Umm, this is just slightly disconcerting, folks. Just a tiny bit. The richest man on earth, who dresses up as satan for Halloween, quotes Freemasonic mottos, and wants to implant computers into people’s brains, and who, last time I checked, has never run for office much less been elected to anything, is now openly operating as co-President-elect? Holding telephone calls with heads of state (puppet though Zelensky may be) as if he were head of the former U.S.???
This is creepy, creepy, creepy. My “possible Antichrist meter” is going off. Isn’t the Antichrist supposed to be a popular layman who emerges performing wonders (SpaceX?) and claims to have the solution to all of the world’s problems? It now seems that Musk is assuming at least some level of global-level, government control without having been elected to anything.

Just your average satanic goat head with upside-down Cross. No biggie. Totally normal. When people show you what they are, you best be believing them.