Monthly Archives: November 2020

Thanksgiving for material blessings should be subordinated to gratitude for Christ’s forgiveness of our sins in the Confessional, through His Passion, Death and Resurrection. ESPECIALLY this year.

Dear Ann,

I first came across your blog in 2012. My husband had abandoned me for another woman. I was very naïve during my marriage and had no idea I was married to a narcissist, until he walked out of my life. I was a wife of a decorated military officer. He commanded a squadron and personified all the public qualities of being an officer and a “gentleman.” Privately, in the confines of our home, he was a completely different man.

When he wanted “out” of our marriage, something came over him that is difficult to describe in words. For me, it was unadulterated evil flowing through his eyes. By the pure mercy of God, in which I deserved not His benevolence, He saved me from a premature death. In all likelihood, I would have left the marriage in a body bag if my husband had his way…(details redacted…)

Five years later, my ex-husband is still full of rage and hate towards me. It defies understanding.

However, the destruction he wrought upon me has taken me many years to overcome. I am still in the process of rebuilding and reclaiming my lost life. The devaluing and discarding for me was the most painful of the treatment for it wasn’t always so obvious. He was a master charlatan and con artist.

It wasn’t until I heard your diabolical narcissism talks last year that I finally understood with clarity what I was up against in my marriage and divorce. I am very grateful for everything you said in those talks. For the first few years post divorce, I was like exactly like Lot’s wife – wistfully looking back to what I now know is a false reality.

The sins of my ex-husband I choose not to elaborate; however, after many years of marriage, I know the tragic state of my own sinfulness and culpability — the bitter fruits of a godless Catholic marriage. My soul was spiritually dead and I lived in the dark abyss of hell. I look back on those days and wonder how I even survived….

This brings me to the reason why I write. I listened to your podcast about St Mary Magdalene. It was beautifully done. I, though, also wanted to share with you some very beautiful imagery of this fascinating and repentant woman. You may already be familiar with these images.

I have a deep affection for St Mary Magdalene and ask for her intercession daily. The imagery I wanted to share with you comes from the visions of Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich’s Life of Jesus. I know these are private revelations, but after reading this book, one cannot help but be changed interiorly and for the better.

Bl. Anne Catherine’s visions of Mary Magdalene are riveting. She was the youngest sister of Lazarus and Martha. Their family was incredibly wealthy and Mary was given an estate in Magdalum when she was very young. She had servants and “entertained” men since she was in her pre-teens. Bl Anne said she was exquisitely beautiful. Her hair was long, dark and thick, which she often would adorn with jewels and pearls woven in her plaited hair. She wore beautiful refined clothes and was embarrassed by her older sister who wore plain, modest and unattractive clothing. When Jesus began his public ministry, Mary Magdalene was in her early 20s and purposely separated herself from Lazarus and Martha to maintain her current lifestyle.

Mary’s conversion was not immediate. Her conversion is a testament to Jesus’ great love for her and a hope for all of us penitents. Jesus was particularly close to Lazarus. It was Lazarus who financially funded Jesus’ ministry paying for food, Sabbaths, accommodations, etc. Mary refused to be part of her siblings’ ventures and often refused to attend any of Jesus’ teachings when Martha and the other holy women would invite her. One evening during a Sabbath, the holy women were playing a game with shells and a pearl and were outwardly discussing Mary’s lifestyle and their concern for her. During the game the pearl fell off the table and was lost. It was at this point, Jesus came to the women while they were looking for the pearl and told them that they must continue to pray for Mary; but He assured them that she will be converted and when she was, she would be the greatest of all penitents. He then told them that Mary was like the pearl – the pearl of great price and offered for the first time this similitude, which he attributed to Mary Magdalene. He also said to Martha in order to console her in her concerns for Mary:

“If even one germ of penance, of contrition, of love, of faith has, in consequence of My words, fallen upon some poor erring heart, it will bear fruit, it will be set down in favor of that poor sinner, it will live and increase. I Myself shall nourish it, shall cultivate it, shall present it to My Father.”

After this incident, Martha often invited Mary to listen to Jesus preach, but Mary would turn her down; yet her soul was growing more and more troubled.  Her troubled soul became somewhat of an obsession and she secretly sought ways to look for Jesus without being noticed. During one of the times Jesus was set to preach, Martha invited Mary and she accepted the invitation to listen to Jesus. It was at this time Mary’s first deliverance from a demon occurred and she wept at Jesus’ feet. Yet, she was not fully free. After that event, she returned home to Magdalum and continued in her sexual sinful ways. In doing so, seven demons took possession of her causing her to fall into more grievous sins.

