Original post here.
Now, add:
In this episode, in which we mark the anniversary of the self-slaughter of some German monk, we discuss the math of Ivermectin dosage measurements, Xanax as a replacement for masculinity and fighting, and that children are both a spiritual AND a financial gift from God, something many Boomers are discovering a bit too late.
Links, Reading, and Video:
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to [email protected] (for sensitive items for which you would like to communicate via a secure, encrypted channel, just send an email saying you would like to go to a secure channel and instructions will follow).
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you got some value from this podcast — or even just Ann’s website — and would like to return some value to support the technical effort, please visit SupernerdMedia.com — where the PayPal option is now back!
The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]
Wow. Evil, psychopathic, genocidal mass murdering criminal… is also a sodomite sex pervert? With the most laughably bad cover story EVER?
I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.
Read and share the whole thing HERE.
On the February 4 episode of National Public Radio’s “Fresh Air” program, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has led the NIAID since 1984, admitted to frequenting gay bars and bath houses in the 1980s, so he could gain a better scientific understanding of how HIV and AIDS spread among the homosexual population.
Okay, guys. this is Ann talking now.
Wind? Angels? Holy Ghost Himself?
Remember, VISIBILITY, VISIBILITY, VISIBILITY. It’s a hallmark of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Deny that, and you’re a Protestant. Of the mostly LUTHERAN variety. Ew. And remember, the date of Luther’s SUICIDE (YES, he hung himself from his bedpost) is either today or coming up: 15 or 18 February.
Read every word of Denninger’s post.
It is OBVIOUS that this entire CoronaScam war and its frantic, relentless drive toward getting “the entire planet” injected with a concoction that is not only completely unnecessary, but of a completely new “technology” with ZERO actual testing, is clearly evil and driven by a cabal of billionaire oligarchs whose common obsession for decades has been the reduction of the human population by 90% or more in a span of a few decades, or even years.
If what Denninger postulates is right, the the prophecy and warning of the Blessed Virgin Mary that “entire nations will be annihilated” is unfolding right now as people enthusiastically line up to be jabbed with a substance designed to kill them. By the tens, hundreds and thousands of millions.
The Noahic promise holds. God isn’t doing this. God has sent neither flood nor plague nor pestilence. This is a suicide operation. This is auto-genocide. And one of the key players and mouthpieces in this operation is Antipope Bergoglio, who is probably the False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist. As if the Antipapacy couldn’t be any more VISIBLE.
Right now the Chinese are furiously working in their biolabs, as are a whole host of other nefarious nations, such as North Korea and likely Iran.
What are they working on?
I suspected from the start that due to the way these mRNA shots work — they are not actually a vaccine at all in that they do not “mimic” natural infection but rather cause your cells to produce the spike protein that the virus has and that elicits an immune response — that the antibodies produced by those jabs would be distinct and distinguishable from natural infection.
All of the so-called “experts” who worked to develop these and the firms involved knew damn well this was the case when they started developing them — and did it anyway.
Now we have hard, scientific confirmation of that and it’s very bad.
In fact it’s potentially nation-ending bad.
An adversary that develops a virus (e.g. another modified/mutated bat virus, for example) that selectively targets ADE in people with the specific antibodies from vaccination, which are distinct from natural infection, could easily kill every single person who was vaccinated and not harm or only make mildly sick those who either had Covid-19 naturally or who were uninfected and unvaccinated.
The nightmare scenario that has always driven bioweapons research is the push to discover some genetically distinct means of targeting a bioweapon such that it only kills your adversary and leaves everyone else alone. It’s even worse for your adversary if your side gets and transmits it but doesn’t get sick. This has never been found despite diligent effort in the past; all attempts to find such a distinct vulnerability have failed, showing reactivity across the board and thus strongly suggesting that if that “thing” was completed and got out it would kill indiscriminately. That you cannot stop a virus from circulating (even isolated islands eventually got hit by the 1918 pandemic flu!) means that releasing a virus or bacteria that nobody on “your” side has been sensitized to yet doesn’t help because when (not if) the sensitizing agent gets into your population all your people die too.
This has now, for the first time in human history, been changed by the idiotic actions of our governments and pharmaceutical companies in that we are now tagging people for death by the literal millions and they will die if an adversary is able to develop a virus that targets those specific antibodies.
Of course, said adversary will not deploy the tagging via said shots in their population and thus their people will not be attacked and killed. Since it takes an actual jab of a needle to be sensitized absent intentional action there is no risk to the adversary’s population or troops.
If they succeed every single person who took one of the vaccines that produces a distinguishable antibody titer dies.
You can bet your last nickel they’re working on it right now.
What happens if they succeed and we forcibly vaccinated our children and anyone who wishes to have a “normal” life back? The entire procreation-capable stock of people in the United States will die and so will America.
That risk is wildly beyond the boundaries of sanity to have ever been accepted and it was deliberately concealed from the people — not just here, but throughout the Western World.
