Monthly Archives: May 2024

As I’ve been screeching for years, the people in charge are literally functionally retarded. Here’s the guy running the U.S. and therefore the global economy saying that “the government LENDS money by selling bonds.”

He thinks that when the Chinese buy US paper, that we are loaning money to them. So, in his mind, all of the trillions in US bonds is money OWED to the U.S. Treasury. Not the other way around. He’s retarded. Straight up. And running the global economy.

So, I think I’ll start issuing bonds. Y’all can BUY bonds from me for, say, $100 per, you send me the money, and then YOU will owe ME the face value at maturity. And I guess the benefit you will get from this is that I won’t have the B.I.A. (Barnhardt Intelligence Agency, based out of Vangley, Lirginia) overthrow your government, and I’ll supply your oligarchs with child sex slaves? Sound about right?

Is it time for a Barnhardt Axiom #5?

“Retards are running the world.”

The prose is inelegant, but so is the underlying truth. For midwits to be running the world would be a massive step up. (Cough, Trump, cough.)

Hold Fast – the Truth WILL Out. AC/DC, The Lennon Sisters, Ivermectin and the Bergoglian Antipapacy and how they’re related.

This HAS to be the most bizarre topical mashup in the history of rhetoric. Buckle up, Buttercups.

So I’m watching a fascinating music theory channel the other evening, and a new video drops declaring The Lennon Sisters (from The Lawrence Welk Show) to be the best youth vocal group in history. Well, I’ve been saying this for a while in this very space! But what stopped me in my tracks was the fact that the person saying this is a long-haired rock guitarist wearing an AC/DC t-shirt. It was just such a gratifying moment, because it proved that Truth is Truth, and if you just have integrity and hold to your position which you KNOW to be true, the Truth WILL out eventually.  And now young electric guitarists are saying publicly, with no shame or embarrassment, what would have been absolutely UNTHINKABLE not too terribly long ago: that a squeaky clean group of four devout Catholic sisters who became famous for singing on THE LAWRENCE WELK SHOW… THE. LAWRENCE. WELK. SHOW… are the best secular youth vocal group in history.

Even if you aren’t a musical person, these music theory videos are absolutely fascinating, and the ability to isolate and graph vocals to visualize pitch and vibrato is riveting. The rocker dude also makes the point that families, in particular siblings, clearly have a huge advantage in vocal harmonizing. I think The Everly Brothers are the quintessential example of this, with The Statler Brothers and, of course, The Beach Boys right there too.

And it tickles me to no end that he uses as his example performance, “Swinging on a Star”.

Now, in a similar vein, all kinds of people are suddenly crawling out of the woodwork and publicly declaring that the Death Injections are poisonous (AstraZeneca has pulled their poison globally, admitting it causes blood clots), AND that Ivermectin was safe and effective all along, and that “Joe Rogan was right.” I’m cynical enough to STILL not trust any of these people, but it is another example of just holding fast to the objective, observable truth and having HOPE and FAITH that the Truth WILL out. Because it always, always will, because the Truth is a Person – Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Triune Godhead. Every knee WILL bow, and every tongue WILL confess, eventually.

And so now, as I said to a member of the Catholic Media earlier today, I am completely, totally confident that this dynamic of “the Truth outing” WILL occur with regards to the Bergoglian Antipapacy. It’s all obvious. The dataset is right there, clear as the Lennon Sisters’ harmonies, observable, visible and documented as the efficacy and safety of Ivermectin. In fact, more so. FAR more so. And that’s what so many still refuse to admit: HOW VISIBLY OBVIOUS the Bergoglian Antipapacy is.

I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever, that one day we’ll all wake up, and all of a sudden all kinds of people are going to be saying publicly, “Bergoglio is an Antipope. Benedict never validly resigned.” And it will be just that fast – like Andrew Cuomo singing the praises of Ivermectin and admitting that he takes it prophylactically just a few days ago.

I’m occasionally asked if I worry about being wrong about Bergoglio being an Antipope, and Pope Benedict’s resignation being invalid. The answer is a resounding NO. I harbor as much doubt about that as I do about the sum of 1 and 1 being 2. And that is no exaggeration. The Bergoglian Antipapacy and the antecedent invalidity of Pope Benedict’s attempted partial resignation is as obvious as adding one and one to get two. It is observable, obvious, objective TRUTH. I have ZERO doubt that it will be acknowledged and proclaimed openly, eventually. The Fruit of the Second Glorious Mystery, the Ascension of the Lord, is HOPE. The Fruit of the Fourth Sorrowful Mystery, The Carrying of The Cross to Calvary, is PATIENCE and PERSEVERANCE.


So there you go. AC/DC, The Lennon Sisters, Ivermectin, and the Bergoglian Antipapacy in one rhetorical construct.

As always, I hope this helps.

St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us.

Our Lady of Copacabana, pray for us.

Lord Jesus Christ, Ascended to the Right Hand of The Father, have mercy on us.

