Monthly Archives: December 2020

Crosspost: Y’all really need to understand how mRNA “vaccines” are designed and executed: You’re not going to like it

Full crosspost from Mark Docherty at NonVeniPacem

But first, can we agree on the definition of “vaccine?” Assume that we are talking about a totally legit traditional vaccine, one that has been around for years and is safe and effective. Fundamentally, what is it? Can we agree that a vaccine is a substance made from a weakened or dead version of the pathogen which is introduced into the bloodstream to induce an immune response? 


So now understand this: mRNA “vaccines” are not vaccines… No. What we are dealing with here is bio-technology and bio-engineering. In short, it is genetic modification. Imagine the exuberance of the Luciferian Gates-funded pharmas, not to mention Gates himself, in their pursuit of being God.

So how does it work? When cells divide, the strands of DNA are replicated, and the Messenger RNA (mRNA)  play a vital role in processes known as Transcription and Translation. Learn about this HERE. This thing Moderna/Pfizer/Gates have come up with is a synthetic strand of mRNA, which penetrates the membrane of healthy human cells and hijacks the normal replication process. The previously healthy human cell will now be transformed to produce a fragment of the actual virus, the so-called ‘spike protein.’ This molecule will be recognized as a pathogen, provoking an immune response.

The previously healthy human cell will now be transformed to produce a fragment of the actual virus. You read that correctly. The following is from the first paragraph of the wiki entry on this technology:

An RNA vaccine or mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccine is a new type of vaccine that transfects molecules of synthetic RNA into human cells. Once inside the cells, the RNA functions as mRNA, reprogramming the cells to make the foreign protein that would normally be produced by the pathogen (e.g. a virus)… These protein molecules then stimulate an adaptive immune response that teaches the body to destroy any pathogen… The mRNA molecule is coated with a drug delivery vehicle, usually PEGylatedlipid nanoparticles,[2] to protect the fragile mRNA strands, and aid their absorption into the human cells.[3][4]

…little is known about the medium and longer-term side effects[8]  

If you go to wiki HERE and click on View History at the top of the page, then scroll down and click Oldest, that this article was first created on 17 February 2020. How fresh. You will also note that as recently as January 2020, this technology was not even deemed experimental yet. It was deemed theoretical. Wow.

So many questions. Will the Organic Vegan Non-GMO crowd boycott this biotech, which effectively turns every human who takes it into a walking GMO? I sure hate when logic gets in the way of healthcare decisions. What happens if the warp-speed rush to polish off the biotech results in some of the mRNA sequencing being off, by just a little? I keep thinking of poor Jeff Goldblum in The Fly. 

I also keep thinking of all the fruitless decades of trying to develop a coronavirus vaccine, with countless mice, cats, and kids who died in the trials. You didn’t know about that? Yes, the problem is that these “vaccines” have a tendency to enhance uptake of the pathogen. This effect is called antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), and I posted a long annotated explanation of this problem HERE. Bottom line, this is the reason why there has never been any sort of coronavirus vaccine. But somehow they found one in ten months?

What about pregnancy, lactation, and the long-term fertility of genetically modified mommies? Ohhh… they don’t want to go there. You want to know how mRNA biotech might interfere with a developing baby, a breastfeeding baby, or mom’s chances of ever getting pregnant again? Too bad, since they purposely avoided trialing any of that, not even in mice. No need to disappear the evidence if no evidence was produced. Then when Pfizer got the UK approval, they issued TEN PAGES of splaining, warnings, disclaimers, etc. HERE

Bill Gates is on video explaining that he wants to reduce world population by 90%, but I’m the crackpot for suggesting that a vaccine that operates via synthetic genetics might pose fertility risks. Yup.

Please start explaining this stuff to friends and family.

Santa Claus, Please Help Us….

December 6th!  The feast of St. Nicholas!  The story of St. Nicholas can never be repeated too often:

Today is the Feast of St. Nicholas, who died on December 6, ARSH 343. Saint Nicholas is well-known by his Dutch moniker, ”Santa Claus”. Don’t be fooled by the crass, commercialized image. Saint Nicholas was a stone-cold butt-kicker for Christ and His Church.

Early in the Fourth Century, there was a terrible heresy in the Church put forth by a very persuasive man named Arius. Arius contended that Christ was not fully divine, but a creature, created by the Father. It pivoted on one letter in one word: the letter “i”. The word homoousios means “same substance”, whereas the word homoiousios means “similar substance”. Arius contended that Our Lord was not of the same substance as the Father, but merely “similar”. The council of Nicea affirmed the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are of the homoousious (same substance).

