Worshiping satan is zero disqualification for high government office.
People are being sent to prison for saying that there are two immutable sexes.
Tiny children are being mandatorily groomed in schools by open pedophiles.
The longest standing ovation at the Venice Film Festival last week was for a movie about bisexual teenaged cannibals who felt “judged”.
And there’s that small ongoing matter of mandatory injections of openly known and proven poison sterilants.
And… an obvious Antipope at the head on the obvious Antichurch while the True Church, under intense persecution, glows in terrifyingly visible eclipse.
I take Ivermectin prophylactically on the 1st and 2nd, and 15th and 16th of the month, AND if I feel the first hint of a bug (Susan was naughty for waiting as long as she did – take Ivermectin at the first tickle; it can’t hurt, and it’s cheap, so there is no reason to delay) OR have been around anyone with a bug. I carry it in my purse at all times in an unmarked 50ml dropper bottle to give away to anyone who needs it. The stuff isn’t merely a broad-spectrum antiviral, but also an anti-inflammatory and there is all kinds of evidence rolling in that it is an anti-tumoric. Yes, as in ANTI-CANCER. It’s clearer every day why BigPharma and the Malthusians went to war against Ivermectin. Ivermectin actually helps people to be healthy, safely and inexpensively – and they want everyone sick and dead, consuming their satanically-expensive and now often CANNIBALISTIC poisons. It’s that simple, and that evil.
Thanks to Susan Matthiessen at the LesFemmes blog for sharing her testimony!
(Originally penned and posted on July 17, ARSH 2014. Jamie Dimon of J.P. Morgan infamy had just announced that he had throat cancer. Apparently he received chemotherapy and yet lives. This is the essay I referenced in Barnhardt Podcast #178, specifically the execution of the Nazi Hans Frank, who apparently died on the gallows shriven, and reconciled to Jesus Christ. -AB ’22
Um, yeah, so why EXACTLY did I have a Mass said for Jamie Dimon yesterday again?? Seems odd, no? There are multiple reasons:
a.) To pray for the salvation of his soul that he might not spend all of eternity burning in the deepest darkest corner of hell.
b.) To pray that he might be cured of his throat cancer, because if he dies of throat cancer anytime soon, he will not be able to be arrested, tried and executed for his crimes against humanity, and that would be a terrible deprivation, both to Dimon and to society in general.
c.) Because praying for the salvation and achievement of the Beatific Vision for one’s enemies is extremely constructive and good.
Justice is simply the social good, and it must therefore be done. It is defined as “giving each his due” – cuique suum, “to each his own.” A man is due his life because he is a living thing; it is his nature to have life; and, since it is also his nature to be moral, if a man commits a crime, he must be punished because punishment is retributive – punishment is the penalty due the criminal in justice to him. Proportioned punishment is due him, too, and you cannot deny him that right without yourself committing an injustice against him deserving punishment in turn. The judge who fails the criminal in punishment himself incurs a greater guilt.
-Dr. John Senior from his book, “The Death of Christian Culture”
Depriving criminals of the punishment justly due to them is NOT NOT NOT merciful, nor is it in any way CHARITABLE. It is, as Dr. Senior rightly pointed out, depriving him of his real, fundamental right to justice, which is another crime. If Jamie Dimon, Jon Corzine, Lloyd Blankfien, Mario Draghi, Christine Lagarde and the numerous other people who have committed crimes against humanity purely within the financial realm are not tried, and upon being found guilty, executed – because the punishment MUST be proportional, and these people have, without question, committed capital offenses – the odds of them ever repenting, being baptized (in the case of the Jews among them and unbaptized Gentiles) and thus attaining the Beatific Vision is massively, massively reduced. History proves and common sense dictates that being faced with one’s own execution has a way of … bringing moral clarity to the condemned man, a clarity that dying peacefully, hopped-up on painkillers in one’s twenty million dollar Long Island or French Riviera compound simply will not provide.
Remember how Nazi Hans Frank reverted to the Church after having apostatized while awaiting his execution, received the sacraments, and by all accounts died well and with humble dignity on the gallows with his last words being,’I am thankful for the kind treatment during my captivity and I ask God to accept me with mercy.’ If Hans Frank had never faced justice and the hangman, a death he so richly deserved, the odds of his reversion would have been infinitesimal.
Here is a short clip of the execution procession of a Nazi. Nothing gory is shown.
