Monthly Archives: January 2022

On the Feast of the Betrothal of St. Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary, remember that it is a wonderful practice for children, youth & unmarried adults to pray for their future spouse every day

We recently talked about praying daily for your friends that you haven’t met yet, an especially important act of charity and piety as we all seem to be hurtling towards mass displacement, imprisonment and/or death camps. Imagine the friends that we will make! – people that we almost certainly never would have met otherwise. The Divine Providence is unfathomable and infinitely powerful. Even in collapse and war, there is always something to look forward to, always new friends just over the horizon.

In the same vein, let us remember to teach children, youth and adults who are marriageable, to pray for their future spouse, even as yet unknown, every day.

I’m hard pressed to think of anything more romantic than to be told by a courter that he had been praying for me every day since childhood (or she for him) – and not merely as a future friend… le sigh. Not to mention the reality of the efficacy of those prayers. God is not limited by time, so yes, we absolutely can and should pray for people we haven’t met yet, with the future spouse being at the top of that list, future children, and future friends.

And then when you meet them, you can have the deep pleasure of telling them that you have been praying for them for years, and know that it’s true.

Happy Feast of the Betrothal of St. Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary!

Lo Sposalizio, Raphael, ARSH 1504

Don’t Be Dumb. Obedience Has Nothing To Do With It. They’re All Blackmailable.

(This was penned in early ARSH 2018, long before the CoronaScam, and even before the Pell trial. I repost this as Antipope Bergoglio has ordered that a smear campaign against Pope Benedict be launched out of Germany, accusing Pope Benedict of “not doing enough” when he was briefly the Archbishop of Munich from ARSH 1977-1982… EXACTLY as I outlined below. One can only imagine the staggering levels of sodomitical infestation in a huge German Metropolitan See like Munich in the late ’70s. -AB)

I see lots of people trying to explain the near-total silence and near-instantaneous capitulation to Antipope Bergoglio by pretty much every priest, bishop and cardinal on the planet by citing “obedience” and a “profound concern for the authority of the Petrine Office.”

Absolute nonsense.  These men have been openly disobedient to the Vicars of Christ for over 50 years.  They openly rebelled against Paul VI when he promulgated Humanae Vitae, which upheld The Church’s teaching on the grave sin of contraception.  Paul VI, in fact, being a sodomite, an arch-heretic and almost certainly a Freemason, had promised his underlings that Humanae Vitae would, in fact, ratify contraception as morally licit, however Cardinal Ottaviani intercepted the draft and re-wrote the sections on contraception so that they were, you know, Catholic and not Freemasonic/satanic.  Bishops all over the world OPENLY DEFIED Humanae Vitae, both in public, and in the confessional, telling their priests to likewise tell their parishioners both inside the confessional and outside, that “Rome is wrong” and that the mortal sin of contraception was not a sin, and should not be confessed, much less ceased.  OBEDIENCE?

What about the Novus Ordo Mass, and how there are probably LESS THAN FIVE locations on the entire planet whereby the Novus Ordo Mass is celebrated ACCORDING TO THE LETTER of the Rite itself, and the documents promulgated by the Holy See during the 1960s pertaining to liturgy?  OBEDIENCE??  You’ve got to be kidding.

What about Summorum Pontificum?  MOST bishops LAUGH CONTEMPTUOUSLY at groups of faithful that come to them requesting The Venerable Gregorian Rite.  Cardinal Bergoglio, likely False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist, while ensconced in Buenos Aires, lied to and tricked the group of faithful that requested the Tridentine Mass.  OBEDIENCE AND RESPECT FOR THE AUTHORITY OF THE PETRINE OFFICE? Don’t make me laugh.

Speaking of Cardinal Bergoglio, after Pope Benedict XVI’s address at Regensberg in which he identified the islamic political system as  “evil and inhuman”, Cardinal Bergoglio was summoned to Rome for a standard meeting of Cardinals.  BERGOGLIO REFUSED TO COME TO ROME IN PROTEST OF POPE BENEDICT’S REMARKS ABOUT ISLAM.  Obedience?

No, Antipope Bergoglio is a diabolical narcissist psychopath who is now, and always has been about one thing: PERSONAL POWER.  He rules through FEAR, and in Rome EVERY PRIEST, BISHOP, MONSIGNOR and CARDINAL WITHOUT EXCEPTION IS BLACKMAILABLE.

