Monthly Archives: July 2021

Mailbag: Gushing Gratitude and a Practical Suggestion – 50mL brown glass bottles

Dear Ann,

Not to embarrass you, but in all likelihood, you helped save my life. Every time I have tried to write you a letter to express my thanks, the words feel silly and inadequate. My gratitude simply overwhelms me.

But in part because I have also been needing to share a crucial suggestion with you — which I’ll get to below — I am determined to send this long-overdue note of appreciation TODAY.

Dear, beloved, precious Ann! It was you who put me onto Karl Denninger, who put me onto Dr. Pierre Kory, whose impassioned testimony in the U.S. Senate last December inspired me to find the FLCCC website, where I found the I-MASK+ prophylactic protocol for high-risk individuals. Just as importantly, it was YOU who gave me the actual way to DO that protocol, since my own doctor refused to prescribe me ivermectin. (Hello, Tractor Supply!)

I am 64, and have two risk factors — obesity (mea maxima culpa) and high blood pressure (yes, probably as a direct result of the obesity). But for most of last year, any fear for my own life or health was DWARFED by my fear that I might asymptomatically or pre-symptomatically INFECT SOMEONE ELSE and be responsible for their death.

I have been told for years by people close to me that I suffer from scrupulosity. Maybe so, maybe not, but in any case, my life was constricted by my fear of hurting others, even though I knew from early on that something was very, very fishy about the whole Covid thing, and that Fauci was a snake.

But praise be to God, I took my first dose of 1% ivermectin injectable solution on December 24, and a HUGE burden was lifted from me. It is probably no exaggeration to say that ivermectin saved my sanity. It gave me my life back. I feel that you and Dr. Kory, by informing me about ivermectin, have been God’s instruments in bringing me precious, priceless peace of mind. I feel like an ex-prisoner who’s been granted her freedom. Who is to say whether saving my sanity has not also in some sense saved my life?

So I am unspeakably grateful to you, dear lady!

And now for the suggestion, which I really hope you will share with others. Rather than be dependent on those disposable syringes, why not do what I do: Pry the cap off the bottle that the solution comes in, and pour the liquid into empty brown glass bottles with leakproof caps — either regular caps or caps with droppers. Then it is very easy to pour or dropper your dose into a measuring spoon (1 ml = 0.2 tsp) and take it just like cough medicine. (To me, it even tastes a little like cough medicine, only not as cloyingly sweet.)

I have poured liquid into 50-ml brown glass bottles, labeled the bottles, and given them to people who are actually committed to taking it, either for prevention, like me, or if they start to get sick any time in the future.

Anticipating the times that are coming, I have gone to Tractor Supply and Orschelns in various cities over the past few months, limiting myself to one 500ml bottle per purchase — I don’t want to buy out any store’s whole supply; I want to leave enough for others in the area who may be buying it. I pay in cash, as you so wisely counseled. (THANK YOU for that advice! I might not have thought of it on my own.)

Then, I ordered online (but NOT from evil Amazon) several cases of 50 mL brown glass bottles with leak-proof caps, into which I plan to soon portion out my sizable supplies and get them labeled and ready to give to people.

I really hope you will share my suggestion about pouring the ivermectin solution into bottles with regular caps and taking your dose from a measuring spoon, just like any other medicine. I’m probably not the only person out there who finds disposable syringes off-putting, inconvenient, costly, and wasteful. Not to mention that they may not be available in stores soon. Supply lines are glitching all over the place, and I suspect that many things will become unavailable at any price in the coming months. My advice is to buy ivermectin while you still can, but forget the syringes. People always have spoons on hand; syringes, not so much.

In closing, just know that I am extremely grateful to you — not only for ivermectin, but for all the Catholic wisdom you share (your piece about the Immaculate Conception and your piece using the deck of cards…. oh my, I will treasure forever), for your continuing work in defense of the true papacy, and for constantly CHALLENGING me personally toward greater holiness.

You make a huge difference in the world, Ann, and you make a huge difference in my life.

God bless you, keep you, and prosper your work for His Kingdom!

Love and peace in Jesus our Savior,


P.S. Oh and I didn’t even mention your podcasts!! I only started listening to them a few months ago, and… WOW. Every single one is a gift.

Barnhardt Podcast #150: Holo-cough Denial

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

LANGUAGE ALERT for this episode!

