Dear Ann,
First, I am so grateful for you and your blog. Thank you!
Next, as you’ve surely noticed and have written about, there is a movement to resurrect the beautiful and true. You recently posted again about women bringing back dresses, hats, and true beauty. As a wife to a virile husband and mom of 5 sons, I am trying to do my part.
My sons’ school offers a free Classical and Catholic radio station. We listen in the background during home school, before Mass, and while driving in the car through our bluetooth. So wonderful!
Due to low traffic on the station, the headmaster wants to discontinue this radio station. I think if more people knew about it, they would surely take advantage of this free resource. If you think this endeavor is worth keeping on the internet, please share/promote.
If he sees a bunch of new traffic, he might change his mind.

Thank you! God bless you, Ann.