Sticky post: LAST DAY!!!! YAY!!!! June ARSH 2024 Barnhardt Subscription Drive (Believe me, I hate this WAY more than you do. 😖)

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And you thought the month of June was awful enough with “pride”. Let me pile on. 😖

I’ve been counseled repeatedly that this is actually good for me spiritually – a contention which I vehemently resist. The issue here for me is humility, which I lack, and dripping pride, and so even after a decade-plus of going off-grid to live in the proverbial Van Down By the Watercourse, I still fight being what I am: a very well-groomed beggar. BUT, I shall continue to attempt to provide whatever this is: service? Entertainment? Various and sundry ways to stick it to the NewWorldOrder, BigPharma, and the Bergoglian Antipapacy and Antichurch?

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered daily for my Benefactors and Supporters (no purchase necessary, batteries not included, action figures sold separately) and even if you, like others, decide at some future date that you hate me and that I’m evil incarnate and have been tricking you for all of these years, or I am at minimum some sort of paid infiltrator (man, the General Judgment is going to be REALLY embarrassing for a LOT of people just with regards to me), once on the Barnhardt Benefactor roll you NEVER come off the list. Ever. No matter what. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

And I have joyous news- we have added a Barnhardt Benefactor Mass priest who commemorates “All of Ann’s Benefactors and Supporters” EVERY DAY as of last month! (He’s also a fantastic meme source!)

So, and I mean this:

—if you are completely financially secure

—you tithe wisely and appropriately to the Church,

—-you pay all of your bills on time,

—you have money just burning in a hole in your pocket,

—-you can’t think of any other donation outlet, and

—- you get some “value” from the Barnhardt blog,, the Barnhardt Podcast, the Barnhardt video oeuvre, or anything else, might I recommend in all cringe and humiliation, possibly considering a donation, one-time or recurring, through my ContinueToGive donation portal? I’ve been with CtG for a decade, and they are flawless. The CEO is literally my customer service lead rep, for all of the four questions I’ve had in ten years.

Finally, and most importantly, thank you. Thank you to everyone who has given me a single dime in the past, to everyone on the donation rolls today, and to all future donors that I haven’t met yet. I pray for you all ASSIDUOUSLY every day, and after every Mass. ASSIDUOUSLY. If you’re ever having a rough day, feeling stress or anxiety about the world, remember, THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS in the venerable and August Rite of Gregory the Great was offered for you, today and every day. So it wasn’t a completely bad day. Not by a long shot.

A single Mass offered for oneself during life may be worth more than a thousand celebrated for the same intention after death.” St. Anselm

What a gift I have been given to be able to have Masses said for so many people, at a 1000x value relative to post-mortem Masses. The goodness of God never ceases to astound me.

Years ago, when I first put up a donation button, a demoniac emailed in, “What are you going to do? Pray to Baby J?”

And here I am, ten years later, doing EXACTLY that. I entrust my financial stuff to the Infant Jesus of Prague. Even the demons testify to the power and loving dominion of The Lord Our God, Jesus Christ. Remembering always that the fruit of the Third Joyful Mystery, the Nativity of Our Lord, is the SPIRIT OF POVERTY.

Saint Joseph, pray for us. Saint Peter, pray for us. Saint Anne, pray for us. Saint Philip Neri, pray for us. Saint Andrew, pray for us. Saint Catherine of Siena, pray for us. Saint Vincent Ferrer, pray for us. Saint Remigius, pray for us. St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us. Saint Cajetan, pray for us. Saints Benedict and Scholastica, pray for us. Saint Tiny Princess, pray for us. Mother Wilhelmina Lancaster, pray for us.

Our Lady of Copacabana, pray for us.

Infant Jesus of Prague, have mercy on us.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.