In this episode, Nurse Claire and Dr. Beep join Ann for a no-holds-barred truth drop on the real state of affairs on the front lines of the Holo-cough. And yes, the word “Zombies” might be the largest-font word in the word cloud. Folks, the glassy-eyed cultic denial and active suppression and concealment of glaring, objective reality among medical professionals is something so far beyond the Twilight Zone that it is difficult to adequately describe. Brace for a very, very bad turn come late September-early October when the next cold-flu season starts. And get your cataracts fixed and that dental work done NOW.

UPDATE: Listener feedback

Terrific podcast, Ann. I’ve been an RN for 44 years (a 3 yr hospital based diploma RN, then went back for a BSN) and am seeing a lot of the same zombie-groupthink Covidcon buy-in as Nurse Claire and Dr Beep are describing, among my own co-workers. Complete lack of critical thinking, even rationality. I plan to retire this fall at 67, and can’t wait to get away as I am so ashamed of what healthcare has become. Nothing has made sense from the beginning of this scam, it was obviously a psyop. The buyin from nurses doesn’t surprise me, as I have seen the professional educational standards lowered drastically, and, sorry, but my experience has been that most women do not think, they FEEL, and are extremely personal in their ability to relate. But to see doctors go along with this is depressing. It’s all about the money, and sadly “healthcare” is no longer controlled by medical-clinical people. Business people and managers run it, and, again, my experience has been the more clinical and medically competent you are, the more they marginalize and dislike you. They think medicine and healthcare is “Best Practices” and “Clinical Pathways”, and one doctor or nurse is just the same as any other, regardless of experience and competence. We are labor units, and are to shut up and do as they tell us, no matter if it is safe or even do-able. And the politicians and bureaucrats have hijacked the professional prestige and esteem the public has had for clinical practitioners, and put it in service of a complete global takeover.

And THANKS to Nurse Claire on her “Hee-ro!!” observations. It is nauseating. I am a professional RN, and I know I do good work, and have worked circles around nurses decades younger, thanks be to God. It is insulting for managers and crats to stick these “Hero” signs everywhere, the whole time they take us for fools, leave us with inadequate equipment and staffing. Their approval means nothing to me.

The sad thing is, when this first hit, and the nursing home owners were paid off to bring the flu patients into the nursing homes and expose the most at-risk among us, I thought, “That’s it. People are going to descend on nursing homes and take their loved ones home so they aren’t exposed”. Ha, not ONE! These old folks were kept in their rooms for MONTHS, isolated except for masked, busy staff, scared and alone.

I am not a very good Catholic, but even I know Bergoglio is a satanic anti-pope, and a lot of these “Trads” are like the GOP RINOs, just controlled opposition. I converted in 2008, work 12 hour nights on the weekends and don’t attend Mass, the nearest TLM is about an hr and 20 min away, anyway, and I cannot abide the N.O. Mass. Been there, done that, as a Protestant. I do try to pray the Rosary daily, and I do fast twice a week, as you recommend. But, for what it’s worth, I will pray for you and your production team, Nurse Claire and Dr Beep (thank God there are others out there! Sometimes I have thought I am crazy!). God Bless you!


P.S. Thx for the Ivermectin info! Worked like a charm!

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The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]

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UPDATED: The UK is totally lost. Pagan mission territory like the jungles of Papua New Guinea. They will have to be dealt with on a “first contact” basis. They’re that bad and completely far-gone.

UPDATE: This is NOT SATIRE, folks.

“NHS. Our savior, nothing less.”

This is NOT photoshopped. The National Health Service is the official state religion, and yes, it is absolutely a religion, of the UK. Complete with human sacrifice. The Holocough has only fed this satanic political pagan cult.

Alfie Evans was unavailable for comment.

Mailbag: Ivermectin works in Uganda too.

“Act, and God will act.”

St. Joan of Arc

Hello Ann,

Greetings! I hope you are doing well in your daily struggle against the globalist anti-catholic forces.

I am writing to you from Uganda, and I have appreciated your efforts. May God continue blessing you in your endeavors. Most importantly, I am grateful for your publicising ivermectin. My sister fell ill from covid and was admitted to hospital. We got her discharged from hospital as she was deteriorating, and started treating her on ivermectin. She was able to get up from her bed after three days and is recovering well.

May the good Lord continue showering his blessings on you.


