Archbishop Vigano to Speak at Online Conference!!!
“Is the Pope Catholic?”
A Conference Seeking the Truth about the “Two Popes”

Saturday December 9, 2023
His Excellency Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Fr. James Altman
Fr. Paul Kramer
Dr. Ed Mazza
Elizabeth Yore
Ann Barnhardt
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On February 11, 2013, two tremendous bolts of lightening struck the Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica, directly above the Tomb of the Apostle–the same day Pope Benedict announced his stunning Declaratio! Stranger still, in the Vatican, for the next decade, two men wore the signature white cassock, two men bestowed their own personal Apostolic Blessings on the faithful and two men were formally addressed as “His Holiness.” One resided in seclusion and self-imposed silence, in prayer and meditation at the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery in the Vatican Gardens. The other still resides in the Domus Sanctae Marthae, the Vatican hotel, which was built to house visiting cardinals. (Curiously, the Papal Apartments located in the Apostolic Palace since the 17th Century remain uninhabited.) The unexpected renunciation of Benedict and his perplexing presence in the Vatican as “Pope Emeritus” still confounds Catholics as much as–in some sense, even more than–the globalism and heterodoxy of the putative pope, Francis.
Now that the new “Synodal” Church is being foisted upon us, it’s time to seek the truth about the “two Popes.” It’s time for the silent majority to speak out. As conference speaker, His Excellency Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has prophetically intoned:
Among the titles of the Roman Pontiff recurs, along with
Christi Vicarius, that of Servus servorum Dei [“Servant of the
servants of God”]. While the former has been disdainfully
rejected by Bergoglio, his choice to retain the latter sounds
like a provocation, as evidenced by his words and deeds.
The day will come when the Presuli of the Church will be
asked to clarify what intrigues and what conspiracies could
have led to the Throne him who acts as “Servant of Satan’s
servants,” and why they have fearfully witnessed his
intemperances or made themselves accomplices of this
proud heretical tyrant. Let those who know and who keep
silent out of false prudence tremble: by their silence they do
not protect the honor of the Holy Church, nor do they
preserve the simple ones from scandal. On the contrary,
they plunge the Bride of the Lamb into ignominy and
humiliation, and turn the faithful away from the Ark of
salvation at the very moment of the Flood.
Various speakers at “Is the Pope Catholic?” Conference will consider the possibility of 1) the invalidity of Pope Benedict’s resignation, or 2) the invalidity of Bergoglio’s acceptance of the Papacy, or 3) Bergoglio’s loss of office due to public material (if not formal) heresy.
Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church, Canon 748 §1. “All persons are bound to seek the truth in those things which regard God and his Church…are bound by the obligation…of embracing and observing the truth which they have come to know.”
Fr. Franz Wernz and Fr. Pedro Vidal’s Ius Canonicum, an eight-volume work published in 1943, which is perhaps the most highly respected commentary on the 1917 Code of Canon Law, states:
“Finally they cannot be numbered among the schismatics, who refuse to obey the Roman Pontiff because they consider his person to be suspect or doubtfully elected on account of rumors in circulation.”