Monthly Archives: July 2022
Further notes on Cupich, the ICK, and why this is a bigger deal than some might realize.
Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago runs the American Church. He is the heir to the satanic power hierarchy that began with the satanist Joseph Cardinal Bernardin.
Bernardin was recruited into satanism as an undergraduate at the University of South Carolina, being a denizen of the gay bar scene in Columbia – prime hunting grounds for satanists looking for recruits. Bernardin was placed by satanist prelates into seminary, and he was shot straight to the highest levels of the church with stunning rapidity, being consecrated a bishop at the age of 38. A few years before that, Bernardin was the “celebrant” of the satanic “black Mass” which was performed in the US simultaneously with a black Mass in the Pauline Chapel of the Vatican for the “enthronement of satan”. In this dual satanic ritual, recounted in the opening of the Malachi Martin roman à clef “Windswept House”, Bernardin raped a young girl, “Agnes”, supplied by her father, who was a member of Bernardin’s satanic circle in South Carolina.
After being inexplicably elevated to the episcopacy at 38, Bernardin swiftly took near-total control of the institutional Church in the US, most importantly controlling which American clerics were made bishops. Any man who wasn’t fully on-board with sodomy and the agenda of the complete destruction of the Church, the Mass and of the social order, most especially marriage and family, wasn’t even considered.
Tangentially, it was Bernardin who financed and installed in Chicago another young homosexual infiltrator, Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama. My piece on the Bernardin-Alinsky-Obama Nexus is HERE. It was Bernardin who recruited and PAID with Chicago Archdiocesan funds for Obama to attend a seminar in California in ARSH 1986 on Alinsky tactics and their implementation. You can’t make this stuff up.
Bernardin’s successor as “kingmaker” in the American Church was… wait for it… sodomite rapist Uncle Teddy “Blanche” McCarrick.
McCarrick’s successor as the American kingmaker was Donald “Donna” Wuerl.
After Wuerl, it is now Blase Cupich who runs the institutional Church in the US and continues the Bernardin agenda.
And now we get back to Chicago and the “cancellation” of the Institute of Christ the King in their own US headquarters, and why Fr. Z made clear that this is a big deal.
Cupich will only allow priests to be elevated to the episcopacy in the US who will suppress the ICK, and the Mass of the Ages in general. Furthermore, Cupich has the ability to cause bishops within the US to be shuffled around, thus he can and probably will target the ICK, which only has about 15 oratories in the US, by having bishops appointed who will follow his precedent in Chicago and simply withdraw permission for them to celebrate Mass publicly. The fact that the ICK owns all of their own real estate in the US won’t matter. If the ICK refuses to obey, then the Bergoglian Antichurch will claim grounds to suppress the ICK in toto, and they have a very large presence in Europe, most especially in France, and in Italy where their headquarters and seminary are located. If I’m not mistaken, they have over 100 priests, and something like 100 seminarians.
Blase Cupich has a long history of abject evil – as Bishop of Rapid City, SD he famously locked the Latin Mass parish out of their church over the Easter Triduum out of pure spite and hatred of God. Undaunted, the parishioners and their clergy manfully celebrated the entire Triduum on the sidewalk.
A personal anecdote that I heard years ago was from someone who worked in Catholic media. Soon after Cupich’s elevation to the Cardinalcy, this person conducted an extensive in-person audio interview with Cupich, and the person said that Cupich never once, not one time, LOOKED at him. “He’s a complete sociopath.”
This maneuver by Cupich is very calculated, and I have no doubt is orchestrated completely from the bloody porcine bowels of the Bergoglian Antichurch occupying the Vatican, of which Cupich is the top American, heir to the satanic Bernardin legacy.
Remember folks, it is SATAN who is the overarching driver of these events, and the war here is between the Supernatural and the preternatural. This is why Antipope Bergoglio is farting out documents trying to suppress the Mass – documents that have as much authority in the Catholic Church as Kim Kardashian’s Instagram posts – and wretches like Cupich are at war against literally a few hundred thousand people out of a total of 1.2 billion Catholics. Hopefully a few people out there will look at the “seeming” asymmetry here and realize that perhaps the “tactical value” and power dynamics of the Holy and August Sacrifice of the Mass, and the entire Traditional Liturgical edifice of the One True Church, like the two little Hobbits, keeps drawing the raging gaze of the proverbial eye of the dark lord and his orcs and minions FOR A VERY, VERY GOOD REASON.
Pray for Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger, the one and only living Pope since April ARSH 2005 whether he likes it or not, for the Papacy – the rock upon which Christ built and sustains His Holy Church, and for Holy Mother Church, outside of which there is no salvation.
As long as he isn’t jabbed, she should marry him post haste.