Note the the priest is in full choir dress and wearing the biretta (the liturgical hat). Birettas are NOT worn outside of liturgical functions. You NEVER see clerics or seminarians casually walking down the street in Rome wearing a biretta – only if they were walking in a formal liturgical procession would the biretta be worn outdoors. This shows that the Church considers the procession of the condemned to be a liturgical function requiring choir dress and the biretta, not a casual “accompaniment”. So how, exactly, can what Holy Mother Church considers LITURGICAL be “immoral” or “inadmissible”?
The OBVIOUS answer is because this heretical nonsense about the abolition of the death penalty has NO RELATION to Jesus Christ and His Holy Church. This is the sulphuric farting of Antipope Jorge Bergoglio, the probable False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist, and the Luciferian Antichurch occupying the Vatican of which he is the puppet front.
No, I had Mass offered for Jamie Dimon precisely because I fear that either the throat cancer OR our thoroughly wicked and cowardly culture will deprive him of the trial and execution to which he has an inalienable, Divinely ordained right, and may be his only hope for conversion, repentance and salvation.
I also know that to deprive Dimon of his just punishment will also edify others like him to commit other and larger crimes against humanity, and thus the deprivation of justice to Dimon is an act of violence against the totality of mankind.
In this episode we discuss the hellish spectacle of Joe Biden’s prelude to civil war speech, comment on the interesting parallels between the Church and the former united States: both being led by someone not validly elected, both are being split in half in a fight between progressives and conservatives, both are going to be objects for a massive chastisement that could start at any day. And while things are bad in the Church it’s always the right time to convert and join the Church. If you’re thinking about converting and aren’t sure, take a piece of advice from Shia: JUST DO IT!!!
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to [email protected] — or you can leave voicemail feedback at (302) 648-6373. (Alternate email addresses are [email protected] and [email protected] if you are looking for something more secure.)
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast, hosts Ann’s website, and more; if you got some value from these efforts and would like to return some value please visit SupernerdMedia.com to find out how to send a donation via a few other methods.
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God is so good. Not only does He provide, but He usually makes things available to us simply and at a minimal cost. In this case, all you need to do is open your medicine cabinet. Who doesn’t already have Pepto Bismol on hand?
Remember folks, the active ingredient here is Bismuth Subsalicylate, which other diarrhea meds like Maalox and Mylanta do not contain. What you want here is Ol’ Pink, either the brand name version, Pepto Bismol, or a generic equivalent. And either liquid or tablets are fine. Just as long as it contains Bismuth Subsalicylate.
Share aggressively, and stock up on Pepto, lest the Malthusian Murderers ban it. Their poisonous injections and toxic drugs (i.e. Paxlovid) must be defended from all competition! And as we move into respiratory virus season, add Pepto Bismol to your list of totally safe things to take if you get a chest bug whether you have gut issues or not, because… why not? It CANNOT hurt… unlike every other poison being pushed by BigPharma and the human population reduction criminals.
As always, I… WE hope this helps!
Bismuth subsalicylate as potential treatment for Covid-19 pneumonia: A case series report
1Department of Internal Medicine, Penn State Health Holy Spirit Medical Center, Camp Hill, PA, United States
2Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology and Neuroscience, Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, United States
Various literature cited suggests that bismuth may have usefulness against Covid-19 bothin vitroandin vivo. During the course of caring for Covid-19 patients we administered bismuth subsalicylate to those who displayed diarrhea and/or gastric complaints. Using relatively conservative criteria, upon retrospective review, we noted marked improvement in oxygen requirements in most of the cases. This improvement was observed even when prior therapy with standard anti-Covid drugs had failed. Our overall impression is that these positive results support a detailed evaluation of bismuth as an adjunct treatment for the treatment of Covid-19.
Remember ladies, you can do it! Just make the decision! No more sloppy modern clothes! Make apparel 1951 again! I get all of my dresses, semi-bespoke, from eShakti. And after the war, when textile manufacturing is re-started on the North American landmass in the Old South where the cotton is grown, someone PLEASE start up the eShakti business model domestically!
Green tea-length polka dot dress, light beige tulle-crinoline petticoat, beige espadrilles. Straw brimmed hat with matching green ribbon not shown.
“When green is all there is to be,
Well, it could make you wonder why,
But, why wonder? Why wonder?
I’m green and it’ll do fine ’cause it’s beautiful,
Joe Biden. Accused of incestuous pedophilia by his own daughter.
Antipope Jorge Bergoglio. Open protector of pedophiles, and himself accused of pedophilia and child sex trafficking in Argentina. Search “Gustavo Vera” in my search box on this website.
Open Satanist and NWO darling Marina Abramovic posing with “lord” Jacob Rothschild in front of Thomas Lawrence’s “Satan Summoning his Legions”.