{The preface below was written in ARSH 2022 before Pope Benedict died. -AB ’24}
(This is a repost by request from ARSH 2017. If we truly love Pope Benedict, we must pray for him unceasingly and do everything we can to encourage someone to go to him and TELL him, NOT ask him, that his attempted partial resignation was completely invalid before he dies. Blowing smoke up his cassock and telling ourselves the lie that he is playing 5-D underwater chess and dealing in some “code” is false, and will only result in terrible scandal to the pious faithful, AND is an act of horrific indifference and lack of charity towards the Holy Father himself to NOT acknowledge the truth of this situation. Charity proceeds from truth, not the other way around. Effeminate sentimentality is precisely the vice and error that has caused the collapse of the Christian West and enabled the Antichurch to rise. -AB ’22)
Dear Children,
It has been over nine years since I abandoned you and declared myself your “father emeritus”, but I wanted to write this letter to you in the hopes that it would console you. As I said when I was walking out the door, I have not ceased to be your father, I have just chosen to only be your father in the passive, contemplative, inactive, absentee sense. After all, who is to say how many “fathers” a child can have? What’s important is not who is or is not your father, but rather what fatherhood MEANS. Fatherhood for me means withdrawing from the active duties of fatherhood while maintaining the spiritual aspect, and in doing this, stepping aside and making way for another man to become your “active father”. In doing this, I have expanded fatherhood, thus permanently transforming fatherhood into a collegial, synodal, shared ministry. At least, that is what I tell myself.
I want you to know that I am fully aware that since I abandoned Your Mother and all of you, that a raging psychopath calling himself your “active father” has moved into your house and is now raping and beating Your Mother before your eyes on a daily basis. I am also aware that he is beating you, emotionally abusing you, poisoning you, and is exposing you to his cabal of friends, almost all of whom are sodomites/boy rapists.
I want you to know that I am aware of this, and assure you of my closeness to you in prayer. I hope this consoles you.
Further, I want you to know that things are going to get much, much worse. Don’t ask me how I know this. Let’s just say that when I was still your Active Father, I … was made privy to certain… secrets.
The psychopath and his sodomite/boy raping friends are going to rape and beat Your Mother so badly that it will literally require a supernatural miracle to save her life. She will not die, but she will be raped and beaten unto death. All of this will be done before your very eyes. In fact, the psychopath and his sodomite gang will luxuriate in the fact that you, the children, will see this happen.
As for you, my dear, dear children, many of you will not survive this. You will be beaten, berated, poisoned and some of you will also be raped. For many of you, this abuse and terror will be so intense that you will abandon Your Mother and commit de facto suicide. Others of you will turn into exactly the same kind of psychopathic monsters as your “active father” and his gang. The only promise I can make to you is that at least ONE of you will survive. It is possible that ALL BUT ONE of you, my children, will be lost.
But take heart! I am aware of what is happening to you, and I am close to you in prayer.
Now, you may be wondering why it is that I don’t call the police, notify someone, or take any action against the psychopath that is raping and beating Your Mother, and trying as hard as he can to kill all of you.
This is rather difficult to explain, and even more difficult to write, but I will try to explain it simply. You see, while I am completely responsible for abandoning you, I am also largely responsible for creating the psychopath that is now calling himself your “active father”, all of his sodomite/boy raping gang, and the entire matrix within which they subsist.
In order for me to help you, I would have to admit that not only did I make a terrible, terrible mistake – in fact, in Law it is called a “SUBSTANTIAL ERROR”, but I would also have to admit that my entire adult life, going back at least 60+ years now, was built upon a completely erroneous and false worldview even down to the level of metaphysics. While I would never do the things that the psychopath who calls himself your “active father” is doing to Your Mother or to any of you children, I did work very hard years ago to create the environment of which he and his gang are a direct product. And then, (eleven) years ago, I ran away to be your “father emeritus” and left the door standing wide open, and the psychopath and his gang walked into Our Family Home, and began their program of systematic destruction, rape and murder.
Now, kids, I love you, but I’m sure you understand that I simply cannot admit to any of these mistakes, no matter how glaringly obvious they are, and no matter how badly all of you and Your Mother are hurt by them. To say that my entire adult life and work has been not just merely erroneous, but has been, quite possibly, the most catastrophic thing ever to happen to Our Family is simply impossible. No one could expect me to humiliate myself like that, and nothing is worth that kind of humiliation. Nothing. I’m sure you all understand the position I am in. This is why I can’t say anything, much less call the police or alert any of your uncles. Not that alerting your uncles would help – there are only a handful left that aren’t in the psychopath’s gang, and all of your good uncles are effeminate and no good in a fight anyway. Very much like me.
I hope that while Your Mother is being raped and beaten unto death, and you yourselves are picked-off one by one, that you will be consoled knowing that I have been saved any public humiliation, and, I repeat, that I am fully aware of what is happening to you, and that I am close to you in prayer.
My advice is, appease the psychopath that calls himself your “active father”, and maybe he will kill you last. That’s what I am going to do.
Pray for me, and be consoled by my awareness of what is happening to you and my closeness to you in prayer-
Your “Contemplative Father Emeritus” (at least that’s what I call myself)

Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger, the one and only living Pope, whether he liked it or not, from April ARSH 2005 until his death on December 31, ARSH 2022. Pray for the repose of his soul..