Just a reminder that ABR, from whom Regeneron scientists obtained the human fetal liver to make their humanized mice, is a "partner" of Planned Parenthood's aborted baby organ trafficking operation:https://t.co/n78sI7Nua8
— Julianne ✝️ (@KindeandTrue) September 17, 2021
Nurse Claire sends that Julianne in Long Island delivers incontrovertible evidence.
The Cult of Moloch demands universal participation.
Note that the murdered children whose organs are collected and used are called “donors”. Donate, as in “to give”. What an utterly satanic inversion. -AB
Nurse Claire, I think I finally found a study which further proves that Regeneron uses human fetal liver to develop their humanized mice. https://t.co/Sek4WE03oB
— Julianne ✝️ (@KindeandTrue) September 15, 2021

“Fetal liver samples were obtained from the Human Fetal Tissue Repository at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, and from Advanced Biosciences Resources, Alameda, CA.”
“Newborn RG SKI and RG SKI IL-6 mice were irradiated and engrafted with human CD34+ cells purified from the fetal liver. “
I’ve been looking for weeks to find direct evidence, besides their press statements, that Regeneron uses fetal organs to humanize their mice, and here it is. I prayed to Our Lady of Sorrows and Blessed Stefan Wyszynski, and they delivered. 🙏
Four of the authors of this 2017 study are from Regeneron (marked with a superscript 3): Davor Frieta , Cagan Gurer, Andrew J. Murphy, George D. Yancopoulos.
Yancopoulos is the co-founder, president and chief scientific officer of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. pic.twitter.com/RP4lDQHU1y
— Julianne ✝️ (@KindeandTrue) September 15, 2021