(If you were there, you know… đŸ˜‰ -AB)
As we all sit here over nine years after the invalid attempted resignation of Pope Benedict and the usurpation of the Petrine See and Antipapacy of Jorge Bergoglio, I thought it might be helpful to play a little game in which we compare Trad Inc. partisans ten years ago versus today. Ten years ago is in GREEN. Today is in RED. Let’s get started and see how many 180 degree flips we can easily identify.
Does the Pope have to be Catholic?
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO: Of course the Pope has to be Catholic! Isn’t that obvious? That’s the dumbest question I’ve ever heard! What in the world are you thinking?
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY: Of course not! Isn’t that obvious? That’s the dumbest question I’ve ever heard! What in the world are you thinking? You’re crazy!
Vector shift: 180 degrees.
Can the Pope be an Apostate?
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO: Of course the Pope can’t be an apostate! That’s completely irrational. What is wrong with you?
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY: Of course the Pope can totally be an apostate! What is wrong with you? You’re crazy!
Vector shift: 180 degrees.
Is the Papacy important?
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO: Of course the Papacy is important! The Petrine See is the rock upon which Christ built and sustains the Church Militant. The Pope is THE PRINCIPAL OF UNITY and thus Visible Head of the Church on earth. The Pope is the Vicar of Christ on earth.
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY: No! The Papacy is nearly irrelevant and always has been. We have just now figured this out. If you think the Papacy is anything other than a meaningless figurehead position, you’re crazy!
Vector shift: 180 degrees.
Is it a sin to believe that the Pope is an absolute monarch and is the beneficiary of a supernatural negative protection per the words of Jesus Christ in the Gospels?
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO: Of course that isn’t a sin! In fact, it is a non-negotiable infallibly declared Dogma of Catholicism!
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY: Yes! If you believe that the Pope is an absolute monarch and has supernatural negative protection, you are guilty of the grave mortal sin of Idolatry – the First Commandment. We call it “papolatry”. The entire Church Militant has been guilty of papolatry for the past 2000 years – every saint, every doctor of the Church. They were all, every one, idolators. And crazy.
Vector shift: 180 degrees.
Is the Pope the Principal of Unity and thus the standard of schism?
Vector shift: 180 degrees.
Can objective truth be known in real time? Can the identity of the current Vicar of Christ on Earth be known in the present?
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY: No. Truth can only be known in retrospect. It is impossible to know who the Vicar of Christ is in the present. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do in real time to make any determination. To think that the truth is knowable in the present is crazy!
Vector shift: 180 degrees.
Was Vatican I wrong?
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO: Of course not. Vatican I was an ecumenical council which declared Dogma infallibly.
Vector shift: 180 degrees.
Do you believe that satan, working through Freemasonry and global Communism is at war with and trying to destroy the Catholic Church by attacking the Papacy?
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY: Shut up, stupid crazy conspiracy theorist!! That’s CRAZY!
Vector shift: 180 degrees.
Is the lexicon of Canon Law precise or ambiguous?
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO: The lexicon of Canon Law is extremely precise, which is why people study and get advanced degrees in order to be canon lawyers. Words have meaning, especially in the realm of Canon Law.
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY: No. The words of Canon Law can mean whatever anyone wants them to mean. It’s all very loose and casual. Canon Law is extremely metonymic.
Vector shift: 180 degrees.
Is it sedevacantism to believe that the See of Peter is currently occupied?
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO: Um, no. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Sedevacantism is to believe that the See is VACANT. Believing that the See is occupied is the diametrical opposite of sedevacantism.
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY: Yes! Anyone who believes that the Petrine See is occupied by Pope Benedict is a sedevacantist! It’s exactly the same thing!
Vector shift: 180 degrees.
Can the College of Cardinals sh*tcan the Law by popular opinion and sanate illegal acts by consensus?
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO: Absolutely not. That is madness.
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY: Yes, they absolutely can. The College of Cardinals trumps Natural, Divine and Canon Law, trumps the Pope, and trumps God Himself. It’s a dogmatic fact!
Vector shift: 180 degrees.
Can a man be simultaneously the Pope, and NOT be the Pope?
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO: Of course not. That is a textbook violation of the Law of Non-contradiction.
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY: Yes, a man can be the Pope right now today, and simultaneously NOT be the Pope by virtue of a hypothetical ex post facto declaration at some point in the future. Ontological states of being are changeable. Reality is unstable, and the past timeline can be altered. The Law of Non-contradiction is false (but also true at the same time.)
Vector shift: 180 degrees.
Is Jesus Christ an oath-breaking liar?
TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO: Of course not. Jesus Christ is God, who neither deceives nor can be deceived, and is Himself perfect Fidelity.
Vector shift: 180 degrees.
I hope this helps.
Fast and pray for Pope Benedict, the one and only living Pope whether he likes it or not, the Papacy, and Holy Mother Church in terrifyingly visible eclipse, outside of which there is no salvation.