To the Remnant Faithful of Chicagoland: Take This As A Sign To Get Out
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my nearly 46 years now, it is that when something “bad” happens, God is working EVERYTHING towards the good. Sometimes it is immediately perceptible, sometimes it takes years to see it. But He truly is The Good Shepherd, and if the pasture that you have grazed for years is about to be destroyed, Jesus The Good Shepherd will open a gate and call you out. Follow His voice, no matter how frightening and difficult leaving your accustomed pasture might seem in the moment.
Chicago is beyond hope. The only way the “Chicago problem” can now be fixed is with massive, prolonged military operations. Merely getting rid of that dyke psychopath “mayor” will do exactly nothing to fix the problem of the South and Near West sides as they exist CULTURALLY. The culture is cancerous, and the cancer has already spread, and will continue to spread. Only large-scale military action can stop it – in short, WAR. Call it civil war, call it counter-revolution, whatever. Only force of arms, and thousands of Caterpillars razing large swaths of the occupied areas can even begin to fix Chicago in an earthly sense.
Any leadership in the former US is clearly incapable of doing this.
I strongly suspect that it will be the Chinese that ultimately do it. And you won’t want to be anywhere near it when it happens. Study this map of the wide-open route between Beijing and Chicago until you understand:
Take this satanic suppression of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as a sign to GET OUT NOW.
Get out now while interstate translocation is permitted.
Get out now while any movement at all is permitted.
Get out now while money can be moved.
Get out now while real estate can be sold.
Get out now while gas and diesel can still be freely purchased, no matter the price.
Flee. If there is no Mass, there is no more reason to stay. Take this as a loving sign from Our Lord to leave now, shake the dust from your sandals, and seek safer shelter where you may worship Him as He should be, and desires to be worshipped.
“…Go out from her, My people; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues.”
Revelation 18: 4
This had me pealing with laughter. Thank shallot!
I renounce. If only I had somewhere to go. But, ironically, my blood is too “old, pure American”. So I’m stateless. But I can’t be anything tied to THIS:
America’s representatives at the French Ambassador’s residence this week.
— R.J. Kassam (@RaheemKassam) July 15, 2022
Nope, nope, nope, nope, nopety-nope.
Something VERY evil this way comes: Fr. Z IMPLORES prayer
I don’t know what this new devilry is, exactly, but we all can make a list of the expected attempted attacks on Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church by satan and his little minion, Antipope Jorge Bergoglio. -AB
ACTION ITEM: Prayer to avert a serious act of persecution
Posted on 14 July 2022 by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf
I simply must not say what this intention is. I assure you it is a serious case of ecclesiastical pogrom.
News will come out soon enough, but in the meantime… trust me.
Let’s call this: Intention “I”. (UPDATE: It isn’t about me, but this affects everyone.)
I implore you all…
… get down on your knees and say, at least, a Memorare – which I advise in my “Custos Traditionis” invitation.
If you can do this several times a day. Do it.
If you can do a Rosary. Do it.
If you can offer a few days of fasting. Do it.
If you can spend time in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Do it.
If you can fortify your prayer with a good confession. Do it.
King St. Henry II – who drove out an antipope, and brought the legitimate Pope Benedict VIII back to Rome….
In ARSH 1012, Antipope Gregory VI, in an attempt to usurp by force the Petrine See which he was already claiming, went to Germany after being expelled from Rome in hopes of conning the King Henry II into supporting him.
The saintly King Henry II told the usurper that he would CAREFULLY STUDY THE SITUATION IN LIGHT OF CANON LAW AND HOLY TRADITION, but that in the mean time, he must cease to present himself or act as Pope.
King Henry determined that Benedict VIII was the true Pope, not this Gregory creature (history doesn’t even know what this guy’s baptismal name or family name was), and King Henry restored Benedict VIII to Rome, where Benedict VIII had a strong a successful pontificate, cleansing the clergy of simoniacs and the sexually incontinent, and supporting the Cluniac reforms of Western Monasticism.
King St. Henry, pray for us, for Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger, the Papacy, and for Holy Mother Church, the indefectible and spotless Bride of Christ, outside of which there is no salvation.
“Any Old Woman…”
I’m trying, St. Bonaventure. I’m trying. Pray for me. Pray for us.

St. Bonaventure, ARSH 1221-1274.
“Any old woman can love God better than a doctor of theology can.”
-St. Bonaventure
Ivermectin 1% Livestock Injectable Solution which humans take orally by drinking it FULL DOSAGE CONVERSION TABLE
Most people today, due to the failure of the education system, cannot do unit conversions because they were never taught how. So let me just tabulate the conversions by dosage strength and weight for the 1% Livestock Ivermectin Injectable Solution, which humans take orally by drinking it, which I strongly recommend everyone have on hand, kept in a cool, DARK place – but not the fridge. I have tabulated the dosages in both milliliters and American standard kitchen measuring TEAspoons. Note that even up to 300 pounds, every dose is LESS than 2 TEAspoons. Children and small adults will be taking 1 TEAspoon or less. Larger adults will be taking less than 2 TEAspoons. Please do not confuse TEAspoons with tablespoons. Tablespoons are much larger than TEAspoons. You want TEAspoons.
