Excellent article at The Stream by William Kilpatrick, with a Barnhardt shout-out.


Do click through and read the whole thing, but here’s the conclusion, which is too good to not quote:

Obviously, the strategy of “let’s wait it out and hope for the best” isn’t working. The longer Catholics wait, the more difficult it will be to rectify Francis’s usurpation of the papacy. When faced with the hypothetical example of a rigged presidential election, most Catholics, I think, would realize that time is of the essence. Waiting for four years until the next election would only give the “riggers” more time to strengthen their hold on the government.

The same logic applies to the next papal election. It doesn’t make much sense to wait and see what sort of man the cardinals will elect. We already know that Francis has, in effect, pre-rigged the election by stacking the conclave with men who align with his own thinking. In purely human terms, the odds are that the next pope will be another Francis, not another John Paul II or a Pius XII.

Of course, God has his own plans, and faithful Catholics may be in for a pleasant surprise. On the other hand, it would be the height of presumption to assume that God will reward the timidity, indifference, and inaction of the current crop of Catholics with a holy and brilliant pope.

In defense of their own inactivity, some Catholics have claimed that the Church’s historical response to antipopes was to “wait it out.” But according to some critics of overly cautious Catholics, this is simply not so.

As Ann Barnhardt correctly notes, “the Church has aggressively sought to resolve Antipapacies — and there have been dozens of them — such that nearly every Antipapacy has been identified and rectified while the Antipope was yet alive and claiming the Petrine See.”

As I said, Francis is speeding up his assault on the Catholic faith. It would seem that now is the time to identify, resist, and rectify, not to wait for some hazy date in the future only to discover that Francis’s “reforms” have become irreversible and the opportunity to change course has passed.

William Kilpatrick is the author of Christianity, Islam, and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West, and a new book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Jihad. His articles have appeared in CrisisCatholic World Report, the National Catholic RegisterFirst ThingsFrontPage Magazine and other publications.

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