Mary was a tortured and afflicted soul. When Jesus delivered Mary from the seven demons, Mary had come to a place where she wanted and desired repentance and reformation. She was consumed with longing to cease her sinful ways and showed Jesus deep sorrow for her sinful life. It was then that Jesus freed her from all of her afflictions and demons. A sorrowful and contrite demeanor and countenance replaced her exquisite beauty. She no longer adorned herself with jewels and refined clothing. She wept continually out of reparation for her sins and for the HOLY GRATITUDE and love she had for Jesus.

The most telling thing about Mary’s final conversion was that after Jesus delivered her from the seven demons, he instructed Mary to go to His Mother and never leave her side for she is heavenly purity. Jesus told Mary that His Mother would teach her how to be pure and remain pure.

I relate to St Mary Magdalene because I know what it is like to be tortured in soul and heart, as well as my conversion has not been swift or painless. But, through it all, I contemplate how Mary Magdalene suffered and how her desire to cease sinning and accept Jesus’ mercy and love allowed her to be so deeply in love with Him. It gives me great hope that my struggle is not in vain and that Jesus hopefully is nourishing, cultivating the germ He planted in my heart, in which one day He too will present me to His Father.

Thank you for all that you do to inspire us to greater faith.

In Corde Jesus,


PS: I apologize for the length of this email. I really only wanted to thank you for making such an impact on my life.

The Mourning Magdalene, detail, Colijn de Coter, ARSH 1550

Take up My yoke upon you, and learn of Me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls. For My yoke is sweet and My burden light.”

Indeed.  Truer words never spoken.

You have no idea.  NO IDEA.

Come to Me, all you that labour, and are burdened, and I will refresh you. Take up My yoke upon you, and learn of Me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls. For My yoke is sweet and My burden light.

Matthew 11: 28-30



Over the transom: LA Herald Examiner, Extra Edition, November 22, ARSH 1963

Dear Miss Barnhardt,

Enclosed are two photos I took from a newspaper my parents saved from the Los Angeles Herald Examiner and one from the LA Times that may interest you in what happened Nov. 22nd, 1963 on the other side of the globe at that time.

#1 is the cover for that day. JFK assassinated.

#2 is what was on the 3rd page of the same newspaper. (Change of Liturgy)

#3 is from the LA Times on Nov. 26th, 1963

The LA Times piece almost reads as satire. “Ritualistic garble.” “Jungle drums, nose flutes, and the like.”

“Nuclear Scientists” indeed. What sub-70 average IQ looks like.

Many people are incredulous at statistics as shown below that indicate that many countries have a population with AVERAGE IQ’s under 70 – which is mild retardation. People simply do not believe that it is possible for entire nations to be operating on such a level.

The fascinating RadioSavana feed shows examples of these sub-70 “nuclear scientists” because Italy is being intentionally flooded with such people, with Antipope Bergoglio leading the effort. This isn’t akin to the emigration of Italians to the Americas, or the Irish, or any other historical movement of people. This is something totally different, which has as its end goal the total destruction of human civilization, most especially of Christian Europe.

The New World Order wants these people around because they make good mercenaries. They will do ANYTHING they are told in exchange for a very small salary and permission to rape.

The text says:

“Nuclear Scientist tries to travel clandestinely by hiding himself in the engine of a plane within the blades of the turbine. Brilliant.”

Guest Post: ”The Wild Imagination of Roberto De Mattei” by Michael Linden*

Roberto De Mattei recently published an article on The Secret Forces That Operate in History [1], wherein he agrees with G. Malgieri in maintaining that “those who contest the only protective system we have [i.e., wearing masks and practicing social distancing]  […] are frankly ridiculous”. He goes on to say that the government officials (“the ones who decide the “states of exception” “) must be obeyed lest we ignite “permanent chaos”. In De Mattei’s view, “the emergency situation humanity finds itself in [is] certainly willed by God”.

There are many mistakes in De Mattei’s account.