This heresy was threatening to schism the Church. (Back then everyone understood the truth that any heresy whatsoever was totally and completely evil and thus unacceptable – the Church is ONE. Christ has ONE Bride, not a harem. There is ONE Truth. Not multiple “”truths””. As soon as you start saying that there are ”multiple truths”, what you have done is denied Truth Itself, of which there is only ONE.)

So, the First Council of Nicea was called in ARSH 325 to hash this out and put the Arian heresy down once and for all. Arius was at the Council, of course, and was called upon to defend his position on the inferiority of Christ. Being a bishop, Nikolaos of Myra (in present-day Turkey) was naturally in attendance. Arius’ nonsensical, destructive and insulting lying contentions about Our Lord became too much for Bishop Nikolaos, who stood up and proceeded to haul off and go all Manny Pacquiao on Arius with a jab directly to Arius’ piehole. (See image above.)

Everyone was alarmed by Bishop Nikolaos’ righteous beatdown of Arius, and he was immediately summarily stripped of his episcopacy. In those days, the two things that designated a man a Christian bishop were a personal copy of the Gospels and a pallium, which is like a stole. Now you may taken aback by the “personal copy of the Gospels” thing. Well, of course! How could a bishop NOT have the Gospels? But you must remember that the printing press wasn’t invented until ARSH 1439. Before that, if you wanted a book, it had to be written out BY HAND. And what were you going to write on? Try vellum. Every piece of vellum had to be harvested from an animal and made. So you see, for a man to have a personal copy of any written text was a HUGE, and frankly EXPENSIVE, deal. So, poor Nikolaos was stripped of his Gospel and his pallium AND thrown in the hoosegow.

Now here is where it gets really good.

While Nikolaos was in the clink, he received a visit from both Our Lord and the Virgin Mary. Our Lord asked Nikolaos, “”Why are you here?”” And Nikolaos replied, “”Because I love You, my Lord and my God.”” At this, Jesus then presented Nikolaos with his copy of the Gospels, and Mary put his pallium back on him, thus restoring his rank as a bishop. When Nikolaos was discovered sitting calmly in his cell, still under guard, with his Gospel and his pallium, which the other bishops had locked away themselves far from Niklaos’ prison cell, Nikolaos was released, welcomed back by his brother bishops, and rejoined the Council. The heresy of Arianism was struck down once and for all, and the Nicene Creed (which we still recite at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass today) was authored.

The anti-Arian part is this:

”. . . Et in unum Dominum Iesum Christum,
(And [I believe] in one Lord Jesus Christ)

Filium Dei Unigenitum,
(the only begotten Son of God)

Et ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula.
(And born of the Father, before all ages.)

Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine,
(God of God: Light of Light)

Deum verum de Deo vero,
(true God of true God)

Genitum, non factum, consubstantialem Patri
(Begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father)

Per quem omnia facta sunt.”
(by Whom all things were made.)

I post this because it speaks directly to our question of love and defense of Truth and defense of those we love. Arius was attacking Christ and His Church with his heresy just as viciously as if he had been leading an army – and Nikolaos stepped into the breach to defend his Beloved. PHYSICALLY. The reason Nikolaos stepped in was because Arius was attacking CHRIST, and His Bride, the Church, which is made up of Nikolaos’ fellow human beings – whose immortal souls were being put at risk by Arius. We are in no way taught by Christ to stand by and watch as our loved ones are attacked, either their bodies or their souls. The miracle in Nikolaos’ cell is proof of this. Nikolaos did the right thing by going all Pacquiao on Arius and dropping him on his heretical keister before God and everyone.

“”Why are you here?””

“”Because I love You, my Lord and my God.””

Go Santa.

Not that the Rule of Law hasn’t been a punchline to a joke for years now, BUT, Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights multilateral treaty explicitly forbids medical experimentation without consent

Article 7

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.

Barnhardt Podcast #129: Ad Meliora

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode we discuss the start of the new liturgical year, one of the few “good” parts of the consumerist American calendar — Giving Day — and renew the request to support the Sister Servants of Mary, and many other tangents from flaming naval ships, to the economy going down in flames, to flaming former Presidents… stay confessed and keep your prayer life in order lest you also end in flames!

