Let us continue to fervently pray the Matthew 17: 20 Intention. If Pope Benedict dies with the status quo unchanged, petitions 2 and 4 will obviously be altered to reflect the vacancy of the Petrine See for the first time since April ARSH 2005, and prayers for the repose of Pope Benedict’s soul. But for now, we must PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!
The Matthew 17: 20 Initiative Intentions:
-that Antipope Bergoglio be publicly acknowledged and removed as Antipope, and that the entire Bergoglian Antipapacy be publicly recognized as null;
-that Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger be acknowledged as the uninterrupted one and only living Pope since his election in April of ARSH 2005;
-that Antipope Bergoglio repent, revert to Catholicism, die in a state of grace in the fullness of time, and someday achieve the Beatific Vision;
-and that Pope Benedict XVI repent of anything he might need to repent of, die in a state of grace in the fullness of time, and someday achieve the Beatific Vision.
Nothing less will do.
St. Michael the Archangel, guardian angel of the living Pope, Pope Benedict XVI, pray for us.
St. Benedict, pray for us.
St. Joseph, pray for us.
Our Lady of Copacabana, pray for us.
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.
I have received many emails from very worried people, and my advice is simple: Don’t worry – this situation WILL resolve, and when it does, it will be WONDERFUL. But we must continue in hope and prayer, thanking God ALWAYS that we are here, now to witness these events. The great saints begged God to be alive in OUR TIME and to see what WE ARE SEEING, and to live through what WE are living through. Our Lord loves His Holy Church, and loves every one of us, as individuals, INFINITELY. He is not trying to trick or deceive anyone. His grace is infinite, and superabundant in these days – IF we avail ourselves of it. He always, always, always provides a path forward which is visible and knowable. But the Sheep have free will, as LOVE requires, and can choose to ally themselves with the wolves, and even to jump into the gaping jaws of the wolves.
Think of The Blessed Virgin at the Foot of the Cross, as her Divine Son was mocked and heckled by those aligned with the demons. Then think of The Blessed Virgin on Holy Saturday as she held the nascent Church together in the face of not just death, but the death of God Himself. What did she say, I wonder? I suspect it was something like, Don’t worry. This situation WILL resolve, and when it does, it will be WONDERFUL. But we must continue in hope and prayer, thanking God ALWAYS that we are here, now to witness these events.
Here is a moving quote from Dom Prosper Gueranger on the Blessed Virgin Mary on Holy Saturday:
Mary alone lives in expectation of His triumph. In her was verified that expression of the Holy Ghost, where, speaking of the Valiant Woman, He says: “Her lamp will not be put out in the night” (Proverbs xxxi. 18) Her courage fails not because she knows that the sepulchre must yield up its Dead, and her Jesus will rise again to life. Saint Paul tells us that our religion is vain unless we have faith in the mystery of our Saviour’s Resurrection — where was this faith on the day after our Lord’s death? In one heart only, and that was Mary’s. As it was her chaste womb that had held within it Him whom heaven and earth cannot contain, so on this day, by her firm and unwavering faith, she resumes within her single self the whole Church. How sacred is this Saturday, which, notwithstanding all its sadness, is such a day of glory to the Mother of Jesus! It is on this account that the Church has consecrated to Mary the Saturday of every week.
Remember, these events have been prophesied IN SCRIPTURE:
-near-total apostasy from the top (check),
-a near-total loss of faith on earth (CHECK!!!),
-a False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist (the inversion of John the Baptist) whose primary agenda is to destroy marriage and family, sow utter chaos, and attack and tear down The True Church in preparation for the coming of the Antichrist (very likely Antipope Bergoglio – what would the FPFotA do differently from Bergoglio?) ,
-the ascent of an Antichurch (check),
-and the eventual removal of the “Restrainer”, the Katechon, which is understood to be the Pope qua Pope as written by The Holy Ghost through St. Paul in his Second Letter to the Thessalonians.
It’s all happening, and I’m here for it. WE’RE here for it. Our lamp will not be put out; our courage will not fail.
Pray for Pope Benedict, especially the Fourth Glorious Mystery of the Rosary, Our Lady’s Assumption into Heaven, the Fruit of which is the grace of a happy, holy, provided death.
And remember, whatever happens, however it happens, however the Divine Providence unfolds, we are called by faith, in hope to echo the words of David in Psalm 117, even if it be through tears:
This is the Lord’s doing: and it is wonderful in our eyes.
A Domino factum est istud, et est mirabile in oculis nostris.
As always, I hope this helps.