Monthly Archives: February 2022

CROSSPOSTS: The Hellmice Files. “The vast majority of new vaccines and therapeutic drugs need fresh human babies in order to be produced.”

NonVeni Mark is all over the Hellmice. He has three consecutive posts up that need aggressive distribution.


The deadly new world of vaccines and monoclonal antibodies: Introduction to Humanized Mice

Well folks, I’ve been working on this for several weeks, and it is really hard to figure out where to start. So maybe I should just tell you the ending first: The vast majority of new vaccines and therapeutic drugs need fresh human babies in order to be produced, and you are probably consuming them and don’t even know it.

Do I have your attention?


Mice from Hell 2.0, “Precision Mouse Models:” First came BLT mice… but why not use even more human organs? Next comes human lung transplantation, yielding BLT-L mice

And now for the coup de grace, NonVeni Mark has assembled an exhaustive list of all cannibalistic drugs currently on the market or in the pipeline that are made from murdered children.  May God reward him. Check your medicine cabinets, Boomers.


Monoclonal antibodies derived from Humanized Mice are literally exploding in popularity and pervasiveness… every person on earth will eventually consume these materials (if we allow it)

“Monoclonal” means these drugs have singular specificity… they only match up with the one antigen/protein they are targeting, and since they are fully human, produced from a mouse but containing no mouse parts, no risk of rejection whatsoever. But this also means there needs to be tons of new drugs, each treating one specific thing. Think of it as the opposite of a “broad spectrum antibiotic.”

In fact, there are over 500 different monoclonal antibodies either approved or investigational. You’re going to need a lot of mice for that, to say nothing of other all the other drugs that can now be tested on human immune systems. Remember, the humanized mice first have their own immune systems canceled, either genetically or by irradiation, then replaced with a fully human immune system, including the BLT, BLT-L mice built with parts from fresh, never frozen babies.

As an aside, in case this hasn’t occurred to you: While humanized mice with fully human immune systems are “perfect” for testing and producing medicines, their diabolical perfection also means they are ideal for testing things to judge their lethality in humans. Gain of Function research, anyone? If you are attempting to engineer a bio-weapon, these are the mice you want.

Okay. The following list includes mabs tested on various types of mice, but anything tested in the past 5-6 years is almost certainly done with the fully human variety. First column is drug name, second column is the brand name. The nomenclature works as follows: All drugs with names ending in “umab” were developed and produced with fully human mice. Are you or your family members taking any of these? Look closely…. (click through to Mark’s site to see the list.)

Remember, the Pachamama likes red.  It reminds her of blood….

Jell-Omectin shots. How to get measured doses of Ivermectin to a loved one trapped in a hospital or other facility.

The following assumes the freedom to bring food to a loved one in a hospital or other similar facility, which is not uncommon.

Prepare Jell-O according to package instructions.

Pour tepid liquid Jell-O into desired number of cubes in a silicone ice cube tray or candy mold, leaving room for added liquid in each cube.

Add 1% injectable livestock solution to each cube.

Handy tip: 5mL equals one measuring teaspoon. Therefore adding 5mL/1teaspoon to a silicone ice cube slot would be 50 milligrams of Ivermectin in the one Jell-O cube. 50 milligrams (5mL of the 1% injectable solution) is the treatment dose for a 180 pound person.

Put Jell-O filled and Ivermectin fortified silicone tray in the refrigerator to set up.

I always liked my Jell-O served with Cool-Whip. 🙂

You now have essentially Jell-O Ivermectin pills, with each containing a precise number of milligrams of Ivermectin that can be easily brought to and fed to a loved one being denied treatment.

As always, I hope this helps.

Mailbag: A strong theory as to how Antipope Bergoglio will try to trick the world into invalidating the Mass

Dear Ann,

Have I got a doozy of a theory for you (following on your most recent podcast). Like you, I have been hearing rumors that Antipope Bergoglio will not only herd all former Ecclesia Dei communities into the SSPX to then “excommunicate” us, but that he will also change the form of the canon. You made some good suggestions. “This is our Body“, “This represents My Body“… My nephew, a young man with a wife and son who works night shifts as a cop in a large northeastern city so that he can still attend the TLM without difficulty, proposed this to me so I’m giving him credit here.

“This is the Body of Christ.”