Mailbag: Now here’s a VERY interesting question… “Arrows” = syringes in prophecy?

Good day Ann:

This thought came to me while listening to a priest’s homily recently.

Do you think the mention of the “arrows” in the third secret of Fatima is related in anyway to the DeathJab? Bullets make sense, but arrows? Even in Lucia’s time, I can’t imagine arrows being a primary means of hunting/killing prey or especially waging war. May this “arrow” reference (and the Holy Father being attacked by same) be connected to the DeathJab somehow and the nearly obsessive drumbeat to get the all and especially the reluctant (i.e. prey) injected (i.e. “shot” and/or killed)?

Pax Christi,


UPDATED: ”We’re coming for your children” is a double entendres, folks. It’s even worse than you think. It’s full satanic manifestation.

San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus lyrics. Remember, evil always tells you what it’s doing and what its plans are. Also, at a certain point, satan demands public manifestation of his human legions. Read this and then understand why sodomy is a capital crime according to the Divine Law, and was a felony according to civil law in most civilized cultures, including this one, until just a few short decades ago.

If any one lie with a man as with a woman, both have committed an abomination, let them be put to death: their blood be upon them.

Qui dormierit cum masculo coitu femineo, uterque operatus est nefas : morte moriantur : sit sanguis eorum super eos.

Leviticus 20: 13

Can you imagine the demonic hoots and screeches of delight that went up in rehearsals when they got to “we’re coming for your children?” Laughing at the “breeders”, many of whom have and will totally miss perhaps the most egregiously evil and certainly the most pornographic line in the song. Don’t think for a nanosecond that “Do you think we can get away with that? Of course we can!” wasn’t openly discussed by the group.

Here is a screen cap from the official video with the criminal record of one of the pictured proud sodomites overlayed. Lewd and lascivious act with a child under 14. David Eugene Wallace came for someone’s child.


A reader sent this, and it cannot be said any better:

If you think this is about pedophilia, you’ve missed the point entirely. This is a public proclamation of what they’ve always done. Replete with hubris, they are no longer hiding it. It’s about conversion and conquest. It’s about gender confusion and creating a larger “playing field” for themselves. All at the expense of the clueless, pathetic breeders whose minds they’ve been manipulating for decades. They believe they’ve won, and they’re rubbing it in our collective face. What am I seeing about “true gays” not going along with this? As in “good gays” vs “bad gays”? Most sodomites are pederasts. They’ve corrupted civilizations throughout history, and cultures who’ve accepted it have always, without exception, died an ignominious and pitiful death. Watch it again and again until you understand. They are telling you everything, with great pride and a presumed victory over you. Have they won, or not?

You think we’re sinful

You fight against our rights

You say we all lead live you can’t respect

But you’re just frightened

You think that we’ll corrupt your kids

If our agenda goes unchecked

Funny, just this once, you’re correct

We’ll convert your children

Happens bit by bit

Quietly and subtlely

And you will barely notice it

You can keep them from disco

Warn about San Francisco

Make ’em wear pleated pants

We don’t care…

We’ll convert your children…

We’ll make them tolerant and fair

Just like you worriеd

They’ll change their group of friеnds

You won’t approve of where they go at night

(to protests)

Oh, and you’ll be disgusted

(so gross)

When they start finding things online

That you’ve kept far from their sight

(like information…)

Guess what?

You’ll still be alright!

We’ll convert your children

Reaching one and all

There’s really no escaping it

’cause even grandma likes Rupaul

And the world’s getting kinder

Gen Z’s gayer than Grindr

Learn to love

Learn to vogue

Face your fate!

We’ll convert your children

Someone’s gotta teach them not to hate

We’re coming for them

We’re coming for your children

We’re coming for them

We’re coming for them

We’re coming for your children

For your children

You’re children will care about

Fairness and justice for others

Your children will work to convert

All their sisters and brothers

Then, soon, we’re almost certain

You’re kids will start convertin’ you!

The gay agenda is coming home

The gay agenda is here!

But you don’t have to worry

’cause there’s nothing wrong with

Standing by our side

Get on board in a hurry

Because the world always needs

A bit more pride

But you don’t have to worry

’cause there’s nothing wrong with

Standing by our side

(The Gay Agenda)

Get on board in a hurry

Because the world always needs

A bit more pride

(The Gay Agenda)

Come on, try a little pride!

