Monthly Archives: December 2020

TRIPLE-DOG TOLDYA: UK Coviet Apparatchik openly admits “Covid” is a seasonal cold that will never go away, and lockdown and submission burqas will NEVER END

Breitbart reportage HERE.

Professor Van-Tam said, according to The Sun: “I don’t think we’re going to eradicate coronavirus, ever. I think it’s going to be with humankind forever. I think we may get to a point where coronavirus becomes a seasonal problem. I don’t want to draw too many parallels with ‘flu, but possibly that is the kind of way we’d learn to live with it.”

He continued: “Do I think there will come a big moment where we have a massive party and throw our masks and hand sanitiser and say, ‘That’s it, it’s behind us’, like the end of the war? No, I don’t.

I’ll keep saying this in hopes it eventually sinks in:

The only two ways CoronaScam will EVER END are:

1.) WAR

2.) Supernatural intervention

*Please note that “voting” and “elections” are NOT on that list.

Coviet Death Cult: Woman puts her husband down like a dog, NO ONE BATS AN EYE

Reportage HERE.

So nurses can just unilaterally kill their spouses by lethal injection? Just waltz into the hospital room and order a lethal dose of Ativan and morphine and everyone’s totally fine with that? That’s where we are now?

Oh, it’s fine. I can kill him because he’s my husband.”

The beneficiary to your life insurance policy and heir to your estate can now openly kill you?

I’m wondering if an how many other people Nurse Wretched unilaterally decided to put down. Because if she could put her HUSBAND down like a dog, imagine how easy it would be for her to put down strangers. And call herself virtuous and charitable for doing so.

Like I said, Corona vaccines cause enhanced, sometimes lethal viral uptake when a Coronavirus is subsequently encountered in the wild, AND Corona vaccines inhibit placenta formation causing STERILITY

Remember folks, “Corona Viruses” or “Coronaviridae” are COLDS. They aren’t the Black Death or smallpox. They are literally “the sniffles” or “a chest cold”, or as we say in Kansas, “the crud”. They are EVERYWHERE, they are UNCONTAINABLE, and they are SEASONAL. They cannot be eradicated. They are a fact of life on God’s Good Earth.

UPDATED CLASS TIMES to 9:00pm Eastern: Two recommended classes: Intro to Philosophy and Intro to DANTE!! (Sticky Post for a minute: Scroll down for new content)

I’ll leave this as a sticky post at the top of the blog for a few days.  LOTS of new content below. Scroll down!

UPDATE: Class Times changed to EVENINGS: 9:00pm Eastern, 8:00pm Central, 7:00pm Mountain, 6:00pm Pacific!

Dr. Mazza’s history classes in this “fall semester” have been spectacular, and now I’m pleased to recommend two classes from another wonderful Traditional Catholic Thomist academic, husband and father, Prof. Luca Gili, on PHILOSOPHY and LITERATURE.  Prof. Gili’s website is which has his full bio, a sample video and all kinds of details.  These courses are for people… like us.  Adults who are interested in learning about things that we never got to pursue when we were young, or before we converted/reverted.

Prof. Gili is offering two courses beginning January 11th, and the times will NOT interfere with Dr. Mazza’s history classes next semester.

Prof. Luca Gili:  A Thomistic Introduction to the History of Philosophy – Part I
On Mondays, at 9:00pm (EST)
From January 11, 2021 through April 12, 2021

Click HERE for full syllabus.
Click here to enroll and pay.

Prof. Luca Gili:  Dante and his World
On Thursdays, at 9:00pm (EST)
From January 14, 2021 through April 15, 2021

Click HERE for full syllabus.

“Most of the course will be on Dante’s Comedia, which we will be reading in the recent English translation by Anthony Esolen.”
Click here to enroll and pay.

ENROLL IN BOTH COURSES FOR US$389 – a savings of US$111

Dante and Beatrice before St. Thomas Aquinas, who presents the two to St. Dominic and St. Francis, both standing on winged cherubim

Denninger proves decisively with the Social Security Administration’s own data that there have been NO excess deaths since the March-April coordinated massacre of nursing home residents in NY, NJ, PA…

Mostly elderly people are dying naturally of natural causes (including normal seasonal cold and flu, just like every year) and they’re coding it “Covid”. Heart attacks, strokes, influenza, all have taken a statistical nosedive in EXACT proportion to the number of “Covid” deaths. There is absolutely no pandemic of any kind. It’s all a meticulously planned hoax, designed to play off of the ubiquitous, uncontrollable reality of seasonal cold viruses, and to play off their SEASONALITY by using non-falsifiable argumentation.

See? We saved millions if not billions of lives! See how the virus went away after the spring lockdown? Prove that millions WOULDN’T have died had we not locked you down and forced you to wear a face diaper! You should be grateful to us for saving you!”

“Oh, but then when people came out of lockdown, that caused the second wave beginning in September! Prove that it didn’t! So now we have to save you again by locking you in your homes, wearing a submission muzzle!”

It’s glaringly obvious what they are doing. They are constantly appealing to a “prove a negative” logical fallacy (it is impossible to prove any negative) and timing their con to the inevitable seasonal ebb and flow of the common cold and flu. The cold flu season begins in late September and persists through April (months that are meteorologically COLD in the northern hemisphere) and then drops off to nothing in May and stays low all through the summer. The entire CoronaScam is built on playing this seasonal combined with non-falsifiable claims of lockdowns and face diapers CAUSING the natural summer eradication, and relaxation of lockdowns and face diaper use CAUSING the normal seasonal initiation of the next cold/flu season in September. Gates, the NWO and the Antichurch all know this and planned this entire operation around this, knowing that this fake scamdemic could be carried out PERPETUALLY. The cycle will never, ever end without war or supernatural intervention, and so far there has been zero indication of any organized willingness to fight back in any meaningful way.

Not one government has been toppled. Not one leader has been forcibly removed – in fact Trump’s election is being stolen with little popular resistance. Not one person has been arrested.

Anyone who tells you that you’re alone in believing that Pope Benedict is the Vicar of Christ and Bergoglio is an Antipope is trying to GASLIGHT you. Don’t fall for it.

This poll speaks for itself. A plurality of Traditional Catholics today believe Pope Benedict is the one true Vicar of Christ and that Jorge Bergoglio is an Antipope.

You have been gaslighted, bullied, censored and browbeaten into thinking that you’re alone, and only a few “fringe whacks” hold this position, when in fact MOST of the people around you in the Latin Mass Remnant have engaged the massive dataset and canonical argument and come to exactly the same logical conclusion, or at least strongly suspect it.

Remember the Good Shepherd Discourse: the SHEEP must discern the Voice of the Stranger. To knowingly follow and demand submission to KNOWN WOLVES and FAITHLESS HIRELINGS is the behavior of a CULT. Sadly, widespread pathological effeminacy and sloth has created a population of people who are not only susceptible to cult dynamics, but actively seek it out in their lives so that they don’t have to ever grow up, make decisions, take responsibility for themselves, shed their victim mentality, or especially go to war.

ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING about the Bergoglian Antipapacy is and has been HIGHLY VISIBLE all along, including the Canon Law that confirms the invalidity of Pope Benedict’s partial faux-resignation.

Pray for Pope Benedict, the one and only Vicar of Christ since ARSH 2005, the Papacy, and Holy Mother Church.