It’s clearly not enough for certain ghouls to have destroyed a full year of most school-age children’s education; now they propose to risk literally extinguishing all of their lives and thus the future generations they would be able to create down the road.
I pray I’m wrong.
Yup. Looking back at pics of “Ken” from the late-70s and early-80s, I’m sorry, but it HAD to have been obvious to parents that Ken was a homosexual. Yet another reason to jump on the anti-Boomer bandwagon. As if their cooperation with the promulgation of the Novus Ordo Mass wasn’t quite enough.
Hi Ann,
Riffing off your article today, I note that Barbie was introduced in 1959, which itself was fashioned after a German doll, Lilli, which was introduced in 1955.
The message for young girls entailed a paradigm shift from an adulthood spent as a wife and mother to an adulthood spent dating – but never marrying – and a lifestyle of consuming fashion. It, in a way, was the first step in the inexorable march towards “Sex and the City”, the series in which the homosexual writers layered their lifestyle of promiscuity, emotional drama, and luxurious consumerism on women.
Barbie may seem innocent, but it’s not.
Cheers, N
The point about “Sex and the City” is spot on. What that show was, was sodomite men projecting themselves upon female characters. The main female character had an ongoing “casual sex thing” with a man that she NEVER referred to by his name. I’m not sure, but I don’t think the man’s name was ever revealed. This was a total projection of the male sodomite psychosis of radical indifference – aka lovelessness, aka Diabolical Narcissism. Man. Someone should make a three hour video presentation about that. You know, as a warning.
Another aspect of that satanic show was that one of the main female characters had a baby … and felt no love or attachment to her own child, and even revulsion. This was celebrated as “not abnormal” and “totally okay”. Not surprisingly, the actress who played this psychopathic mother shortly abandoned her husband in real life and “married” a female sodomite who was the ugly, masculine dead-ringer of the actress herself. And drug her children into this hot mess. Of course. Because there is pretty much nothing a woman can do to NOT get custody of the child victims.
Today. Not even trying to be coy about Ken’s homosexuality.
In this episode, Ann is joined by Mark “Lenny” Docherty and Dr. Edmund “Squiggy” Mazza, where they explore the latest letter from Archbishop Vigano, highlighting therein various examples of his stunning departure from logic and reason. The pesky problem of holding a false base premise, exposition on the law of non-contradiction, the obedience due a true pope, and the dangers of a downright Protestant mindset are all explored. We then turn to current events, the January 6th Capital “riot”, faux-inauguration, the coming uber cancel culture purge, Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes (11 February, the date Pope Benedict chose to read out his quasi-renunciation), the Immaculate Conception, the Reichstag fire and subsequent abrogation of God-given rights, and the suspension of law/state of exception/state of necessity. So pour yourself a milk and Pepsi. Nothing’s gonna turn us back now, straight ahead and on the track now!
Links, Reading, and Video:
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to [email protected] (for sensitive items for which you would like to communicate via a secure, encrypted channel, just send an email saying you would like to go to a secure channel and instructions will follow).
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you got some value from this podcast — or even just Ann’s website — and would like to return some value to support the technical effort, please visit SupernerdMedia.com — where the PayPal option is now back!
The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]
“It opens on the palate with overtones of drywall and caulking. It then opens up on the palate into wall spackling and ‘licking a terra cotta flowerpot filled with your grandmother’s marigolds.’ Finally, the perfume finds its way into your sinuses and throat with an explosion of ‘street sweepers cleaning up after the big parade’.
Okay. I might have made all of that up.
Read up on NonVeni Mark’s adventures in clandestine pharmacology HERE.
And, because you know I had to…
…NonVeni Mark primes the pump for tomorrow’s special edition 8th Anniversary of Pope Benedict saying things devoid of canonical validity Podcast. Do click over and read the whole thing at Mark’s place.
The manifold heresies of Antipope Bergoglio are a proofset of his not being the Vicar of Christ, not the cause of it.
The reason that Bergoglio the Heretic is not the pope has nothing to do with his heresy. His heresy is simply a visible sign, really a gift, so that all with eyes to see can plainly observe that this man does not enjoy any of the supernatural protection afforded by the Petrine Promises, and he never did. This is because Pope Benedict’s resignation was invalid in several points of Canon Law, and so Benedict remains the Vicar of Christ, and has been since April 2005.
The true Vicar of Christ is the Standard of Unity to the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. The Standard of Unity cannot also be the vector of schism. A true Vicar of Christ cannot schism the Church from himself. Which is a really good reason we ought to cling to the true Vicar at all costs, to remain in the Barque.
So the folks who maintain that Bergoglio is definitely the one true Vicar of Christ, yet spend all day resisting him, taunting him, saying and writing the most awful disobedient things about him… those folks have a real problem on their hands. Worse still are those who recognize the danger to souls Bergoglio represents, yet remain silent, or think there is nothing they can do. Many of them cannot be bothered to investigate what the hell is going on here, even those whose job it is to do so.