We’ll convert your children

Then we’ll turn to you

Giving up the fear inside

Is freeing like you never knew!

Go and see San Francisco!

Go and turn up that disco!

You’ll forget you were ever upset

We’ll convert your children

And make an ally of you yet!

We’ll make an ally of you yet!

We’ll make an ally of you yet!

Nothing New Under the Sun: When Dostoyevsky Described Diabolical Narcissism

(This post was written on 20 February, ARSH 2020 –  DAYS before the CoronaScam Totalitarian Religious-Political global putsch was launched.  Read this, and realize that Covidism is every bit the Diabolical Narcissism factory that islam is, and far, far beyond Dostoyensky’s 19th century Russia.  Perpetual lies which cause a loss of faith, and then the freely-chosen self-purgation of charity, the total objectification of other humans, and THE DESIRE TO BE “OFFENDED”. And now the “offense” given is to be a perfectly healthy human being, especially one who has not been ecstatically injected with poison.  I hadn’t revisited this piece since it was published, but it is positively chilling to read now, especially given the timing of its composition. -AlphaBravo2021) 

“The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to such a pass that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love, and in order to occupy and distract himself without love he gives way to passions and coarse pleasures, and sinks to bestiality in his vices, all from continual lying to other men and to himself. The man who lies to himself can be more easily offended than anyone. You know it is sometimes very pleasant to take offence, isn’t it?  A man may know that nobody has insulted him, but that he has invented the insult for himself, has lied and exaggerated to make it picturesque, has caught at a word and made a mountain out of a molehill — he knows that himself, yet he will be the first to take offence, and will revel in his resentment till he feels great pleasure in it, and so pass to genuine vindictiveness.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov
Father Zosima speaking to Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov, father of the brothers Karamazov and Diabolical Narcissist

I have posted this quote before, but it bears revisiting.  A hallmark of the Diabolical Narcissist is the lying – DNs are pathological, facile liars far above and beyond the sorts of lies that most of us tell (“Mmmm! Yes, Aunt Mildred, your Tuna-Jello pie was delicious!”).  DNs will look you in the eye, and with complete earnestness and directness lie through their teeth, and generally with zero remorse or apology ever.  They do not experience the sick feeling in the pit of the stomach, the pangs of conscience that “normal” sinners feel.  This springs precisely from their lack of empathy, their freely chosen lovelessness and thus total indifference to other people qua people. DNs believe themselves to be elite, or at least have a desperate need to believe themselves elite, and thus outside and above the law and any moral constraint, most especially with regards to other people.

One is also reminded by this quote of the islamic political system, a satanic paradigm specifically designed to create Diabolical Narcissists.  Anyone who actually reads the manifesto of the islamic political system, the koran, will instantly realize that the fictional deity called “allah” is actually a proxy for satan.  How?  Because “allah” is described as a “deceiver” and “the greatest deceiver”.  “The Father Lies” if you will.  Lying is a specifically and explicitly mandated part of the islamic political system and culture – the word for it being “taqiyya”.  The musloid political system says that lying, not just to non-musloids, but in pursuit of ANY GOAL, is paiseworthy and virtuous.

As we have discussed previously, one of the primary scandals of lying is how it erodes the capacity for faith, and eventually love, from the person who is lied to.  When a person is constantly betrayed by being lied to, oftentimes a loss of faith is the result, as a self-defense mechanism.  Eventually, this misguided attempt at self-defense devolves into a freely-chosen self-purgation of all love – and VOILA!  A new Diabolical Narcissist is created.  The islamic political system is a veritable DN nursery.  Islamic cultures presume that every interaction is built upon lies and lying, from buying food in the market (and all business transactions) to marriage to parent-child relationships.  All relationships become Machiavellian, precisely because other human beings are considered OBJECTS.

And from this objectification, borne from lying, comes ALL species of sexual perversion.  Only a truly warped mind and soul could actually do the things that sodomites do.  Sodomitical acts IN AND OF THEMSELVES are explicitly hateful and loveless.  There is no way to “lovingly” put a phallus up someone’s rectum or into someones mouth – male or female.  Period.  Full stop.