*Slightly blurred vision is a side-effect of the higher dose level. This is normal and passes immediately once you come off the Ivermectin. It is no cause for panic. I intentionally took a high dose earlier this year just to incite this blurred vision side effect, and it was no big deal, and passed immediately.
Please feel free to aggressively distribute the tables below – NO ATTRIBUTION NEEDED.
IF you have been helped by this or any other information in this space over the years, and you have extra money laying around, and you have tithed, and filled your gas tank, and have had your teeth cleaned, and have bought provisions for the winter, and can’t think of any other cause to donate to – think of a number, cut it in half, at least, and click here for my ContinueToGive page, if you are so moved. But I’ll keep doing whatever I can to help, for as long as I can, no matter what. I’m looking to get rent paid as far out as I can, buy winter provisions, and I’m considering purchasing a small, portable Photovoltaic rig for a means of boiling water (without open campfire) and keeping a phone charged, should it come to that. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered AT LEAST once per day, perpetually, for my Benefactors and supporters (even if they later decide that they hate me.)
0.6 milligrams Ivermectin per kilogram of bodyweight, converted to pounds of bodyweight and American measuring TEAspoons of the 1% Livestock Injectable Solution to be taken orally by drinking it. Round UP all dosages. Take daily with a meal for 5 days or until symptoms resolve. *Slightly blurred vision is a normal side effect which clears once dosing stops.
50-70 pounds (23-32kg): 19mg Ivermectin = 1.9 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 3/8ths measuring teaspoon
71-90 pounds (32-40kg): 24mg Ivermectin = 2.4 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution =1/2 measuring teaspoon
91-110 pounds (41-50kg): 30mg Ivermectin = 3.0 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 5/8ths measuring teaspoon
111-130 pounds (51-59kg): 36mg Ivermectin = 3.6 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 3/4 measuring teaspoon
131-150 pounds (60-68kg): 40.5mg Ivermectin = 4.1 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 7/8ths measuring teaspoon
151-170 pounds (69-77kg): 45mg Ivermectin = 4.5 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 scant measuring teaspoon
171-190 pounds (78-86kg): 48mg Ivermectin = 4.8 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 measuring teaspoon
191-210 pounds (87-95kg): 54mg Ivermectin = 5.4 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 and 1/8th measuring teaspoon
211-230 pounds (96-104kg): 60mg Ivermectin = 6.0 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 and 1/4 measuring teaspoon
231-250 pounds (105-113kg): 66mg Ivermectin = 6.6 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 and 3/8ths measuring teaspoon
251-270 pounds (114-122kg): 72mg Ivermectin = 7.2 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 and 1/2 measuring teaspoon
271-290 pounds (123-131kg): 78mg Ivermectin = 7.8 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 and 5/8ths measuring teaspoon
291-310 pounds (132-140kg): 84mg Ivermectin = 8.4 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 and 3/4 measuring teaspoon
0.4 milligrams Ivermectin per kilogram of bodyweight, converted to pounds of bodyweight and American measuring TEAspoons of the 1% Livestock Injectable Solution to be taken orally by drinking it. Round UP all dosages.
50-70 pounds (23-32kg): 12mg Ivermectin = 1.2 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1/4 measuring teaspoon
71-90 pounds (32-40kg): 16mg Ivermectin = 1.6 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 3/8ths measuring teaspoon
91-110 pounds (41-50kg): 20mg Ivermectin = 2.0 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = scant 1/2 measuring teaspoon
111-130 pounds (51-59kg): 24mg Ivermectin = 2.4 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1/2 measuring teaspoon
131-150 pounds (60-68kg): 27mg Ivermectin = 2.7 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = scant 5/8ths measuring teaspoon
151-170 pounds (69-77kg): 30mg Ivermectin = 3.0 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 5/8ths measuring teaspoon
171-190 pounds (78-86kg): 32mg Ivermectin = 3.2 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = scant 3/4ths measuring teaspoon
191-210 pounds (87-95kg): 36mg Ivermectin = 3.6 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 3/4ths measuring teaspoon
211-230 pounds (96-104kg): 40mg Ivermectin = 4.0 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 7/8ths measuring teaspoon
231-250 pounds (105-113kg): 44mg Ivermectin = 4.4 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 scant measuring teaspoon
251-270 pounds (114-122kg): 48mg Ivermectin = 4.8 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 measuring teaspoon
271-290 pounds (123-131kg): 52mg Ivermectin = 5.2 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 and 1/8th measuring teaspoon
291-310 pounds (132-140kg): 56mg Ivermectin = 5.6 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 and 1/4 measuring teaspoon