First, he admits that conspiracies do exist,[2] but we should use reason and not imagination in finding out what counts as a genuine conspiracy. Nothing would be wrong with this common sense assumption, if it weren’t for the implicit gaslighting of whomever happens to disagree with De Mattei on the analysis of the current situation and for the sloppy references to Saint Thomas. De Mattei maintains that whoever has doubts that we are facing an health-care crisis is led by restless imagination and not by reason. Such a disorder, De Mattei implies, is the result of not living in the state of grace. Aquinas certainly maintained that the intellect and the imagination are different powers of the soul, but he never said that the imagination can make conceptual connections between events, as De Mattei is implying, nor did Saint Thomas refer to imagination as a “form of thought which doesn’t follow fixed rules nor logical connections”. The imagination is not a form of thought but a power that we share with (some) non-rational animals. Aquinas would have never said that “it isn’t possible to maintain logic without the help of grace” – whatever that means. Rather, Saint Thomas wrote that after the fall “in so far as the reason is deprived of its order to the true, there is the wound of ignorance” (I-II, q. 85, a.3c): human beings are no longer oriented towards truth, as it would have been before the fall, but do not cease to be rational, i.e. logical: “sin cannot entirely take away from man the fact that he is a rational being” (I-II, q. 85, a.2c). De Mattei’s gaslighting is subtle in that it implies that whoever does not go along with mainstream depictions of events is not only crazy (i.e., unable to reason and carried away by restless imagination), but is also in the state of mortal sin, because it is only grace that make us reason. One can only hope that De Mattei’s academic publications are not as lousy as this article.

Next, De Mattei criticizes the Italian philosopher Diego Fusaro, who happens to be among those who criticize the current handling of the coronavirus situation. De Mattei stresses that Fusaro is a “Neo-communist”. Fusaro’s first books were certainly inspired by K. Marx, but people can change over time. But even if Fusaro were still a Marxist to this day, it is worth noting that De Mattei’s tactic seems to consist in attributing an opinion to an untrusted source in order to disqualify the opinion itself. Saint Thomas, on the contrary, would have said that “every truth, no matter by whom it is spoken, comes from the Holy Spirit” (Super ev. S. Joannis lectura, c. 1, l. 3). Even if Fusaro were to be a Marxist (I don’t know whether this is still the case), if he were to say something true about the current world events (and I again don’t know if this is the case), Saint Thomas would say that Fusaro is right. De Mattei would say that Fusaro must be wrong because in the past he wrote bad books.

Finally, De Mattei argues that the epidemic is willed by God and we must conform to government dictates. He quotes Saint Alphonsus as saying that whatever happens to us is willed by God. The quotation, however, is out of context. Saint Alphonsus makes clear that God does not want anybody’s sin, even though He wants the humiliations that other people’s sins can cause on us because He wants us to do penance. By cherry-picking his quotations, De Mattei wrongly implies that God may want lockdowns, mask-wearing and other impositions that are crippling in the West.

De Mattei seems to believe that we are dealing with an epidemic. It might be “pseudo-logic” to look at the actual numbers, but according to the figures released by the Italian Istituto superiore di sanità, the median age at death for people with a positive Sars-Cov2 test is 82 years [3], whereas life expectancy for the overall population was 82.98 years in 2018 – the last year the figures were released. [4]

Even if there were an actual epidemic that were shortening life by about one year, and lockdowns and masks were effective in fighting it, one might wonder whether a 10% GDP drop [5] and the obligation to receive Holy Communion in the hand are a reasonable price to pay to live roughly 12 more months.

But it could also be, as De Mattei implies, that only people who are no longer able to reason because they live in mortal sin would ask themselves this question.

*Michael Linden is a nom de guerre


[2] In his book Alla sinistra di Lutero (Chieti, 2017), De Mattei implies that the ideological background of freemasonry is Protestantism. The evidence presented by De Mattei in favor of this claim is certainly much more limited than the evidence showing that there is no statistically significant global epidemy at this moment.


English report:

[4] The last available figures are from 2018:


Consider: the same person who holds that the earth is overpopulated, wants to ‘save’ your life with a vaccine.”

Italy, realizing that they are literally weeks from total, irreversible economic collapse admits: We made a mistake. We have counted heart attacks and anything else with a “positive” swab as COVID.

Staring down the barrel of total economic ruin has a way of clarifying and sharpening the mind. I’m told by Italian contacts that business owners are almost unanimously telling the banks and government (but I repeat myself) that if lockdowns of any kind persist after Christmas, almost every non-mega corporation business in Italy will fold.

And now, looky here.  They’re coming clean.

Bassetti: “We were wrong: even those who had a heart attack were registered as deaths from Covid”

Guest of L’aria che tira , the infectious disease specialist Matteo Bassetti explained: “We made a mistake by counting deaths in a different way than in the rest of Europe. Do we want to continue making mistakes? We are dramatically decreasing in lethality but we have an original sin that concerns March-April, where anyone who arrived at the hospital with a positive swab, even if he had a heart attack, was qualified as dead from Covid “.

