Well, Ann, good work.
Here’s a brief update from an insider. Two points:
Board of trustees of Saint Patrick’s had a meeting yesterday and they were up in arms about the fagola ‘Mass.’
This shows that no amount of Dolan backpedaling; blaming the media; & gaslighting is working or is going to work.
Second, Fr. Dougherty (former Maryknoll Missionary head–an order that went the way of the Paulist fathers over on W. 60th St. by Lincoln Center, I’m sure you’ve read of their scandals–“god is trans” etc. ) knew full well in advance of all aspects of the program. He knew it was for a tran man. He knew the whole entourage would show up. He was ordered last minute not to do a funeral Mass for the freak show that had materialized, it wasn’t his call. And as you know he exulted in the whole thing like a pig in shit, as we say on the farm.
And, Dolan knows he knew. And we (the Dumb Sheep) all know Dolan Knew that Daugherty knew, and they know we know.
So for Dolan to proclaim him ‘heroic’ shows just how corrupt that fat bastard is. (Pardon my French.) [It was the head liturgist of St. Patrick’s that ordered Fr. Dougherty to NOT perform a Mass, but stop as a “Liturgy of the Word” ONLY AFTER after multiple men in drag got up and spewed the most satanic blasphemies from the ambo with the crowd squealing and roaring like Orcs. Yeah, the fact that there were mutilated transvestite men, some wearing thongs with their buttocks exposed, entering the church and seated in the nave for probably at least an hour beforehand, with a mock icon of the dead male transvestite prostitute with “WHORE” written across the top set up in the sanctuary WAS NO CLUE AT ALL that anything was amiss. -AB]
Bottom line the campaign is working. We need to call for full-blown Exorcism. Father Salvo, while clueless and a featherweight, does not appear to be in on it. FYI, Father Salvo is a former telanovella soap opera star — you can’t make this stuff up, as you frequently say — but to his credit is subject to execution in Nicaragua to which he was barred from returning for his mother’s funeral. His TV background plus airhead appearance probably explains why he gets along so well with the gay contingent running the archdiocese of New York. He is extremely unlikely to make waves, yet if he’s a faithful Priest, as, believe it or not, I suspect he is based on his friends (my friend [redacted]) he’s wondering what the hell is he supposed to do with this mess.
In his interview with Fr. Ripperger (prominently featured on the St. Pat’s website), he actually hits on the very exact solution. Fr. Ripperger says: “So I told the bishop call an exorcist!”
Never a dull moment in the Church today, is there! Don’t forget, tomorrow is Saint Peter Damien’s feast! We should send a copy of his The Book of Gomorrah to Dolan!
Dolan is enthrall to the gay lobby. Corporate $$$ = lots of beer at table.
One other thing, Dolan was gay mafia fellow traveller if not member from his first days in New York. 2008 or ’09.
That’s why the Polish Dominicans up at Columbia U. were thrown out 13 years ago–they & Fr. Neuhaus advised Dolan to get rid of Sullivan as vicar general. Dolan never forgot, Sullivan never forgave: Adios O. P. Poles. And Sullivan goes to to the bishopric of Camden, where he just killed the Old Latin Mass.
Anyway, good job posting the Rector’s email. [Apparently the Rector received enough emails from outraged Catholics that they completely deactivated the email address. Zero surprise there. -AB]
You might do the same for the trustees, or at any rate put out the call & ask others to.
In Corde Christi-
Here’s a little photo essay of the Cardinal Archbishop of New York repeatedly, over a span of years, acting like a complete faggot by pretending to be a Radio City Rockette. But then, it isn’t acting. Just look at who his friends are.

L-R, McCarrick, Dolan, Wuerl, DiNardo