Monthly Archives: September 2022

Crowdfund Recommendation: The Chap Who Runs the INVALUABLE Bible Website has Cancer and is Uninsured

I don’t know about you folks, but I use almost every day.  It is the Douay-Rheims-Latin Vulgate Bible – the official English translation of the Bible with St. Jerome’s Latin. The website is meticulously maintained and wonderfully laid-out.

The man who runs has cancer, and is uninsured.

I’ve checked around, and he is a good chap, based out of St. Marys, Kansas.

I think it’s time for all of us users of to step up and help Mr. Paul Mann. Let’s pray that he gets to worship God in The Immaculata basilica in St. Marys for many, many years!

Mr. Mann’s GoFundMe is HERE. Let’s get this done!

Best online Bible site right here, folks. 👇🏻

THIS is why Holy Mother Church has the right to execute heretics. Right here.

Belgian faggot Cardinal and bishops “promulgate” a pseudo-marriage “blessing” for faggots, dykes and trannies.

St. Paul made it explicitly clear that to publicly ratify sodomy is a CAPITAL CRIME. Which it most assuredly is.

For professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. And they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into the likeness of the image of a corruptible man, and of birds, and of fourfooted beasts, and of creeping things. Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness, to dishonor their own bodies among themselves. Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error. And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient;  Being filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness, full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity, whisperers, detractors, hateful to God, contumelious, proud, haughty, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, foolish, dissolute, without affection, without fidelity, without mercy.

Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them.

Romans 1: 22-32

Sodomy is cultural cancer, so to ratify sodomy would be akin to… I dunno… injecting a drug that caused cancer into the population. It’s a crime against humanity on the largest scale – the civilizational scale.

These prelates have forfeited their lives by this crime, and it is now, as John Senior so presciently said, a GREATER crime to deprive them of the just punishment that they have brought down upon themselves – laicization and execution.

Not only will that punishment not come, there will be total silence- and make absolutely no mistake: it will be the calculated silence of tacit total approval.

With respect to those “on-side”, the effeminate and slothful man deals with problems by pretending that they don’t exist- by looking away and saying, “This too shall pass…”

And, of course, no punishment will come from the Occupied Vatican because Antipope Bergoglio is not now and never has been the Vicar of Christ because Pope Benedict Ratzinger never validly resigned per the Substantial Error clause in Canon 188. Furthermore, it is almost impossible at this point to not strongly suspect Antipope Bergoglio of being THE False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist, the anti-John the Baptist, squatting atop the latrine that is the Freemasonic-sodomitical Antichurch.

And yet… silence.

Gotta keep that paycheck signed by the Institutional Church coming!

Gotta keep those social connections and boozy Roman dinner invites coming!

Gotta keep that career on track!

Can’t possibly entertain… CONSPIRACY THEORIES!!!

The Key Character in Brideshead Revisited Is Mrs. Beryl Muspratt

In the aftermath of the Freemasonic-sodomitical Antichurch document “The Exuberance of Sodomy”, which is the literal Classical Latin meaning of “Amoris Laetitia”, more than one piece was written on the novel “Brideshead Revisited”, and how the entire point of the novel was essentially mocked unto destruction by Antipope Bergoglio and his army of diabolical faggots.  I wrote on this previously in September of ARSH 2016.  Here is that piece, even more relevant now than it was before. I’m posting this as pre-study for my piece on Queen Elizabeth II, which shall be posted after she is buried. -AB ’22


There are a few more points on the subject of shame that I would like to expand upon.  The first comes from the novel “Brideshead Revisited”, which demonstrates, completely contrary to the Modernist, post-Christian, Bergoglian heresy, how shame is a medicinal mercy.  If we can self-generate shame without having to have it applied from the exterior, then so much the better.  In fact, we pray for shame in the First Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary – The Agony in the Garden, the fruit of which is “sorrow for sin”.  Shame.  We beg God to grant us the grace of shame.  But for many people, the shaming must be generated, at least initially, externally.  This is a function of charity – true charity, not the inverted platitude consisting of indifference yielding permissiveness, or in giving people “free stuff”, or just simply “what makes them feel good”.  No, true charity is joy in the existence of another and thus a focused desire that that person make it to heaven.  Full stop.

If you are not familiar with Brideshead Revisited, the context is easily explained.  Set between the World Wars in England, Julia is civilly divorced from Rex, and is shacking up with Charles, who is also civilly divorced.  Charles and Julia make a real cute couple and “love” each other (inasmuch as people who express their “love” for one another do so by knowingly flagellating and crucifying Christ in exchange for having an orgasm, can actually be said to love one another in any honest sense of the word.)  Bridey is Julia’s older brother.

