Cholesterol is an essential nutrient. Statins are YET ANOTHER BigPharma crime against humanity. Go Carnivore.

Here’s what makes me sick: BigPharma owns animal health, too. Every BigPharma corporation has an animal health division. As in livestock production. And BigPharma owns the land grant universities and the producers’ associations.

The cattle industry should be screaming about this from the rooftops until they’re blue in the face… but they won’t because their BigPharma Sugardaddies want everyone sick and on statins.

I don’t eat potatoes often, but when I do, they’re deep fried in beef tallow in order to redeem them nutritionally.

And I only eat pancakes once every two years or so, but when I do, they’re shallow fried in bacon grease in order to redeem them nutritionally.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.