Mailbag: “My wedding vows are very current, thank you very much.”

Hello Ann,

I read today your Oct 2017 piece “Cutting the Crap: If You Are “Divorced”, You Are Done Romancin’ ” about how we are called to chastity when marriage crashes. October 2017 was the exact month when, after decades, my own husband decided to run away from our family, and divorce me against my will, out of the blue — or so I thought.

How I wish I would have read your article then, instead of all the “you need to turn the page” idiotic advice I found myself drowning under! Oh how I sinned, how I ran and listened to these seductive “therapy” voices. Yes, I regret it. Yes, I confessed.

Thank you for saying out loud that being chaste and loyal to my wedding vows is the right thing to do. I am the abandoned wife of a man who is under the spell of diabolical narcissism. It is shameful and heartbreaking enough, it is dangerous and lonely enough, I could do without the constant reproaches from so-called friends and the media that I “live in the past” and “need to let go“.

No, no I don’t.

My wedding vows are very current, thank you very much. Praying daily for the conversion of my husband is a very current challenge. The struggles of my adult children who are coming of age without a proper father figure are very, very current. Reverting to the vibrant cradle Catholic faith I had as a young bride, only to find the Church in bed with the lockdowns and all sorts of pharmaceutical, sexual, environmental and cultural tribalisms… the Holy See not acting like a proper father figure in this mess… that is very current too.


Thank you, Ann, for speaking the hard truth of our Catholic lives, plain and simple. May the Holy Spirit always be in your heart and in your enlightened words. Keep speaking to us! Keep praying for us.

I pray for you.

Kind regards,


Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.