The infiltration of the Church by Freemasons/Communists, who then recruited and promoted ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY SODOMITES for well over fifty years now is so intense, that absolutely EVERY PRELATE IS BLACKMAILABLE.  EVERY PRELATE has sodomite connections, even for the very, very rare prelate that isn’t a sodomite himself.  The faggotry is EVERYWHERE, on both the “left” and the “right and the “far right”.

And folks, where there are faggots, children are being abused.  Period.  There is no such thing as a “harmless faggot”.  Scratch a faggot and you’ll find either an active child predator, a developing child molester, or someone who has turned a blind eye to child molestation to protect “friends”.  The code of omertà among faggots is every bit as strong, if not stronger than the code of omertà in the Italian Mafia.

Folks, the Vatican is now, for all intents and purposes, a bathhouse.  And I am not speaking figuratively.  Cardinals, bishops, monsignors, priests, security guards, lay employees, Vatican Museum tour guides, it is a massive, massive network of sodomites, and the code of silence transcends political or ideological sides – or at least it used to.  The reason that Bergoglio wields so much illegitimate power is because he, although probably a sodomite himself (I’ve received new information out of Buenos Aires – his private life was a deplorable scandal), is now willing, for the sake of his own lust for power, to leverage sodomitical and child abuse activity and blackmail people without hesitancy.  This is a change, and THIS is why the Curia hates him.  He isn’t observing the code of sodomitical Omertà, and they are all, every one of them, TERRIFIED that he will expose them, even though Bergoglio himself is also a pervert with a criminal past. And remember, even for the few prelates left that are not sodomites, they have all, every one, “not done enough” with regards to priests that were under their jurisdiction at one point or another.

We’ve all had beaten into our heads for our entire lives that “what people do behind closed doors is their business…”  Now we are seeing why that is such a pernicious lie.  

The filthy, disgusting faggots, by doing their execrable deeds “behind closed doors” have constructed the very matrix of coercion and blackmail that is now being used to DESTROY THE CHURCH AND CAUSE COUNTLESS SOULS TO GO TO HELL.  

I remember well being haughtily lectured by a man that turned out to be one of the most notorious layman sodomites in the Vatican today (a Vatican Museums tour guide), a man whose b**w**bs are called “a Vatican institution”, that it was mortal sin to even SUSPECT someone of sodomy or being a sodomite without – get this – videographic evidence.  How convenient, so long as there is no video, AND the code of Omertà holds.

Now folks, and I can see this coming a mile away, all of the faggots in the Vatican that are on the “right” or that sympathize in any way and for any reason with “Traditionalists” will be exposed or blackmailed away, and satan wants the MAXIMUM SCANDAL POSSIBLE so that Trad Catholics will also lose their faith.

Remember, this is all about BLACKMAIL. Not obedience.  That is a false premise, and as I repeat ad nauseam, when your base premise is false, your resulting corollaries and conclusions will also be false.  And the more logical steps you take from a false premise, the worse and worse it gets.

A great place to start? How about adopting this TRUE premise:


I’m telling you, everything becomes crystal clear when the base premise is true.

Ted McCarrick, sodomitical codename “Blanche”, with his child victim James Grein. EVERYONE knew what McCarrick was. His blackmailability made him more attractive to the luciferian infiltrators, who sent him straight to the top of the American Church power structure.


New Brazilian study on Ivermectin as a prophylaxis adds “antibacterial” and “anti-protozoan” to Ivermectin’s attributes.


If you haven’t read the story of the discovery of Ivermectin by Satoshi Omura, that full post is here.  But I will repeat: NO SAMPLE OF THE BACTERIA THAT PRODUCE IVERMECTIN HAS EVER BEEN FOUND IN THE WILD SINCE OMURA’S COMPLETELY RANDOM SAMPLE TAKEN FROM HIS GOLF COURSE IN TOKYO.

Sit in stillness with that.

Every picogram of Ivermectin that exists in the world today comes from that ONE, RANDOM SOIL SAMPLE from Omura’s golf course.

Now, in addition to Ivermectin’s known anti-parasitic, anti-viral, anti-tumoric and anti-inflammatory properties, we can also add antibacterial and anti-protozoan to the list.

It is precisely because this stuff is as close to a “miracle drug” as you can get that BigPharma buried it as a third-world anti-parasitic and now as a “horse dewormer”.

Note the PROPHYLACTIC dosage regime in this study: 0.2 mg/kilo (the bottom blue line on our chart) for two consecutive days, every 15 days.  I like the two consecutive days.  I’ve been doing one dose every ten days (roughly) but will now switch to this dosage regime of two consecutive prophylactic doses every two weeks. Seems very reasonable. And most importantly, IT ISN’T GOING TO HURT.

