “high-functioning” people (people who are obviously above the 70-85 I.Q. range) that get scammed have a sin largely in common: po*n. Just further proof of the axiom that sin makes you stupid.