[Bridey has just announced his engagement to Beryl Muspratt, a widow with three children. Julia asks why he hasn’t brought Beryl to Brideshead to meet her]

Lord Brideshead ‘Bridey’: [pompously] You must understand that Beryl is a woman of strict Catholic principle, fortified by the prejudices of the middle classes. I couldn’t *possibly* bring her here. It is a matter of indifference whether you choose to live in sin with Rex or Charles or both – I have always avoided enquiry into the details of your ménage – but in no case would Beryl consent to be your guest.
Julia Mottram: Why, you pompous ass!
[Julia walks out of the room, holding back tears]
Charles Ryder: Bridey! What a bloody offensive thing to say to Julia.
Lord Brideshead ‘Bridey’: [coldly] It was nothing she should object to. I was merely stating a fact well known to her.

Long story short, Julia eventually breaks off her double-adulterous affair with Charles and lives at home, alone for the rest of her life, reconciled to Our Lord through His Holy Church, namely through the Sacrament of Confession. Charles also converts to Catholicism and, it is presumed, lives a chaste life as well.

Beryl Muspratt, painted by all of the protagonists as a villain, ugly, frumpy, judgmental, and emblematic of “everything wrong with the Church”, even though she is never directly seen in the novel, only discussed and quoted a few times by others, is the most heroic figure in the novel.  She is reported as always being kind to Julia, but unwavering in her defense of the Truth, in this case the Truth about marriage and the Sixth Commandment.  Thus, she could never consent to being a guest in the home of a woman – even her own sister-in-law – whom she knows to be Living in Sin, because to do so would ratify the sin itself, ratify the torture and murder of God Himself, and also REDUCE the likelihood that Julia (and Charles) would repent, correct their situation, and die confessed and in a state of grace, be that five minutes hence, or five decades.  Beryl cannot coerce Julia or anyone else to love God, but she can and rightly does apply medicinal shame to Julia in the hopes that the pain of that shame might lead Julia to stop torturing and killing Christ, and thus utterly rejecting His Love in favor of having orgasms with a man who is not her husband and is also another woman’s husband, and in so doing, damning herself to hell.

It is precisely because Julia was made to feel PROFOUNDLY ASHAMED by Beryl refusing to enter her home that Julia set out on the road to repentance.  If Beryl had been a typical Novus Ordo Bergoglian Antichurch Kathy-zombie of today and sought to “encounter” and “accompany” Julia with the “tender caresses” of mendacious, Luciferian ‘FrancisMercy’, manifested by indifference to Julia and her mortally sinful lifestyle, Julia would have been EDIFIED AND CONFIRMED IN HER SIN, and thus would not have repented and corrected.  And neither would Charles – both would have been lost to hell, in all likelihood.

Interestingly, Bridey, the older brother, is revealed by his own words as being “indifferent”, and thus it is BRIDEY, with his lack of charity for the soul of his own sister, that is the most villainous character in this particular scene.  Because remember, it is indifference, not hatred, that is the true opposite of love. But even then, he concludes by stating that Julia has no right to object to the statement of facts which she already knows – namely the Sixth Commandment and Our Lord’s words in Matthew 19.  The only thing Julia has a right to object to or be hurt by is Bridey, her own brother, declaring that he is “indifferent” to her sin, and thus to the fate of his own sister’s soul, not to mention Charles’ soul.  That’s it.  And Beryl Muspratt is indeed the heroine of the novel.

The ULTIMATE misheard lyric just happened to me.

A dear friend, a Millennial, just executed the single greatest “misheard lyric” in the history of the universe.

Okay. This beats (and pat yourself on the back for each one you instantly recognize):

Money for nothin’ and “chips” for free

Every time you go away, you take a piece of “meat” with you

Sweet dreams are made of “cheese” (Who am I to disagree?)

I can see clearly now, “Lorraine” is gone



TEN priests like this man could convert the world.

This is Fr. James Mawdsley.

This is the priest who was tortured and spent over a year as a political prisoner in the dungeon-prisons of Burma. I had the opportunity to meet him very briefly many years ago before he was ordained.

Fr. Mawdsley had a null marriage in his youth. Which means he is heterosexual. I’m sorry that I have to point this out, but the fact is germane. If you’re sitting around waiting for same-sex attracted men to stand against the forces of evil… you’re out of your mind.