This bull was pointed out here, in this very space, on March 24th.  A screen cap of an Italian newspaper piece explicitly admitting that reported deaths were “CON (with)” not “PER (from)” CoronaCold came over my transom, and it was scrubbed from said newspaper within MINUTES.  

Italy, second only to Japan in the percentage of its population that is over age 70, is basically calling EVERY death, and Italy has 2000 deaths per day just as a natural fact (the US has 7500 per day), of a person who has so much as coughed within the past ten months “Covid”.  If grandma dies peacefully in her sleep of a heart attack or stroke without ANY indication of being ill in any way, it is TRIUMPHANTLY declared Covid, many times without any testing whatsoever.  It’s mentally pathological.  People WANT to have a COVID “martyr” in the family (because remember, Covidism is a RELIGION, and the apostate Italians have zealously converted after having been scandalized out of the One True Church by sodomite-mafioso priests and bishops), and the government want$ a$ many “COVID CORP$€$” a$ po$$ibl€.

This is typical of Italy.  Italy changes sides in wars notoriously in order to be on the “winning side” at the end.  Italians today tell themselves and believe that they “won” WWII because they changed sides from the Axis to the Allies at the last minute.  Yes, this is extremely simplified, but it is still true.

I must give credit to the Italian race, though.  The Nazis raged at the “incompetence and cowardice” of Italian soldiers, when the truth was that Italian soldiers were totally demoralized by eye witnessing Nazi atrocities, and many, knowing full-well that they were on the wrong side, half-***ed their way through the war, and so many Italians, regarded as cannon fodder by the Nazis, died.  The Italians also, to their credit, when ordered by Berlin to bomb the noble island nation of Malta, intentionally dropped their bombs in the sea.  The Nazis, fuming, then bombed Malta themselves.  And the city of Valletta was TOTALLY rebuilt after being flattened to rubble EXACTLY as it was before in every detail, such that the war damage is completely imperceptible today.  The Maltese are exemplary in their national pride and resilience.

The Denmark Submission Mask Study Confirms What We All Know: Covidism Is a RELIGION, and Masks Are a RELIGIOUS GARMENT OF ASSENT AND SUBMISSION

Covidism Grand Imam Fauci has a LOOOOOONG history of killing people by withholding and blocking effective, safe, proven drugs in favor of extremely expensive murderous drugs under patent to his BigPharma co-conspirators.  He has also forbidden ANY study of face diaper efficacy as “immoral”.  Well, turns out the Danes did it, and have now published findings.

Denninger’s summary is the best.


Here’s the opening, and note Denninger’s point about this being a class-action lawsuit dream.  Masks are actively, provably dangerous, and every employee forced to wear them, and every airline passenger, etc. who gets ANY viral or BACTERIAL infection could sue eventually, assuming the Rule of Law is ever re-established without supernatural intervention. and there is anyone left alive after the genocide and war to sue.

And remember what the term “controlled” means in terms of scientific method: one group wears masks, the other group does not.  The people who didn’t wear petri dishes strapped to their blowholes are called the “control group”. Any scientific experimentation without a control is worthless.  If there is no control, then bias will cause the experimenter to use non-falsifiable argumentation.  Control groups totally destroy deception via non-falsification, which is why there is a war against THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD AND CONTROL GROUPS now.  Humanity is regressing to PRE-CLASSICAL superstition and irrationality before our eyes.

Robert Grosseteste, Bishop and Confessor, pray for us.

This is the best sort of science — a random controlled trial. It is trumped only by a meta-analysis of multiple random controlled trials.

Dr. Fauci repeatedly stated that he would not fund or allow random controlled trials for masks because that would be “unethical.” This is exactly the sort of bull**** he ran during the original AIDS years in the 1980s and early 1990s when he actively worked to deny Bactrim to AIDS patients who had a high risk of PCP, which routinely killed said patients. We knew Bactrim worked to stop PCP in immune-compromised people because we had been using it for more than five years at that point in Leukemia patients, and in fact it is one of the major factors that caused leukemia to become a much more-survivable disease.

Over 30,000 Americans were shoved in the hole as a result of that denial — until it was eventually reversed when Fauci’s “recommendation” was dropped and overridden. At the same time AZT, which was a failed cancer drug that failed safety trials — that is, Phase 1 — was pushed hard by the same Dr. Fauci. AZT was later shown to be a direct DNA poison. In the meantime, however, it was tremendously profitable since it was an on-patent drug while Bactrim was off-patent and thus cheap.

Well, now we have the same thing here. Annals published the study despite other journals refusing to do so. It is not hard to see why the others refused; the confidence interval shows that there is a very real possibility that masks might increase infection rates by as much as 23%.