That’s it. If the words of consecration are changed to these six simple words, it is not only glaringly obvious to what depths of heresy we will have sunk, but it would also be profoundly subtle. It takes away the complete sacrificial nature of the priest – a man configured to Jesus Christ the High Priest – speaking in the first person the literal same words of the Divine Master. AND, it does this in a way that all previous translations of the canon did not. In the 70’s we had the awful “… for you and for all” but that didn’t change the essential words of institution. Here we would have a priest simply proclaiming what is supposedly already in front of him on the paten (though he would have consecrated nothing). Remember how demeaning the sacrificial nature of the Roman Mass has been the goal all along. That’s why they gutted the offertory, diced up the collects, and generally dumbed down the entirety of the Mass with their pedestrian and, frankly, low-IQ language.

The reason this is subtle is that the average Novus Ordo Mass-goer would simply say, “But that’s what it IS. See, the priest tells me that every time he puts the Host in my hand. He says ‘the Body of Christ’ so what’s the big deal?” [This is exactly correct.  The average Novus Ordo Catholic today WOULD NOT BAT AN EYELASH if the words of consecration were rendered invalid by “This is the Body of Christ.”  In fact, most probably wouldn’t even notice, and the ones who did would think it was “nice”. -AB]

They (the hag-fag and fag-hag modernist hacks) will also claim that this is nothing more than a “restoration” of what the Apostles did – arguing from the standpoint of archeologism in the same way they love to toss around the phrase “the reformed liturgy” in reference to the Bugnini rite. There is no reforming what Christ Himself gave to us and the Church nurtured for 1900 years.

I’ve been hearing talk that one of the forthcoming documents from Rome will be a revision to Liturgiam Authenticam. That 2001 document states at no. 20:

“The original text, insofar as possible, must be translated integrally and in the most exact manner, without omissions or additions in terms of their content, and without paraphrases or glosses. Any adaptation to the characteristics or the nature of the various vernacular languages is to be sober and discreet.”

A change to that principle would effectively allow a worldwide paraphrase of the canon a la what Antipope Bergoglio has already done to the Pater Noster in Italian.

Anyway, Ann, these are just my thoughts on the matter. This might not come to pass. We continue to pray and watch. Meanwhile, I’m locking down my connections so that when we do go underground I’ve got a priest in the foxhole with me who will offer the actual Mass.

As always in Christ,



#VAIDS: People who have taken the ClotShot should take an HIV test. The mRNA in the ClotShot contains HIV sequences, and seems to be causing AIDS-like immune system collapse leading to cancer.

I referred to this as CAIDS (Coercively Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) a while back, but it is getting mainstream traction now on Twitter under the hashtag #VAIDS . V for “vaccine”.

People are coming down with and dying from aggressive cancers, most especially people who previously had cancer and were in full remission, after being injected with the Pachamama Juice.

Also, people who have played the Clottery are testing positive for HIV without the possibility of having actually contracted HIV as we have known it for the past 40 years. And we know and have known for some time that HIV sequences are present in the spike proteins, clearly inserted in the lab by “Dr. AIDS” himself, Tony Fauci. AIDS was such a financial boondoggle the first time around, it looks like Fauci and the Malthusian oligarchs went back to the same trough for their meticulously pre-planned CoronaScam to put the entire post-Christian west under permanent totalitarianism and population reduction.

If DeathInjected people are throwing positive HIV tests, one naturally wonders if they are likewise capable of transmitting the poisonous spike proteins via sexual/sodomitical contact?

These deaths due to collapsed immune systems will be blamed on global warming, karma, red meat consumption… ANYTHING except the DeathInjections, which it becomes clearer every day are a population reduction project, exactly as Gates, Schwab and the oligarchs have been talking about for decades.

Reducing the human population by reducing the average human lifespan by making things like cancer, diabetes and colds and flus as lethal as they were 100 years ago via a fraudulent and coerced “vaccine”, which also causes permanent heart damage and incurable clotting disorders, is a plan so devious that it is clearly preternatural. Hence the Antichurch fronted by Antipope Bergoglio endlessly shilling for it, blasphemously trying to call the Pachamama Juice “morally obligatory”.

The bridges and lampposts will be serving double-duty before this is over.

From the “WHAT IS IT GOING TO TAKE?” Files: Ed Pentin calls out Antipope Bergoglio as complicit in Crimes Against Humanity

Sit in stillness with this fact for a moment:

The Antipope, the vast majority of the world’s Metropolitan Bishops, almost all of the Roman Queeria, and a massive percentage of Novus Ordo priests are LITERALLY COMPLICIT IN CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY vis-a-vis the Nuremberg Code and coerced medical experimentation and therapeutics.

Nuremberg Code Article 1:
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.
The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

Go back and read that again, and JUST. THINK. ABOUT. IT.

And we wonder how the Church could be cleansed and purified?  Oh, I can brainstorm ALL KINDS of possibilities, many of which involve a relatively small amount of lumber and sturdy rope.