I have received enough emails from people reporting HUGE and completely unexpected anti-inflammatory effects from taking Ivermectin (my favorite so far has been from the woman suffering from crippling achilles tendonitis for over two years – completely and unexpectedly cleared up upon taking Ivermectin for suspected Coof) to be keen on Ivermectin basically as a kind of pseudo-vitamin supplement.  The fact that people have experienced huge anti-inflammatory effects that they had absolutely no mental expectation of tells me that the placebo effect is NOT in play here.The woman was completely shocked that her tendonitis was GONE one morning shortly after she started dosing Ivermectin.  In my experience, tendonitis doesn’t suddenly clear up by itself. It is a months-long process without any pharmacological intervention.

I hope this helps.


Ghandi and MLK were both sex perverts, were both Communist stooges, and were both completely full of shit.

If you declare non-violence as an absolute, all your enemy need do is use the slightest bit of violence against you, and you are defeated.

Ghandi and MLK were, and continue to be, luciferian psy-ops to warp the minds of men into believing that sloth and effeminacy are virtues, and that virility and potency are vices.

All things have their season, and in their times all things pass under heaven.
Omnia tempus habent, et suis spatiis transeunt universa sub caelo.

A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted.
Tempus nascendi, et tempus moriendi; tempus plantandi, et tempus evellendi quod plantatum est.

A time to kill, and a time to heal. A time to destroy, and a time to build.
Tempus occidendi, et tempus sanandi; tempus destruendi, et tempus aedificandi.

A time to weep, and a time to laugh. A time to mourn, and a time to dance.
Tempus flendi, et tempus ridendi; tempus plangendi, et tempus saltandi.

A time to scatter stones, and a time to gather. A time to embrace, and a time to be far from embraces.
Tempus spargendi lapides, et tempus colligendi, tempus amplexandi, et tempus longe fieri ab amplexibus.

A time to get, and a time to lose. A time to keep, and a time to cast away.
Tempus acquirendi, et tempus perdendi; tempus custodiendi, et tempus abjiciendi.

A time to rend, and a time to sew. A time to keep silence, and a time to speak.
Tempus scindendi, et tempus consuendi; tempus tacendi, et tempus loquendi.

A time of love, and a time of hatred. A time of war, and a time of peace.
Tempus dilectionis, et tempus odii; tempus belli, et tempus pacis.

Mailbag: A counselor that treats people with sexual perversions checks in on the fatherlessness question

Hi Ann,

I am a professional counselor, highly-trained to help men overcome what are often referred to as unwanted same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria. My clients describe themselves as ” I don’t want to be gay/trans anymore”, or “The LGBT label/life doesn’t fit me.” My mentor worked for the late Joseph Nicolosi for several years. I have worked with hundreds of men who experience unwanted same-sex attraction and/or gender dysphoria, many of whom were able to overcome it.

In answer to your question: From the thousands of hours of training and experience I have come to this conclusion: It doesn’t seem to matter whether the father was a one-night stand, died when the client was a child, or was physically present though disconnected or “effeminate” in the classical sense. All three scenarios leave a child vulnerable.

How come some fatherless kids don’t have these sexual or identity problems? It appears to hinge on two things: a) the temperament of the child (still a nature vs nurture debate), and b) the boy’s relationship with his mother. If the boy has a more emotionally sensitive temperament, he is more likely to have sexual and/or identity problems. Some fatherless boys have an uncle, mentor, coach, or family friend who takes him under his wing and teaches him how to be a man.

The boy’s relationship with his mother appears to the strongest contributing factor to SSA and gender dysphoria. Some mothers enroll their boys in gymnastics, ballet, jazz/tap, where he is the only boy. Some mothers refuse to let their boys go play with the other boys for fear that they will get hurt or will dirty their clothes. Some use their boys (instead of their husbands) as “confidants”, what is often referred to as “enmeshment” or “emotional incest”. Some mothers dominate their sons, emasculate them when they make mistakes. Some moms undermine and badmouth their husbands, conveying the message that masculinity is toxic. The common thread in all of these examples is thus: mom’s feelings are the center of the universe and all things must be ordered make her happy.

Mom’s actions (enmeshment, emasculation, coddling) toward her boys are the main contributing factors in heterosexual pornography addiction, heterosexual promiscuity, unwanted same-sex attraction, and gender dysphoria. These are on a continuum from mild to severe with heterosexual pornography addiction being mildest and gender dysphoria being most severe. The more severe the symptoms, the more harmful the abandonment by dad and the more mom emotionally exploited her son. One of the most common and destructive ways mom undermines dad is the cell phone war. The kids want cell phones, mom can’t stand to tell her kids “no”, so she nags, cajoles, argues, manipulates her husband until the kids get a phone, with or without his approval. Once the kid has a cell phone, he becomes ice cream for all the predators and sickos that will teach him to hate you and everything you believe in. They will succeed. (Remember “we’ll convert your children”?)

