Monthly Archives: June 2022

Antipope Bergoglio Admits that Cardinals Specifically Tasked Him with Fulfilling Ultimate Freemasonic Goal of Eliminating the Papacy – the Last Monarchy

(Originally penned and posted three LONG years ago today: 4 June ARSH 2019.)

The goal and purpose of Freemasonry since its inception in London in ARSH 1717 has been the elimination of the Papacy, and then establishment of a dual-pronged One World Government and tandem One World Religion marketed under the name “Humanism.” Freemasons fomented, subsidized and profiteered off of almost every war in the Christian West with the goal of eliminating all monarchies, with the Papacy as the target. American Revolution, French Revolution, Italian Revolution, WWI, WWII.

The Papacy, instituted by Christ and unchangeable, is an Absolute Monarchy. In fact, it is totally unique in that it is a juridical office, in the form of an elected Absolute Monarchy which enjoys a Supernatural negative protection, and is Canonically protected from coercion, bribery and even from the juridical substantial error of the Pope himself, as we are now watching unfold in real time.

Here is the quote from Antipope Bergoglio on the Masonic infiltrators’ intention to destroy the Papacy:

“The Vatican City State as a form of government, the Curia, whatever it is, is the last European court of an absolute monarchy. The last. The others are now constitutional monarchies, the court is diluted. Here there are still court structures that must fall,” he said.

“People want to reform. For example, the palace of Castel Gandolfo, which comes from a Roman emperor, restored in the Renaissance, today is no longer a papal palace, today it is a museum, it is all a museum,” he said.

Pope Francis (sic) said that it is not his reform, but something “the cardinals have requested.”

The scheme of the court is what has to disappear. And this was requested by all the cardinals, well, most, thanks be to God,” Pope Francis (sic) said.

As has been documented in this space, the discussion of “fundamentally transforming” the Papacy into a “collegial, synodal, shared ministry” has been discussed openly and at length for over 50 years, with the Miller Dissertation being a compendium of the discussion – a Rosetta Stone, if you will.

At the heart of this drive has been Cardinal Walter Kasper, who became the de facto leader of the Sankt Gallen Mafia with the death on August 30, ARSH 2012 of Cardinal Carlo Martini, with Kasper being the openly-acknowledged “king maker” at the Cardinals Retreat and faux-conclave held in the Sistine Chapel March 10-13, ARSH 2013.

Chapter 8 of the Miller dissertation opens with a quote from Walter Kasper: “The present crisis of the Papacy is one of legitimation.” As in, the Papacy is no longer tenable in the modern, democratized world, and must be radically changed. This radical change, which would involve the dissolution of the Petrine Office in favor of a shared Petrine ministry or function, is also necessary in order to appease all schismatics, with Lutherans first among them, but also Anglicans, and even the Eastern Orthodox. This quote from Kasper is from a chapter that Kasper wrote for a book of collected essays on the future of the Papacy which was the project of and edited by Joseph Ratzinger, and published under Ratzinger’s banner in ARSH 1978, called “Dienst an der Einheit”.

If any one man can be called Antipope Bergoglio’s puppetmaster, it is, without question, Walter Kasper.

The odious sacrilegious sodomite Bobby Mickens reported openly on this. Papal resignation must become the expectation, the the monarchical Papacy must be totally eliminated- according to the enemies of Jesus Christ and his Holy Church.

I would add at this point that Antipope Bergoglio has become a massive liability to his LutheranMasonicSodomite handlers. He is widely seen as the protector and enabler of sodomite sex predators that he is, and has lost most of whatever good will he enjoyed previously.

Unless Pope Benedict XVI is acknowledged as the one and only living Pope and the See occupied by him and him alone since April ARSH 2005, Antipope Bergoglio will be told to “resign”, another invalid, faux-conclave will be called (because Canon 359 clearly states that it is ontologically impossible for a valid conclave to be called while the See is occupied, no matter what) and then say hello to Antipope Tagle.

We have to get this right. Quickly.

St. Peter and all the Saintly Popes, pray for us.

St. Michael the Archangel, guardian angel of the Vicar of Christ, pray for us.

Our Lady, Mother of Priests, pray for us.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

Urgent warning: THIS is what happens when men love their wives and raise their sons. THIS is what Antipope Bergoglio and the Antichurch literally want to wipe from the face of the Earth.

Shut up. I ain’t cryin’. You cryin’.

(In all seriousness, I would strongly encourage my secular and non-Catholic readership to post this. You don’t really need to comment, other than maybe to point out that this is Traditional Latin Mass – not “mainstream” or even “conservative” (shudder) – Catholicism. THIS is what we need to be driving back towards – a grown heterosexual man sobbing in gratitude that his legitimate son will call down and hold the physical and substantial Real Presence of God in his hands, and raise the dead back to life in the Sacrament of Confession as the vicarious representative of Christ, and do it in full piety, not as an infiltrator. This is the ultimate accomplishment for a husband and father. Señor Cortes did good, and he WON. He won BIG.)

Mailbag: St. Philip Neri on… Naomi Judd?

One of the huge problems in today’s dark, fallen world is the toxic spiritual poison of “psychology”. The entire point of “psychology” is to deny the reality of and guilt imparted by sin. Psychology is the dark art of finding an excuse for every sin under the sun. EVERYTHING has an excuse, because if there is an excuse, then there is no sin. Remember how the Uvalde demoniac’s mother was quoted the next day as saying, “Don’t judge my son. I’m sure he had his reasons.” He had an “excuse”. Riiiiiight.

Here’s what we aren’t allowed to say, but St. Philip said it over 400 years ago: “depression” – a modern term invented by “psychology”, is really just excessive sadness rooted in the deadliest of sins: PRIDE. Humble people are happy, and are sad only when it is situationally and affectively appropriate. When Lazarus died, Jesus wept.

Prideful people tend strongly toward “depression”. Look at the post-Christian west, its culture, and the use of “anti-depressants”, both prescription, illegal, and things like alcohol. Prescription anti-depressants are just tarted-up stimulants, like cocaine (an upper), and alcohol (a mood-enhancing downer). SSRI’s and Benzodiazepines change brain chemistry, as does cocaine, as does alcohol. But it’s all just a way of dodging the problem: THE SIN OF PRIDE.

Look at how many sex perverts are drugged and boozed to the gills … and eventually commit suicide. It’s no coincidence that as so-called “pride” in sodomy and transvestitism goes parabolic, so does the “depression” and suicide among the self-appellated “Out-and-Proud”.

Here’s the letter, just over the transom. Fantastic.

Let’s stop calling it “depression” and call it what it is: “prideful excessive sadness.”

St. Philip Neri, Apostle of Joy, pray for us!

Hi Ann and Supernerd,

I enjoyed your podcast. I ran across this quote this morning at The Thinking Housewife and it reminded me of Naomi Judd:

Excessive sadness seldom springs from any other source than pride.”

— St. Philip Neri

My take on these women who surgically tinker with their appearance is that most of them were very beautiful “in the day”, and have so wrapped their identity up in their appearance that they cannot accept the inevitable “ravages of age”. We see this over and over, with wealthy men and women in the “entertainment” industry. I have seen everyday women, very pretty when young, having great difficulty accepting age gracefully, letting go of what is ephemeral and gone, and taking hold of what is Real.

I have come to understand that the cliche of the old person who finds God is not so much fear of death, as it is being stripped of external distractions and trappings that allow us to ignore the time ticking by. Family and friends often do not want to risk upsetting these people and will feed into their fruitless pursuits of youth/surgical improvement, thinking it is therapeutic, a magic bullet that helps them “feel better about themselves”.