How could ANYONE at this point not clearly see that there is an Antichurch which has invaded, usurped and now occupies the same Juridical, Liturgical, and Sacramental space as the True Church – BUT THAT THE CLEAVAGE AND TOTAL RUPTURE BETWEEN THE TWO IS NEARLY COMPLETE, HOLDING ON BY ONLY THE WORDS OF CONSECRATION OF THE EUCHARIST at the Mass?

How could anyone NOT look at the demon-worshipping, Mass-hating, flamboyant Freemason Bergoglio and not see that there is no possible way that this guy is the Vicar of Christ, and to even posit the notion is a GLARING violation of the Law of Non-contradiction and denial of the DIVINITY OF CHRIST, and therefore a denial of the existence of the Church Herself and of the Papacy itself???

And, of course, how could ANYONE at this point not at least countenance the question of the validity of Pope Benedict’s clearly bizarre, absurd and OPELY DECLARED “partial resignation” of only the “active governance of the Church”, while he, to this day, remains highly visible to the world as the Pope, wearing the white, going by his Papal name and using the Papal style, living inside the Vatican, confirming the brethren, and regarded by a massive percentage of the minuscule Remnant Church Militant as being the one and only living Vicar of Christ on Earth?

It is absolutely astounding to me, and others, to sit and watch people deny or pretend not to notice what is probably the most openly obvious deception not only today, but in the history of mankind.

Here is Ed Pentin’s piece, published on his private blog, calling out Antipope Bergoglio (but diligently referring to him as “Pope Francis”) and most of the prelates today as complicit in crimes against humanity for cheerleading, browbeating and even cutting people off from the Sacraments for not engaging in the molochian Russian roulette of the New World Order and Covidic Religion’s ClotShots.


Pray for Pope Benedict, fast approaching the completion of the seventeenth year of his Pontificate whether he likes it or not, pray for the Papacy – immutable and instituted by Christ Almighty as an Absolute Monarchy, and pray for the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, in terrifyingly visible eclipse, outside of which THERE IS NO SALVATION.

Barnhardt Podcast #166: Wargaming the Antipapal Dirt Nap

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode, Ann and NonVeni Mark (because Ann and Supernerd are fighting… AGAIN) walk through the contingencies and scenarios of both the death of Antipope Bergoglio, and the death of the Holy Father Pope Benedict Ratzinger. Given either contingency, what should the Remnant Church Militant do? In keeping with the Feast of the Presentation, we make a deep dive into the concepts of Obedience and Recognition of Authority, specifically how rendering obedience and/or recognizing illegitimate authority essentially attacks both legitimate authority and the virtue of obedience at their roots. (Just for the record, Ann and Supernerd have never exchanged so much as a cross word, ever. But we’ll promptly let you know if that changes.)

Links, Reading, and Video:

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Action Item: We all need to be evangelizing and distributing VITAMIN D.

I think it is safe to say that Ivermectin is now known by most sane people. We must continue to beat the Ivermectin drum and help people to acquire it as much as possible, but it is time to start aggressively spreading the word about Vitamin D, which appears to be a massively important and severely deficient human nutrient that staves off disease, including cold and flu viruses.

Yes, Vitamin D is put into milk because Holstein cows (the black-and-white breed which produces nearly 100% of the milk supply today) do NOT produce Vitamin D in their milk, so it is added back in. Jersey and Guernsey cows DO produce Vitamin D in their milk, but this milk is considered Artiginal, and is difficult to source and is expensive. This is why grocery store whole milk in the US is called “Vitamin D milk”. The problem is, the amount of Vitamin D added is minuscule, AND adults don’t drink milk in nearly the quantity they used to. So almost everyone is Vitamin D deficient. Put on top of this the lack of outdoor work and sun exposure, which is how humans SHOULD acquire Vitamin D, and you can see why people seem to be far more susceptible to colds and flus than they were 50+ years ago.

Now, who do you know that is always covered from head to toe, year round, and probably doesn’t do much outdoor labor or recreation with their skin exposed?

Cassocked priests.

Two priests in Rome in the summer.

So, Nurse Claire suggested that we laity start telling our priests about Vitamin D, and buying and giving them Vitamin D3 + Vitamin K2 supplement drops as a form of tithing. Vitamin D3+K2 drops are inexpensive and extremely effective and easy to take. I myself take 10 drops per day, which is 10,000 International Units. Nurse Claire does the same and just had her Vitamin D level checked via blood test, and her levels were ideal.

