We’re team Barbie. pic.twitter.com/bdwhuTUHxM
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) August 6, 2023
We’re team Barbie. pic.twitter.com/bdwhuTUHxM
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) August 6, 2023
Let no man deceive you by any means, for unless there come a revolt first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition,
Ne quis vos seducat ullo modo : quoniam nisi venerit discessio primum, et revelatus fuerit homo peccati filius perditionis,
4 Who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God.
qui adversatur, et extollitur supra omne, quod dicitur Deus, aut quod colitur, ita ut in templo Dei sedeat ostendens se tamquam sit Deus.
Pray for this filthy wretch’s reversion. Remember, to write off ANYONE, including Antipope Bergoglio, is to deny that our sins are infinitely drowned in the infinitude of Christ’s shed Blood and redemptive and salvific work on the Cross – that is, to deny the Divinity of Christ.
Writing Antipope Bergoglio off while he is still alive is PROFOUNDLY anti-Christian. Every Antipope with the regrettable exception of Antipope Anacletus II were deposed and corrected WHILE THEY STILL LIVED, precisely so that they could REPENT.
Antipope Bergoglio must not only REPENT, but also REVERT TO CATHOLICISM. None of the other Antipopes have had this massive sinful burden. Not anything like this. This isn’t political. This is anti-Catholic at its roots.
(Thank you for all of the prayers for my friend John in Rome. The situation continues sideways, and as of this writing, transferring hospitals is not “possible”. He was brought Holy Communion in the early afternoon. Let’s hope that the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Most Holy Eucharist in the halls of the Hospital sent the demons into retreat.)
The Transfiguration, Fra Angelico, ARSH 1442, Convent of San Marco Cell 6, Florence
From Dom Gueranger:
“The King of Jews and Gentiles revealed Himself upon the mountain, where His calm splendour eclipsed for evermore the lightnings of Sinai; the covenant of the eternal alliance was declared, not by the promulgation of a law of servitude engraven upon stone, but by the manifestation of the Lawgiver Himself, coming as Bridegroom to reign in grace and beauty over hearts.”
My friend went to the Santo Spirito hospital for inpatient diagnostic work, which is yards from St. Peter’s square and almost directly across the street from the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina- where the Pachamama was enthroned and Alexander Tschugguel removed the idols and tossed them into the Tiber River. He walked in under his own power, alone.
He has, in the past 30 hours, so far, been tortured by conscious willful negligence that could have resulted in severe internal injuries. As he was calling for help, in agony, not only did the nurses refuse to respond much less help, when he started screaming for help by necessity, they wheeled him out of the ward and into the entrance hallway, apparently to punish him for disturbing them as they sat around doing nothing. This is a species of torture.
He is alone, so all we could do was pray as these horrific messages came rolling in, and very interestingly, two very kind and exceptionally competent MALE nurses appeared out of nowhere and helped my friend and retuned him to the ward and then disappeared. Angels? It’s certainly possible. Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more. And for every demon, there are two angels. We know this.
This morning at the shift change, the next batch of psychopath Nurse Ratcheds were loudly yelling so that the patients could hear, “We should kill all the patients. It will make our day better.” This is psychological torture. They also regularly refer to the patients openly in front of them as “animals”.
Patient right to informed consent? When my friend asks what they are giving him in his IV and why, the only answer they will give is “Because I’m the doctor.”
Folks, demonic oppression is REAL, and physical proximity to loci of demonic activity and hellmouths is dangerous.
I also very strongly suspect that all over the world over the past three-plus years, where people were mass-murdered via Remdesevir, ventilators and the conscious withholding of care, that we now have many, many thousands of new mass murderers – serial killers – who have the taste for blood and power who can torture and even kill human beings in their care without the slightest qualm. They are doctors and nurses. Not all, but some.
Pachamama, aka Lucifer, wants its blood offering, one way or another.
In your charity, please lift up “Ann’s friend John in the Santo Spirito hospital in Rome”, for his protection from harm, that he get out of that hospital ASAP, and for his healing, health and well-being.
Thank you. 🙏🏻
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Our Lady of Copacabana, slayer of the Pachamama demon, pray for us.
God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Church of Santa Maria in Traspontina with the demon enthroned. It’s a hellmouth now.
Front door, sanctioned “artistic display” of Santa Maria in Traspontina in April of ARSH 2023. Photo taken by Fr. Zuhlsdorf. The hospital is across the street from this.
Our Lady of Copacabana.
If you watch enough of this channel, your brain will reflexively start “hearing” all animal voices as being black folks talking to each other. It’s hilarious.
Bonus clip: I think my favorite so far is the Ostrich. Between how the ostrich is actually George Jefferson strutting and the voiceover… I’m ded. 😂
Plus: Upcoming Mazza MiniCourse AND Fall Semester class enrollment!
This is THE class on the role of Mary in Christ’s Victory over Evil. 7 part mini course honoring the 50th anniversary of Our Lady’s warnings at Akita of the Devil infiltrating the Church. Learn how Mary leads her children to victory over errors both inside and outside the Church: from the Passion to Pachamama. Virgin Most Powerful, Pray for us!
Join us as we learn the deepest truths of Faith and Morals by journeying with Dante Alighieri (1266-1321) through the Afterlife: Theology, Philosophy, History, Literature, Sin, Sanctity—and Love!—in Medieval Christendom: lessons for TODAY!
Poison Ivy trial results below. They are… COMPELLING.
Now: let’s try Ivermectin applied topically, and ideally with concurrent oral dosage – attack dermal maladies from both the outside AND the inside – on
–Athlete’s Foot,
–Acne, and
–fungal nails.
Probably the best topical option is the horse paste, just because of the viscosity, but I myself use the 1% injectable as a topical treatment. The 1% injectable carriers are propylene glycol and glycerol formal, so it goes on the skin like a very light oil. Not at all unpleasant.
My goodness. How many youngsters suffer from and are even scarred by acne… and we might have the answer in Ivermectin. Again, I would STRONGLY suggest doing BOTH a topical AND oral dose so that you’re attacking from the surface AND from underneath via the bloodstream. And yes, I would do the full treatment dose per the body weight dosage table HERE. Don’t mess around. As per the post below, Ivermectin is provably one of the safest drugs in the world.
I hope this helps!!!
Ave Maria! Ann you asked in one of your posts if anyone has tried Ivermectin on Poison Ivy. Yesterday an elderly woman in her late 70’s who volunteers helping with gardening around our friary complained to me that her poison ivy was itching and extremely troublesome for her. She had contracted it on July 15th and said it seemed to be mild until the other day when she worked up a sweat in the extremely hot weather we have been having. She has it not only on her arms but even around her lower legs around her ankles. I asked her if she was willing to be a guinea pig and try Ivermectin. She agreed and she applied about two doses of the horse paste on her arms and ankles. I have attached before and after photos. She applied it around 11:50am and the itching stopped within 15 minutes and as you can see in the after photo which was about an hour later the swelling and redness had gone down noticeably. She told me later that the itching returned at about 2pm. Just for further information she has been vaxxed at least twice, not sure about the booster. I did not know if she would be open to taking it orally. If so, would you use the dosage for weight if one has COVID on your chart? Hope this helps and others have supplied you with some testimony. Ave Maria!