Professional photographer sends: NYT photographer was set up to shoot super-high speed… as if to capture Trump’s head exploding


I can tell you. In all my years of photography. I never set a camera to 1/8000th of s second shutter. Only specialized lenses have apertures that go into the 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 range with the “fastest” greatest opening lens being about, .9. You need a LOT of light (light broad daylight) to shoot at 1/8000th of a second. You could never capture it indoors. This also would have been shot in rapid succession so there would be at least 30-40 frames BEFORE and AFTER this photograph which would allow investigators to actually track exact trajectory. (or see other bullets). I agree that the when the FBI director says “shrapnel or glass” there is a deep, DeepState issue.

I say again: all of the talk, bluster and outrage in the media and from Washington DC garbage humans about “incompetence” is pure head-fake.

The attempted assassination of Trump was meticulously planned, down to making sure that Zabraham Apruder was front-and-center with his shutter speed set to unthinkably fast levels, and that he was leaning on the shutter when Lee Harvey Asperger open fired so that Clown World would have their snuff reel of Trump’s brains being aerosolized with which to terrorize humanity.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.