Fr. Mawdsley has been voluntarily suspended by the FSSP for refusing to capitulate to the Scamdemic edicts in Europe, and so that he can speak openly about Bergoglio and the Bergoglian attack on the Catholic Church and the Catholic Mass.

This video, it seems to me, is the pinnacle of sanity, right reason and manful virility. Fr. Mawdsley, having been tortured and imprisoned as a political dissident in Burma, has a level of credibility and gravitas that is not only absent in the post-Christian west, but is actively hated and despised by the effeminate men of the fallen west.

St. Philip Neri said, “Give me ten truly detached men, and I will convert the world with them.”

Fr. Mawdsley would be one of that “company of ten” that St. Philip was talking about.

Pray for priests.

Barnhardt Podcast #179: Interior Monologue Booster

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode Dr. Beep and Nurse Claire return to discuss topics medical, social, pedagogical, and preparation-al.

More links will be added below over time — check back!

Items on which to stock up before Cold and Flu Season

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Fundamentalism is the opposite of Modernism. Fundamentalism is believing what you profess to believe. Therefore, I am a Catholic fundamentlist, and I cannot be gaslighted by anyone for being so, and neither should you.

Let’s begin with a definition.

This is the definition of “fundamental”:

Adjective form: forming a necessary base or core; of central importance; affecting or relating to the essential nature of something or the crucial point about an issue; so basic as to be hard to alter, resolve, or overcome.

Noun form: a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based.

The root is the Latin “fundare”, meaning “to found”.

I was thinking about mathematics this morning, and found it very, very interesting that mathematicians, physicists and engineers that believe:

  • in the commutative properties of addition and multiplication
  • in the associative properties of addition and multiplication
  • in the distributive properties of addition over multiplication
  • that the reciprocal of a non-zero number x is 1/x
  • that the additive inverse of x is (-x)
  • that the additive identity is 0
  • that the multiplicative identity is 1

…are never called “fundamentalists.”

No one ever accuses an engineer of excessive rigidity or of a “fortress mentality” for his unswerving and intransigent belief in the fundamental properties of algebra.  No one deems an engineer deeply flawed as a human being if he refuses to entertain the notion that the additive inverse of x might NOT be (-x), much less tolerate a plan for a building put before him in which the plans operate on the premise that the reciprocal of 2 is ¼.

The heresy of Modernism has been well defined as “to not believe what one believes”.  Only in the irrational, self-contradicting philosophical matrix of Modernism does believing in the fundamentals of one’s professed belief system make a person either stupid, crazy or evil.

Sadly, in today’s Church, thoroughly infiltrated by Modernism, it is simply incomprehensible that a Catholic not only should, but MUST believe the fundamentals of the Catholic faith with more certainty and less doubt than the fundamental properties of algebra.  The supreme truth in the universe is Catholicism, not mathematics.  After all, five loaves and two fishes went into baskets, and hundreds, if not thousands of loaves and fishes came out.  The multiplicative identity did not hold.

Anyone who actually believes anything is, with regards to that belief, a fundamentalist. To be a fundamentalist is nothing less than to believe what you believe.

It is a truly, truly deranged and depraved mind that can hold as not just tenable, but admirable and virtuous that he does not actually believe what he believes.

What the hurling the word “fundamentalist” as a pejorative at Catholics but not mathematicians, physicists and engineers proves is that the hurler fully and completely assents to and believes in mathematics and does not harbor any doubt.  The facts of Divine Revelation to which the Church bears witness? Not so much.

Therefore, I am a Catholic fundamentlist, and I cannot be gaslighted by anyone for being so.

God Incarnate, born of a Virgin, who raised Himself from the dead on the third day, superseding the laws of mathematics and physics, of which He Himself is the author and master.

“Oh God…!!!!!!!!!”

I pray that I will have enough time and cognizance for “God” or “Jesus” to be the last word I utter.

Think today, and every day, about the last word YOU will utter aloud.

After every Sacramental Communion you make with Our Lord, think in full consciousness back in the pew (or at the altar if you are a priest) that it might be your Viaticum, and ask for those graces accordingly… just in case.

Take leave silently, to yourself, of people and places you love EVERY time you leave them, not being macabre, but being detached, and ready to die in gratitude and joy, according to the Divine Providence.

Let Kevin Cosgrove’s wail cry out to us twenty-one years later and let the horror incite us to enter, live and remain in Sacramental Grace, and let our “Oh God!” in our moment of death be not a terrorized scream, but a recollected, loving whisper to the Triune God who loved us infinitely first, no matter the circumstance.