Dad’s contribution to the problem is he is not living up to his birthright as head of the household, as the divine authority over his wife and kids. In many of the cases, mom habitually emasculated dad. He withdrew and emotionally abandoned his son in the process, leaving him vulnerable to emotional abuse by mom. Or maybe mom undermines dad and he fails to assert himself as head of the household. Kids see this and they develop a contempt for dad because of his weakness. The sons have no salient model for masculinity.

Advice for dads: You must reclaim your birthright. You must reclaim your role as head of the marriage and of the household. You must reclaim your family from the demons prowling on the internet or in the tv and movies. Children have no place on the internet just like they have no place in an abandoned warehouse in South Central LA. It will be hard. It will hurt. Your wife may rebel, belittle you, yell, use sarcasm, and try to manipulate you. Do it anyway. Ceasing the effeminate male role can only be done by embracing the hardship of reclaiming territory conquered by the enemy (your wife is not the enemy). You let the enemy into your garden, your house. You must take it back for the love of God, your wife, and your children. You will stand before God at your particular judgement and God will ask how you did as head-of-the-household. “My wife and I were a team and made all our decisions together” will not be a valid defense.

You will not find any of this in the modernist Catechism of the Catholic Church (green or tan cover). You will find it in Spirago and Clarke’s “The Catechism Explained”. The description of the model of marriage is beautiful and rightly ordered. A rightly ordered household is far less likely to have any of the problems I mentioned. Of the families that come to therapy, the quickest way to fix most problems is to put the family in right order. The husbands and wives that are able to achieve this right order often see a significant change over time in the mental health of their children.

Biblical references: Men are the head of the household. It is our birthright “and thou shalt be under thy husband’s power, and he shall have dominion over thee. [Gen 3:16]. The book of Genesis alone details no less than three stories wherein different wives (Eve, Sarai, Rebeka) usurp dad’s authority with disastrous consequences for themselves, their progeny, and the future of humanity. Adam and Abram were guilty of abdicating their roles by doing what their respective wives told them. God even admonished Adam, “Because thou hast hearkened to the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree… (that comma is important). Adam was made to have dominion. Eve was made to be his helpmate. This is observable throughout history.

Sexual abuse: In some cases, clients with same-sex attraction were sexually abused as children. This does not appear to be the majority of cases.

Autism spectrum: It is well documented that a large percentage of those who call themselves “transgender” also place on the Autism spectrum. In those cases, the dysfunctional dad/mom dynamics are still at play, and exacerbated by the Autism spectrum disorder.

I could write tens of thousands more words on this topic, but this is the general explanation of the problem and solution.


Matthew Sciba, LPC

Tyler, Texas

So you’ve got the Coof. Here’s your protocol, soldier.

Early Coof (symptoms onset):

ASAP take Ivermectin 0.6 mg/kg whether it’s pill form, 1% injectable or the dreaded horse paste (sorry Mark), but it MUST be the full dose, all at once and daily for a minimum of 5 days OR UNTIL SYMPTOMS DISAPPEAR. And that means all symptoms, even if it turns into long COVID. Do not take at the same time as quercetin, and do take on a full stomach for maximum absorption.

If one is in possession of nigella sativa (AKA black cumin seed oil), one should add this to help enhance the Ivermectin. Think of it as a booster effect. The dose is 80 mg/kg of body weight. It can be purchased in capsule form of varying concentrations, or in the oil form. One teaspoon of the oil has about 3000 milligrams, so a person who weighed 75 kilos would take 2 teaspoons (75 kilos x 80 mg per kilo = 6000mg) It is very spicy so it can be either mixed with something or taken like a liquor shot & immediately chased with a yum yum of your choice. It will burn on the way down like a fine Tennessee moonshine, so be prepared. ***Nigella sativa does have some negative drug interactions, specifically beta-blockers, and can generate allergic reactions in some people. If you feel anything weird, stop taking it.***

Hydroxychloroquine is next on the list: 200 mg twice daily for 5 to 7 days. If it has been 5 days or more since your symptoms have developed, then hydroxychloroquine will not be effective so skip this.

Zinc 50 mg – 100 mg daily. This can cause stomach upset if you are not accustomed to taking it, so I would suggest no more than 25 mg at a time several times per day to achieve the daily dose requirement.