It is very, very important that Vitamin D3 be taken WITH Vitamin K2 in order to facilitate absorption and prevent possible over-calcification in the body, particularly in the blood vessels. D3+K2 drops can be purchased in most pharmacies, health food stores, and online.

Here is an article out of Israel showing that Vitamin D levels essentially dictated how a person handled the Coof. I strongly suspect that this dynamic is related to the phenomenon of children being almost completely unaffected by the Coof since the beginning. Between the higher levels of milk consumption AND outdoor play time, the non-deficiency of Vitamin D among children yields a natural shield. This would also explain the massive seasonality of Colds and Flus in general, and how colds and flus drop to a statistical near-zero every summer as everyone gets more sun.

The Coof: a virus SO DEADLY that over the counter vitamins prevent it.

Buy yourself, your priests, and your elderly family, friends and neighbors some liquid sunshine today! Remember, make sure the bottle says “D3+K2”. 10 drops per day is perfect for most adults.

As always, I hope this helps.

BOMBSHELL! Bergoglio’s Jewish Rabbi Mini-Me Is … WAIT FOR IT… a PACHAMAMA worshipper!!

You COULD NOT make this crap up.

The Antipope’s Mini-Me Rabbi doppelgänger seems to be every bit as enthusiastic about Pachamama demon worship as the old man. Imagine that!

And note the date, folks. July ARSH 2016. Bergman isn’t following Bergoglio’s agenda – Bergoglio is following Rabbi Bergman’s agenda. The Pachamama worship in the Vatican was concurrent with the CoronaScam launch: October ARSH 2019.  Intergenerational cooperation?????

A doff of the top hat and a clink of the snifter to the “Troll Room”. Strong work, y’all. Strong work.

Buryaile, Bergman and Morales will offer to the Pachamama in Humahuaca

In the historic city of Humahuaca, the governor of the province, Gerardo Morales, accompanied by the Ministers of the Nation, Sergio Bergman (Environment) and Ricardo Buryaile (Agribusiness), will hold the central ceremony in homage to Pachamama.

Due to the tributes to Mother Earth, in this province it was declared in 2013 by the National Congress as the National Capital of the Pachamama.

Bergman arrived on Sunday night and, together with Governor Gerardo Morales and Environment Minister María Inés Zigarán, participated in the Pachamama Festival that took place in the Cultural City. There Bergman received a gift and a decree signed by Governor Gerardo Morales declaring him guest of honor.

Today, Monday, Bergman will meet with the Bishop of the Prelature, Pedro Olmedo, in an interreligious dialogue regarding the Encyclical Laudato Si, which addresses the environmental issue and constitutes a valuable tool to reflect on the care of the earth and natural resources. . The Encyclical recognizes the contribution of the original peoples and speaks of the ethical and moral challenges of humanity to guarantee conditions that make existence possible in this common home, the earth.

The arrival of Rabbi Bergman in Jujuy, National Capital of the Pachamama, has particular significance as it expresses support for a public management that has among its central axes respect for the Pachamama, the values ​​that are implicit in that ceremony and the worldview Andean, for which the earth is a Mother who is cared for and honored and with whom a reciprocal relationship is established. For this reason, on this August 1, the men and women of this region will pay tribute to Pachamama to thank her for all the fruits she has provided and to ask her for prosperity for families.

HatemailBag: Confirmation of exactly what I discussed in Podcast #165 – the spirit of satan impotently trying to tell you “there’s nothing you can do” (Extreme unredacted language warning)

As discussed at the 1:37:36 mark in Barnhardt Podcast #165, satan will use other people to try to convince you that you are powerless and that there is nothing you can do. In this example, just over the transom, it is, I strongly suspect, a musloid acting as lucifer’s emissary. SHOCKING!

We laugh. We laugh HARD.

EXTREME LANGUAGE WARNING, as you would expect.

From Novo Geno <[email protected]>

To [email protected] <[email protected]>

Subject pretty funny psycho ramblings

thanks for the laughs. enjoyed reading through your schizo bullshit. i love how utterly powerless and impotent you are. you literally have zero worldy impact. catholicism is dead. young catholics don’t give a fuck about praying to paintings and statues anymore. not to mention all the fuckin pedos in your holy moly church. hopefully God curses you with cancer or a brain eating parasite, and God-willing your kids (I hope you haven’t reproduced) all leave the Satanic bullshit that is Cathoshiticism. Catholoids these days are all retarded these days anyway, you fuckin lost america to the trannies and fags. how incompetent can you get.

fuck you and die. Islam won. you fucking repulsive catholoid nigger. go fuckin shove your faggy statues up your festering pussy. ugly whore.