Barnhardt Podcast #208: Oh, Suffrage Succotash!

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In this episode, Art and Ann lament fallen Catholic convert Melania Trump – little did we know she was a rabid baby-slaughter defender. But, we SHOULD have known she was deeply morally unsound by her open association with sodomite groups. Because if you’re unsound on sodomy, then you’re also, by definition, unsound on life, including IVF. Onan, son of Juda was unavailable for comment. Continuing with lamentations, we lament the Karen-led destruction of Christian Culture, and hone in on the Karen dogma that “We DESERVE God’s mercy…”, and the satanic gambit to declare the Antichurch, and eventually the Antichrist himself “more merciful than God.” Finally, Ann laughs long and hard when Art asks her for whom she is voting.

The Sin of Onan

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Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.