Despite any and all announcements to the contrary, the Theological Virtue of HOPE has not been suppressed nor abrogated.

HOPE is the Fruit of the Second Glorious Mystery of the Rosary, the Ascension.

I love the account of the Ascension in Mark 16, because it says very bluntly that Our Lord, in His last moments to be with the Apostles corporeally before Ascending to the Right Hand of the Father, basically chewed them out – upbraided is the word used – for their FAITHLESSNESS, their incredulity and hardness of heart.

Yes, despite the fact that the events of the previous three years, while certainly prophesied, were UNPRECEDENTED, and despite the fact that the Apostles were all a bunch of unlettered working men with zero authority within the context of the Old Covenant Levitical paradigm, Our Lord still chewed them out for their failure to “get it”, which was NOT a function of education or even Levitical status, but of FAITH.

And then He ascended before their eyes, and even though Our Lord had just commanded them to go and do what seemed impossible in every sense, to spread the Gospel to the entire world, they were so filled with Hope, that they did it.

Folks, there is ALWAYS hope. There is always a visible path forward. There is always a proverbial “trail of breadcrumbs”, and God is God and CANNOT be hamstrung or out-maneuvered. Ever. And WE are called, just as the Apostles were almost 2000 years ago to go “git ‘er dun”, and we have the selfsame Paraclete (He goes by “Holy Ghost” in many parts) to help us.

Beware ANYONE who preaches a faux gospel of hopelessness. Beware anyone who tries to tell you that “peace of mind” comes from giving up, and that a retreat into adolescent, effeminate, narcissistic “not my problem-ism” is virtuous.

I think I heard something like this at Mass once…

To Thee, O God, my God, I will give praise upon the harp; why art thou sad, O my soul, and why dost thou disquiet me? Hope in God, for I will still give praise to Him: the salvation of my countenance and my God.

RFK Jr. said, “A worm ate a chunk of my brain and then died.” To which Pedo Biden replied, “Bold my heer…”

Battle of the Brain damaged stars is just PERFECT for the post-American clown show farce. Let’s get Fetterman in there. He’s sounding more “right wing” than Trump lately. Didn’t have THAT on my bingo card.

How about running RFK Jr.’s Dead Worm/Fetterman as a ticket? “It’s Sundown in ‘Murica”.

I shall send you over to Mr. BigFurHat at our old stomping grounds,, for full reportage.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week are Rogation Days – wherein Nurse Claire reminds us that since the Freemasonic NWO has declared open war on the food supply, praying for “a good harvest” now carries a whole new meaning.

You ARE checking Nurse Claire’s blog, daily, yes? I tell you truly, just the banner image on her blog gives me joy every time I see it. Nurse Claire is a busy lady, and doesn’t post daily – but when she posts, it’s QUALITY.

I’m editing a Nurse Claire and Dr. Beep podcast today. The editing will be easy – the show notes will be a short book. Absolutely amazing information. Don’t miss it when it drops!

Here’s the intro to her post. Be sure to click through and READ THE WHOLE THING…


Nurse Claire Says

Minor Rogation days – praying for our food

Posted by Nurse Claire

According to the traditions of the Church, the three days preceding Ascension Thursday (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday THIS week) are minor rogation days (the major day is April 25 – also the feast of St Mark).   The Church instituted these days of prayer and fasting in order to appease God’s Justice for man’s transgressions, ask protection in calamities, and PRAY FOR A BOUNTIFUL HARVEST.  Given the assaults on our food chain, I want to focus on this opportunity to implore God’s assistance.

I’m sure I don’t need to remind this readership about all the globalist threats to our food supply.  The diabolical practices of Big Food and Big Ag have violated God’s creation; widespread chronic health problems stemming from these grotesque practices could even be considered a chastisement.

Let us pray to appease God’s anger towards these abuses, for His protection against ongoing calamities, and that we receive the blessing of a bountiful (and healthy) harvest….

So… Pink Eye is now “Bleeding Eyeball Bird AIDS” according to the satanic NWO fear mongering media. It’s all so tiresome…

This is Drudge right now:

So Hose-B in Tejas has pinkeye. Just a standard case of pinkeye. But it’s now “Bird Flu bleeding eyeballs”.

They do this because yes, most people, sadly, and this must be said, are indeed stupid enough to fall for this crap.

Lemme guess: mandatory mRNA injections to ‘prevent’ Bleeding Eyeball Bird AIDS in 3…2…1….

And Athlete’s Foot is now Gangrene.

And dandruff is now “Skin Wasting Syndrome.”

And hangnails are now “spontaneous extra digit eruptions.”

I could do this all day….

The Parable of St. Athanasius Driving a D8 Caterpillar

Today is the Feast of St. Athanasius!

