Fr. Z is over in Rome, and walked past the church that had the huge Pachamama demon display in October of ARSH 2019, including with the photograph of a woman breastfeeding a pig that is going to be slaughtered as an offering to the Pachamama demon. You think I’m kidding. This is the church that the Austrian guy, Alexander Tschugguel, removed the demonic idols from and then threw them in the Tiber. It was an excellent idea, but always remember that demonic objects must be burned, and the ash disposed of in running water. Burning the idols on the bridge would have been impossible. Because they weren’t burned, Antipope Bergoglio was able to claim that he had the police retrieve the idols from the river – who knows if this is true, as Antipope Bergoglio is a facile and inveterate liar, like satan his father.
Anyway, LOOK at the open demonic manifestation on the front door of the church, Santa Maria in Traspontina right now:
Zoom in..,
All the way in…
Yup. This is absolutely, 100%, a mocking taunt by the demons who were ensconced in and now occupy this church. If you were to turn left 90 degrees, this would be your view almost to the spot:
I believe St. Peter’s is currently a hellmouth and needs to be fully exorcized and reconsecrated due to the open demon worship that Antipope Bergoglio did in October ARSH 2019 when he placed a Pachamama demon plant (the proxy used in the demonic rituals of the Pachamama cult) on the high altar at the Offertory of the Mass, as well as the rampant sodomy and God only knows what else goes on in there. Here is my personal testimony of my run-in with the preternatural in St. Peter’s years ago.
So, a word to the wise if you go on pilgrimage to Rome: stay out of St. Peter’s, and stay out of Santa Maria in Traspontina just up the street. The preternatural is real. Don’t mess with it. Take the demons at their word here: