(For your Sunday edification and recreation, an absolutely brilliant satire piece that burns to ash the abject nonsense argument that “we can’t know that Bergoglio is an Antipope”. I came across this in the commbox over at NonVeniMark’s place, HERE. Really, read the whole, delicious thing, including the “advertisement” for “Catastrophe Magazine” (aka Crisis) and Galatians 3:1, G3:1 (aka 1Peter5). Here’s G3:1… it’s PERFECT:
O senseless Galatians, who hath bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been set forth, crucified among you?
O insensati Galatae, quis vos fascinavit non obedire veritati, ante quorum oculos Jesus Christus praescriptus est, in vobis crucifixus?
Here’s just a nibble, but you must read the whole thing. And share.

Contextual Introduction
It is the year 2051 CE.
Karen McNuggets was elected to the See of Rome a few years ago, and took the name ‘Pope Susan.’ Since then, Pope Susan has begun radically changing everything in the Church.
Some were dismayed by this turn of events, and began promoting a horrible conspiracy theory – that Susan is a woman, and therefore not the Pope.
They refer to texts such as that of Caesar Badii, 1921 commentary on the Code of Canon Law:
‘The law now in force for the election of the Roman Pontiff is reduced to these points:…
‘Barred as incapable of being validly elected are the following: women, children who have not reached the age of reason, those suffering from habitual insanity, the unbaptized, heretics and schismatics.’1 (Emphasis added)
However, some of the most faithful conservative Catholics, wishing to return to the balanced and moderate principles laid out by Pope St Francis the Great, have taken great scandal and anxiety at the presumption of such claims – which have come to be known as Susanvacantism.
These faithful (and moderate) conservatives feel that Susanvacantism is dangerous, and that it is their duty to warn their fellow Catholics.
One such faithful and moderate (and balanced) conservative is Fredrik Tunaphisch, the editor of Catastrophe Magazine.
Catastrophe Magazine, along with other similar anti-Susan outlets like Galatians 3.1 (and to a lesser extent The Leftovers) have charted a sensible, prudent course – making sure that they are resolutely neither cold nor hot.
The Spiritual Dangers of Susanvacantism
Everyone knows that Catholicism online is a different world to what you find in real life.
If, for example, you went to a typical Catholic parish and asked everyone, ‘Is Susan the pope?’ you’d probably get 100% of the congregation saying ‘Yes.’ You’d also get some odd looks for asking such a stupid question.
Yet if you spend time on engaging with Catholics on Y (formerly X [formerly Twitter]) and elsewhere, it won’t be long before you encounter someone insisting that ‘Pope Susan isn’t really the pope.’
While this view might sound crazy to the average, normal Catholic, it’s understandable to anyone paying attention to Church politics today.
A small – but growing – group of Catholics deny that Susan is the pope.
While this idea option might be tempting, it’s incredibly dangerous to the soul.
Denying the legitimacy of Susan’s papacy means that there is no valid pope – the see of Rome is vacant. This position rests on these two ideas:
- That Susan is a woman.
But who are they to say that Susan is a woman?
It’s a well-known provision of Canon Law that the first see is judged by no-one. It is not for mere laymen to be assuming the gender of the pope (let alone judging it).
This would require several warnings, as well as a declaration from the college of Cardinals.
At present, Susan is at most an occultwoman or suspect of being a woman – but until there has been a declaration by authority, we are naturally unable to notice, judge or act on any such idea. This would be private judgment on steroids. This is just like Martin Luther all over again.
- That a woman is incapable of being pope.
But while this is a venerable theological thesis, taught by theologians and canonists, has it ever been declared infallibly by the extraordinary magisterium of the Church or by a pope ex cathedra?
Folks, it starts strong, and then JUST. GETS. BETTER.
Happy Sunday, and Happy Feast of St. Dominic!