Finally, Dostoyevsky even describes the Social Justice Warrior Snowflake pathology – the constant SEEKING OUT of “offense”.  This manifests itself today in not just far-leftist insanity, but also in any incapacity to receive correction or instruction, which we see everywhere.  We are reminded of Fr. Ripperger’s description of the generational spirits of demonic oppression, with the spirit of INDOCILITY being the hallmark of the Baby Boomer (hippy) generation, and cumulatively all subsequent generations.  And so, the man who lies to himself concocts entire fictional narratives of offense, often revolving around instruction, correction or critique.  And we wonder why the intellectual life is almost totally dead in the post-Christian west.  We wonder why people today seem incapable of learning, of being totally devoid of any sort of intellectual curiosity, much less of any sort of genuine capacity for conversion.  When instruction and correction are framed as “attack” by default, only stagnation and then profound retrogression result.

There is no clearer cultural example of this today than the post Vatican II – Novus Ordoist Catholic Church.  Banality, primacy of individual conscience, toxic sentimentality, all yielding REBELLION manifesting as a contempt for sacred tradition, beauty, objective truth, and ultimately contempt for the Law, which is nothing less than hatred of God Himself.

If you want to see what the future of the post-Christian west looks like, look at the islamic world.  If you want to know what your great-great grandsons will be, look at the men of the caliphate today – shiftless layabout retards, seeking animal-level sex and the destruction of any who dare call them out of their gutter existence.

“I am offended!”

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

God is the actor. God is the driver. God is the smitten Lover, and we are the quarry. To understand this or not, is the sort. This is the sift.

(Originally penned in ARSH 2014, when we were all still young and naive. I’ve reworked references to the Antipope, as even I hadn’t yet come to the moral certainty of the situation, specifically the Canonical invalidity of Pope Benedict’s failed attempted partial resignation. -AlphaBravo2021)

So I’m getting all kinds of emails from people who feel themselves losing their faith, considering going sedevacantist or just giving up on the entire idea of the Church qua church altogether.

This is obviously very, very bad, and is the doing of satan.  This is what happened right after the promulgation of the Novus Ordo Mass in late ARSH 1969.  Many, many Catholics saw the Holy and August Sacrifice of the Mass turned into – sometimes literally – a clown show in the space of just a few short months, and simply walked away.  “I didn’t leave the Church – the Church left me.

Now satan wants to finish what was started 50 years ago.  What we are seeing today is the coming to full fruition of the Modernist-Freemasonic-Communist-Homosexualist war of aggression against God and His Church.  Yes, I said “Freemasonic”.  I need to write a full post on that because I know the vast majority of Americans don’t understand what Freemasonry was and is.  I know many of you, like me, have male relatives who were members of Masonic lodges, and it seemed like a benign club where men got together and drank coffee, socialized, did charitable projects, and also did some weird “ritualistic” stuff.  Yes.  In fact, I myself was in Job’s Daughters for one semester when I was 13, and was eligible because my grandfather (now long dead) was a Mason in rural Kansas.  For now, since I don’t want to get into it in this post, please just understand that Freemasonry in the U.S. today is GENERALLY very, very different from Freemasonry in Europe, and Freemasonry in years and centuries past.  European Freemasonry today is massively intertwined with the global banking and financial system (which is evil, as we know) as well as the globalist/one world government manifestations (the E.U., the United Nations, the Washington D.C. regime, etc.).  And, target numero uno of Freemasonry is, you guessed it, THE CHURCH, and especially the PAPACY. Like I said, more on that later.

In this post I want to try, once again, to help draw the distinction in everyone’s minds between Jesus Christ and the people inside the Church and how equating the two is extremely, extremely harmful to the point of endangering one’s soul by either driving a person out of, or keeping a person from ever entering in the first place, the One True Church.

Here is what I see, hear and perceive in people, and this is what I think many, many people simply do not get.

Jesus Christ is a Person.  God is a Personal Deity.

“Well, duh” many of you might say at that statement.  Not so fast.  I see very little understanding of this truly foundational premise.

All of you who are “losing your faith” and “ready to give up on the Church”, let me just ask you:

What EXACTLY do you think the Church is?

Why do you go to Mass?

Why do you genuflect when you enter the pew?

Why do you go to confession (if you even do)?

Why do you try to avoid sin?

Why do you give a flying fig about anyone besides yourself?

In order.

