The Resurrection, Francesco Buoneri (“Cecco del Caravaggio”), ARSH 1619-1620, Art Institute of Chicago.
This is my favorite image of the Resurrection. I have seen it in person as it is now housed in the Art Institute of Chicago. If you get the chance to see it, do. The overshadowing strength and virility of Our Risen Lord is indeed breathtaking as you stand before this enormous canvas. Remember the “overshadowing shoulders” discussion? That was in the context of the Crucifixion. Now here are OVERSHADOWING SHOULDERS in the context of the Resurrection – full circle.
But what is equally striking about this image as you stand before it is the angel. He is pointing upwards, but looking straight out at the viewer, and let me tell you, when you are standing in front of it, it feels like that angel is looking at your very soul. His piercing yet benevolent gaze makes you blush.
And now what has become one of my very favorite pieces of music, good ol’ Cherubic Hymn No. 7. The words are sublime (even if the translation is a bit of a fudge), paired with sublime polyphony.
Happy Easter to one and all. Christ is truly risen! Yay!
Come, let us cast off all earthly care
And forget every vain employ
For the King of All comes in triumph
By unseen hosts of angels brought
To us that bid Him welcome
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!