Barnhardt Podcast Episode #207: Antipope Diddy

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In this episode, Ann begins by recounting her recent experience in voluntarily fasting on salt water only for 20 days, and Art Decco shares his shared love of Kombucha. We then segue into a discussion of the destruction of Sodom of the Appalachians, Asheville, NC. Isn’t it just a MASSIVE coincidence how prevalent lesbian witches are in the mainstream media today? Then, we tie it all together by discussing how the satanic dynamic of blackmail tied to sodomy and pedophilia parallels strikingly between Puff Diddy and American music, media and politics, and Antipope Bergoglio and the Antichurch. Satan seems to have one business model which he applies across all contexts.


A Reminder To All: When Events Turn, They Turn FAST. As it has just happened to Biden, so too will it happen to Antipope Bergoglio.

Autophagy – Wikipedia

Art’s Kombucha go to guide:

Potassium Chloride example

Ann’s yummy potable salt water recipe:
18 ounces cold water
scant 1/2 TEAspoon table salt or pink salt
scant 1/4 TEAspoon potassium chloride salt
Shake or stir vigorously to completely dissolve.
*Pro tip – other supplements such as Vitamin D+K drops, Zinc drops, Dandelion extract drops, Cranberry extract drops, and yes, even 1% livestock injectable Ivermectin can all be added to potable salt water.
TASTE IT. It should taste good, satisfying and even delicious. Remember, this is basically Gatorade minus the sugar and food coloring. If it tastes in any way unpleasantly salty, then you have WAY too much salt.

Feedback: the email address for the podcast is [email protected]. 

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.