Please consider supporting the Sister Servants of Mary!

Sister Servants of Mary
5001 Perlita Street
New Orleans, LA 70122

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Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you got some value from this podcast — or even just Ann’s website — and would like to return some value to support the technical effort, please visit SupernerdMedia.comwhere the PayPal option is now back!

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PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING: And there’s no way THIS was a coincidence either.

Note the dates here, folks.  This plan for a totalitarian takeover and destruction of civilization has been known and circulating amongst the hard-left NewWorldOrder/Antichurch set for quite some time.  So-called “artists” were tasked with creating propaganda to prime the pump. This is called “PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING”.

“What if you could, by the press of a button erase everything, what would you do with this blank canvas? If you could start from nothing how would you imagine the world?” Humanity is at a turning point. Should we persist in our habits or become aware of our repetitive way of life in order to rebuild from the ground up?”

Not Satire: “Social Distance Zappers” Hot-shots now being sold for use among human beings. Bellum omnium contra omnes- the war of all against all. AKA Hell on Earth.

“In Heaven you behold the happiness and peaceful union of the saints; in Hell, perpetual scenes of wretched discord.” –Anne Catherine Emmerich

Satan and his minions are doing everything they can to make the earth a part of hell. In hell, there is no charity, no relationship. There is only, as Emmerich said, perpetual rage and discord. Note how Fra Angelico depicted the damned, biting and scratching at each other and themselves. This is exactly what the sanctioned use of electric shock prods among strangers under the guise of the oxymoronic “social distance” insanity is.

Perpetual scenes of wretched discord. As Hobbes put it, “Bellum omnium contra omnes– the war of all against all.”


Wherein Ann makes a prediction: PORK will be outlawed within 18 months – under the guise of hogs “transmitting the virus”

Let’s make a little list.

-Bars and pubs are closed, and many restaurants are closed or can only do delivery, and thus are not serving alcohol.

-The public performance of music is banned.

-It is universally mandated that people must cover their faces at all times, indoors and out.  People are being beaten and arrested by government enforcers for having an exposed face in public.

-The Church is under interdict and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is under tight restriction or banned outright, and many churches are physically closed.  Almost every church requires the wearing of the Freemasonic Coviet Submission Burqa to enter.

-The celebration of Christian Holidays in PRIVATE HOMES is banned.

-In many cities, Christian church bells are rung at fixed times to signal a public manifestation of celebration of the Coviet religion.

-Society is being reworked into an Uber-rich micro-oligarchy with a massive, destitute slave class below.

Are we picking up on a theme here, folks?

Here is my prediction, and I’m dead serious:

Within 18 months, it will be declared that swine are  “carriers and a transmission vector” of “The Virus”.  All domesticated swine will be culled, and pork production and sale will be banned.

The animal rights/vegan food Nazis, which is to say a huge percentage of the “left”, will cheer and rejoice to have any form of animal agriculture/meat production banned.

Again, I’m not kidding.  As I have said for YEARS, the NewWorldOrder has been in an explicit alliance with the musloid political system.  Like Hitler and Stalin, they are both using each other, but each plans to turn on and subsume each other once the other is no longer needed.  The NWO views musloids as a mercenary force.  The musloids view the NWO as infidel rubes to be used and bled for money.  At the General Judgment when all is revealed, I think that even the most jaded of us will be shocked at how many white, ethnically Christian musloid converts, such as John Brennan, there are in the upper echelons of government.

Just look at how much of the Coviet political religion aligns PERFECTLY with the musloid political religion. The next big thing to go will be “unclean foods”, with pork obviously being the primary target.

Hope I’m wrong, but then maybe the banning of bacon will be what finally gets Tubby Gamma-McEstrogen to dry his tears, put down his video game controller and fight.

But even that would take a miracle.

The extremely-near future: “Unless you provide an up-to-date copy of your vaccination card to our compliance department, we will have to foreclose on your mortgage…”

And NOW you see why I’ve been advising people to pay off their mortgages BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE for years.

But… yeah… you won’t be able to get a drivers license either.

And cash will be outlawed, and you won’t be able to have a bank account…

Or have electricity, gas, or water…

Or be legally employed…

And correct me if I’m wrong, but I THINK it is illegal to ask a person if they are HIV positive when donating blood or plasma.

Just sayin’.

Folks, this does not end without war, or supernatural intervention.

And don’t forget that perennial classic: “My body, my choice.”