Mailbag: Go clean up the kitchen! AND the bathroom!!


I agree with everything you wrote, but there is something I’d like to add. It’s in regards to “happiness” which has been touted as THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS.

I once heard a gentleman say that you will not always derive happiness from your family, but you SHOULD derive fulfillment and satisfaction. I really couldn’t agree more. Unless you are in a perpetual state of mortal sin, it really is a cause-and-effect when following your vocation.

I am the mother of nine children (recently found out #10 due next year). We have seven sons, so counting my husband, there are eight males in the house. I’m sure you can only imagine the amount of cooking I do, and not to be crude, but the continuous state of our bathrooms. Both are a source of sanctity for me. Am I “happy“ to always be doing those things? No. To be completely honest, I’ve never really enjoyed cooking (although I have gotten quite good at it) and dirty bathrooms gross me out. God definitely has a sense of humor.

But I derive immense FULFILLMENT and SATISFACTION from caring for my family.

It is deeply engrained in women to do so, and to fight against it is pure misery.

Keep it up, Ann.
-Mrs. Clean

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.