I was originally inspired to post this visual metaphor by the big “Letter” posted and signed by 19 people accusing Antipope Bergoglio of being a heretic a while back. Well, duh, of course he is. But he isn’t now nor has he ever been the Pope, so the whole exercise is built on a false premise. The Venn Diagram of the raging psycho heretic Jorge Bergoglio and the Papacy have zero overlap. Zero.

We love action.  There’s no doubt about that.  But here’s the problem.  The BASE PREMISE from which any action proceeds MUST BE TRUE.  Truth is the foundation, and out of Truth proceeds Charity.  Out of Charity proceeds works.  In order for these actions or works to be effective, they MUST proceed out of the TRUTH.  If acts proceed out of a charity built upon a false base premise, the acts will not only never get any real traction, but they will generally lead to more chaos, which yields despair after a while, as we are seeing.

You all have noticed that all of these initiatives never accomplish anything, right?  It isn’t because there is “nothing we can do”.  The problem is that these actions are like a two wheel drive 1981 Isuzu pickup stuck in the mud. No matter how much you mash the throttle, you’re never getting any traction.  In fact, the wheel-spinning just digs the wheels into the mud deeper.  You can even get 19 of your friends to push, but they can’t get any traction in the slick mud of error, so it just turns into a big, muddy cluster-bungle.  Pretty soon the 19 friends either start fighting with each other in their frustration over their inability to accomplish anything, or they just walk off in despair calling the whole thing futile.

But the man whose works proceed out of a charity built upon the TRUTH is like the driver of a D8 Caterpillar. The mud doesn’t even faze the D8.  Its tracks move over mud with complete security. The D8 is the master of the mud.  The mud is moved away by the D8, and the mud has nothing to say about it.  And while the 1981 2WD Isuzu is being pushed to no effect by 19 men, one man alone, let’s call him ATHANASIUS, can sit in the cab of the D8 and maneuver the big yellow behemoth literally with his fingertips.  Alone.  The TRUTH gives him that power, because the Truth is Our Lord Himself.

Pope Benedict XVI’s attempted partial abdication and “fundamental transformation” of the Papacy, something he and the entire German theological academy had been discussing AD NAUSEUM since the 1960s (you HAVE READ J. Michael Miller’s ARSH 1979 dissertation, “The Divine Right of the Papacy in Recent Ecumenical Theology”, RIIIIGHT?), into a “collegial, synodal ministry/function” along the lines of “active governance of the Church” and “prayerful contemplative” lines was SUBSTANTIALLY ERRONEOUS, and thus per Canon 188 backed up by Canon 332.2 was INVALID BY THE LAW ITSELF, and thus Pope Benedict XVI, despite his attempt to kinda-sorta-but-not-completely quit, never stopped being the one and only Pope, and remained so until his death on 31 December, ARSH 2022.

As we all know well, ERROR HAS NO RIGHTS, including substantial errors made by a Pope in the context of an attempted resignation.  Rights are a claim given ultimately by God, and God has no error in Him, nor ever can have error in Him.  Therefore, to say that the Pope, or even more laughably the College of Cardinals, or College of Bishops in toto, can give RIGHTS to ERROR, even a Papal error, is to put both the Pope himself and – wait for it – the College of Cardinals ABOVE GOD (never mind Canon Law!).  We have the word Papolatry, now we’re going to have to coin “Episcopalatry” and “Cardinalatry”.

Well, folks.  The D8’s idling, and there’s mud to push, and I’ve got a spring in my step, a bee in my bonnet, and a bat in my belfry, so keep a close eye on this space.

Keep your chin up, go to Mass as often as you possibly can, pray the Rosary, and if the priests where you are STILL commemorate “Fwanciss” at the Te Igitur, consider asking Our Lord to give you any temporal punishment, if any, that your priest might be incurring by commemorating an Antipope, as I started doing a while back, in imitation of Our Lord in the Garden. “Oddly”, doing this makes assisting at a Mass at which Antipope Bergoglio might still be erroneously commemorated even more awesome and profitable, and enflames tremendous compassion toward priests today, so many of whom are frightened, confused and internally conflicted by the Bergoglian Antipapacy.

And thanks to one and all, truly, for the incredible continuing support, both financial (which never ceases to gobsmack me) and with your truly kind emails of edification and encouragement, and assurances of prayer.  Folks, if I make it to the Beatific Vision, we’re going to have one HECK of a party in whatever room I get in the Celestial Mansion.  I’m talking the super-fancy truffle baloney and ALL the smelly cheeses – classy.  I hope it has a mini-fridge!  And I’m going to let Our Lord bring the wine.  Word is He has excellent taste.

St. Athanasius, contra mundum, pray for us!

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us, and on Your Holy Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation.

Yup. Destroy EVERY business or organization that employs transvestite demoniacs – especially businesses or organizations that involve children.

Remember, a few short years ago, parents would have IMMEDIATELY summoned the police in this situation. “Yes, 9-1-1? I need police at the gymnastics studio at 500 Main Street. There is a man in makeup loitering and approaching children….”