The Church is God’s vehicle of reaching out to man so that we might know Him, love Him and serve Him in this world, and be happy with Him forever in the next.  Note the direction, because this is utterly crucial: the Church is GOD’S vehicle for REACHING OUT TO MAN.  The Church is His creation, it is His instrument to the point that He regards it as “His Body”.  He is the Driver, He is the Revelator, He is the Actor within it.  NOT MAN.  

The Catholic Church, which is the one-and-only true Church and true religion, is NOT man-made or man-sustained.  It is a supernatural gift from Almighty God to mankind that is completely beyond our comprehension in the infinite love, condescension, and burning desire for the salvation of every single human being that is the cause for its existence.

Here is what the Church is NOT:  It is NOT a man-made invention.  Every false religion (Hinduism, Buddhism, Talmudic Judaism, the musloid political system, Mormonism, Covidism), as well as EVERY Protesting quasi-Christian sect, cult and “denomination” is MAN MADE.  Look ’em up.  Look up “presbyterian” and you can see EXACTLY when and who created this man-made sect.  Some “non-denominational” churches are so cringingly clueless that they proudly BOAST of when they were “founded”. Established in 1982…  These “churches”, and also the infiltrators of the Catholic Church, peddle the lie that religion and “church” are MAN’S REACHING OUT TO GOD.  Man is the founder, man is the driver, man is the actor.  Man, man, man.

Do you understand the difference here?  The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is God desperately chasing after YOU, God doing everything He possibly, possibly can short of taking away your free will and coercing you.  

Here is God coming down on the altar at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, miraculously and supernaturally changing bread and wine into His Physical Substance so that He can be near us, among us and even inside of us in His PHYSICAL SUBSTANCE.  

Here is God giving us a concrete means of confessing our sins TO HIM and receiving pardon and absolution FROM HIM so that we actually, physically hear the words, “I absolve you…” through the supernatural reality of the priesthood and the Sacrament of Confession.  

God is the actor. God is the driver. God is the smitten Lover, and we are the quarry.

Are you sure you want to walk away from that because, after a century of attack, foretold and prophesied repeatedly by no less than His Mother, we now have a Church infested with stupid, seemingly faithless men, including an obvious Antipope?  Really?

If that is the case, then I would posit that you erroneously view the Church NOT as the supernatural reality that it is, but instead as one of the following:

-A cult of personality

-An ethnic characteristic

-A point of contract law

-A social and/or social CLASS organization

-A political organization

-A source of entertainment (both in terms of the liturgy AND in terms of intrigue and gossip)

-A business or career

-A hobby akin to being a fan of a sports team

Why do you go to Mass?  Because you “have to”?  To hear “Fr. Jazzhands” sermon?  The music?  To see your friends/clique?  To “be seen” by others, especially singing in the choir, lectoring, and/or distributing Holy Communion?  Because you have been nagged into it by your parents or spouse and you go just to shut them up and keep them off your back?

Let me explain why I go to Mass, and you can take it for what it is worth.  I go to Mass because God Almighty Incarnated, suffered and died for my sins because He loves me and wants me to exist inside of Him for all eternity after I die.  He made me, He made the entire universe, and He established, protects and sustains The Catholic Church and comes down onto the altar at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass so that I can be there with Him at Calvary, and so that, when possible, I can approach Him and take His Physical Substance into my body, not primarily because this is what I want, but because this is what HE WANTS.  

The objective of all of this is me, Ann Elizabeth Andrew Barnhardt, going to heaven.  I go to Mass because He loves me so much that He would suffer the entirety of His Passion for me and me alone AS MANY TIMES AS I ASSIST AT MASS over the entire course of my life.

Given that, the very, very least I can do is show up to Mass, acknowledge what He has done for me and is re-presented for my benefit at Mass, and console My Lord and My God, burning with Love for me personally, with my presence as He dies in agony for me and because of my sins, as completely and utterly incomprehensible as that is.

Now go back and re-read that and substitute YOURSELF.  The read it again and substitute the names of your family members, friends, acquaintances, enemies, and every single human being who ever has, is currently, or ever will exist.

And if the devil thinks that ANYTHING some dimwitted narcissist says or does, even if that dimwitted narcissist is masquerading (badly) as the Pope, is going to drive me away from Our Lord, His Church, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Eucharist, or the Sacrament of Confession, then Old Scratch has another thing coming.

Do you believe these truths, or do you not?  This is the sort.  This is the sift.

As always, I hope this helps someone out there reading.