Barnhardt Podcast #166: Wargaming the Antipapal Dirt Nap

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode, Ann and NonVeni Mark (because Ann and Supernerd are fighting… AGAIN) walk through the contingencies and scenarios of both the death of Antipope Bergoglio, and the death of the Holy Father Pope Benedict Ratzinger. Given either contingency, what should the Remnant Church Militant do? In keeping with the Feast of the Presentation, we make a deep dive into the concepts of Obedience and Recognition of Authority, specifically how rendering obedience and/or recognizing illegitimate authority essentially attacks both legitimate authority and the virtue of obedience at their roots. (Just for the record, Ann and Supernerd have never exchanged so much as a cross word, ever. But we’ll promptly let you know if that changes.)

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Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.