Pair with quercetin, 500 mg. DO NOT TAKE QUERCETIN AT THE SAME MOMENT AS IVERMECTIN. Quercetin is a key ally in your fight, so don’t abandon it, but it can inhibit the effectiveness of ivermectin so be sure to take them several hours apart.

Azithromycin (also known as a ZPak), 500 mg once, then 250 mg the next day & continue for four days. If you cannot get azithromycin, you can use doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 7 days.

Be sure to start an aspirin regimen to aid with possible blood clots: 325 mg daily.

There are many opinions on the use of vitamin D3. Dr. Zev Zelenko offers this suggestion: 50,000 IU for two days or 10,000 IU for seven days. The Front Line COVID Critical Care doctors only list 1,000-3,000 IUs per day as part of their protocol. Everyone should be taking at least 5,000 IUs daily at baseline. Don’t forget that vitamin K2 is necessary for D3 to work in your body. Take 50-100 mcg daily.

Vitamin C is also paramount. Like D3, there are varying opinions on the amount. Dr. Zelenko says 1000 mg daily, while the FLCCC recommends 500-1000 mg twice daily. Still others suggest a much higher dose: 3000 milligrams initially followed by 1000-2000 milligrams hourly until diarrhea develops or symptoms subside. Then cut the dose in half.

There is very preliminary data to suggest famotidine (also known as Pepcid) may help reduce the inflammation associated with COVID. It’s a safe drug & easy to obtain over the counter so taking 20 mg twice daily is doable.

A prescription for steroids is also helpful: preferably a prednisone dose pack.

And lastly, melatonin, a known anti-inflammatory, 6-10 mg at bedtime.

Later Coof (after 5 days):

From day 6 & beyond, viral replication ceases and the legendary “cytokine storm” sets in. This is the later stage of the disease that is highly inflammatory. Continue with high-dose vitamin C, ivermectin, aspirin, zinc, pepcid, and melatonin. But if you haven’t added steroids now is the time to do so. If you are taking oral steroids, then getting a prescription for an inhaled steroid is a good idea. Budesonide, either in an inhaler (called Pulmicort) or by nebulizer 1 mg AT LEAST twice daily. Buy a fingertip pulse oximeter and make sure your pulse ox is above 88%. A pulse ox less than 88% should prompt a person to seek care in an ER, sadly. It’s terrible pointing people in that direction, but…. 😬

Sit upright, cough & deep breathe or use an incentive spirometer every hour to keep the lungs expanded. When you’re resting, lay in the prone (face down) position as often as you can.

One can source home oxygen and or a rental nebulizer with a budesonide prescription at

NAC, an over the counter supplement that is a precursor to glutathione, is very helpful in this phase. Glutathione is a naturally occurring anti-inflammatory and NAC helps your body make more. Get NAC and take 1800 mg per day. (Tylenol and paracetamol can inhibit glutathione, so avoid! Tylenol will do more harm than good, regardless of how it may make you feel in the short term).

It is important to note that ivermectin not only reduces viral replication in the early phase of COVID, but also acts as an anti inflammatory to help arrest the cytokine storm in the later stages. Therefore, it is never too late to start taking ivermectin, and you should continue to take it until all symptoms are resolved.

Feel free to copy and share this. No attribution necessary.

Ponderous questions about Fatherlessness

So this wafted over my transom today.  It is clearly true. BUT, here’s a question that I’ll just drop and let YOU ponder:

Which is worse: a completely absentee father, or a father who is present, but is a heterosexual faggot?

Which situation causes more children of both sexes to end up as narcissist sex perverts?

This is a serious question. Is it better to have no father at all than to have an effeminate as a father? Contemplate and discuss.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and deliver us from faggots, both homosexual and heterosexual, both clerics and laymen.


Mailbag: An Animal Husbandman Reminds Us To Store the 1% Injectable Ivermectin in a cool, DARK place


It was brought to my attention years and years ago that ivermectin is incredibly sensitive to sunlight and should not be sitting around outside of the box, especially if it is in a clear bottle. Several brands including Durvet put it in a brown glass bottle, but others like Norbrook do not for whatever reason.

I left a bottle of injectable Norbrook brand hanging on the side of the chute years ago and a visiting DVM told me to take it to the trash immediately as it was guaranteed to be ineffective due to the sunlight exposure. This is the basis of my concern. Don’t know why I just thought about it now after nearly 2 years of ivermectin discussions.


In keeping with the theme of cool dark places, here’s “Fishin’ in the Dark” by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.