Sodomite “Jesuit” (but I repeat myself) Fr. James Martin, Ethh Jey demonstrates one of the oldest faggot priest semantic tricks in the book…

So Antipope Bergoglio gave ANOTHER speech bemoaning the “air of faggotry” amongst the clergy, this time to the priests of Rome.

Apparently the Vatican announced yesterday that they will be essentially censoring EVERYTHING Antipope Bergoglio says from here on out. You can’t make these faggot clown show dramaticals up.

I want to show you the oldest faggot rhetorical trick in the book: the word “celibacy”.

Folks, the word “celibate” means NOT MARRIED. It does NOT mean chaste. Before the sodomite faux-marriage thing started 20 years ago or so, and the word ‘marriage’ was universally understood to mean matrimony between one man and one woman, faggot priests and bishops would laugh and openly brag, “Hey, I took a vow of celibacy. And I honor it – I would NEVER marry a WOMAN! Eeeewwww!”

This is exactly what that wretched Luciferian faggot Martin is doing above: he doesn’t say that the sodomite priests and seminarians were/are CHASTE (not committing any sins against the 6th Commandment), but only that they were/are CELIBATE- that is, not married.

Well, duh. Of course they aren’t MARRIED.

Again, this is one hundred percent intentional, and falls under the general category of evil testifying to itself, publicly, as a taunt. In this case, it is taking advantage of the fact that most people either don’t know or don’t recognize the difference between celibate – not married, and chaste – not committing any sins of impurity against the 6th commandment, because Martin knows that these faggot seminarians, priests and bishops ARE ACTIVE SODOMITES.

They’re just not… married, you stupid breeders!!!

Start correcting and instructing people about celibacy vs. chastity, because satan and his faggot minions have, are and will continue to play semantic games like this.

Yes, we know that the faggot priests and seminarians aren’t MARRIED. The question is, are they CHASTE. And the fact of the matter is, if a man is running around discussing his erotic appetites, and defining himself by his sin by calling himself “gay”, then chastity is long-since in the rear view mirror.

Death to sodomy. Long live Jesus Christ the King.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.