.Post-hoc computation was even worse:

In the first, which included only participants reporting wearing face masks “exactly as instructed,” infection (the primary outcome) occurred in 22 participants (2.0%) in the face mask group and 53 (2.1%) in the control group (between-group difference, −0.2 percentage point [CI, −1.3 to 0.9 percentage point]; P = 0.82) (OR, 0.93 [CI, 0.56 to 1.54]; P = 0.78).

If you don’t know how to read that I’ll do it for you — there was no statistical improvement whatsoever between those who reported wearing face masks exactly as instructed and the control group. The confidence interval was extraordinarily wide and statistically centered on 1.0, or no effect, with a possible range of from ~44% improvement to a 54% increase in risk.

On the face of the scientific evidence masks are worthless.

Not that we needed this study to know. Masks failed in 1918, a fact that the Washington Post mentioned in April from the historical record and in fact there is 40 years of hard science that says they do not work, as I’ve noted, even in operating rooms where everyone is presumed to follow protocol as they are all trained medical professionals and the surrounding area is sterile, eliminating confounding factors.

But the reason this study was blackballed by a number of journals is actually in the data itself; it is a plaintiff’s bar dream. Having the confidence interval cross 1.0 simply proves statistical worthlessness. Having it do so to such a large degree means employers who have mandated masks are suddenly open to massive lawsuits from employees who got Covid while under an employer mandate and there is a decent chance the employers will lose.

Mailbag: In Totalitarian Regimes, the Zealous Primary Enforcers and Enthusiastic Maintainers Of Totalitarianism Are the People Themselves.

And the people shall rush one upon another, and every man against his neighbour: the child shall make it tumult against the ancient, and the base against the honourable.

Et irruet populus, vir ad virum, et unusquisque ad proximum suum; tumultuabitur puer contra senem, et ignobilis contra nobilem.

Isaiah 3:5

Hi Ann,

Thank you for the post today on “What the Progressive Socialist Liberals Have in Store for Conservatives.”  

I’d like to share a glimpse of what I am experiencing personally in the “benign” arena of youth sports that I think is related.  While to many this may seem harmless, I believe it provides a real-world illustration of how people will eventually “just go along with it.”

My son (age 10) participates in a youth travel sports team.  He is scheduled to attend an out-of-state tournament in the next few weeks.  Due to recent changes in COVID restrictions, the tournament now requires ALL players AND parents to present a negative COVID test result within 72 hours of the tournament start date.

Our team manager asked all families to indicate whether or not they would comply, and to provide their answer within 8 hrs.  As a family, we agreed not to subject ourselves to the painful nasal swab, the intrusion of medical privacy, nor the participation in the lunacy of it all!  I sent a polite, short response privately to the team manager indicating our preference to not get tested.  Her response back:  So are you in or out for the tournament?  I responded with a straightforward:  “Out”.  

Throughout the day I learned privately that there were several other families who also did not want to get tested.  Over half of the team began to post messages on our team app indicating they did not want to travel out of state, and for various reasons.  None of the reasons posted directly addressed the willingness to be tested, of course.  (My nanny used to say:  don’t pussyfoot around the issue, and this should tell you why.) 

Finally, the team manager sent a public message to the team:

“We are scheduled to travel.  The question I posed to all of you was not whether you want to go, but whether you are willing to take the COVID test.”


Apparently no one else spoke up when ultimately called to task on it.  The coach decided the team would go as only 1 athlete (my son) would not comply.

I can’t believe I’m typing this.

Fortunately, just a little while ago another parent, a father, said his family would not get tested, and that they were OUT!  His reasons varied, but one of them was that he wasn’t going to give his medical information out to random people.  The team manager instructed him to inform the director of our sports association that he would “not report his son’s positive test result, should it arise.”  (What??  Why automatically convict the child as secretly sick and contagious when his dad is merely citing medical privacy rights?)  The dad quipped back saying he would report it to the program directors, but not to her, or some random tournament director.  I thanked God for his courage to stand his ground and speak up.

It is helpful knowing you are not the ONLY one.  This was our primary homeschool lesson today:  speak up even if you are the only one as it can give others the courage to also speak up.  But be prepared that if you are the first to speak up you will most likely suffer negative consequences.

I hope I’ve been able to articulate the clearly perceived tension and opposing forces in all of this, and that people will stay on guard against the people and organizations who are beginning to see themselves as the righteous “enforcers” of the COVID rules.  What I just described pertains to healthy 10 yr-old boys…It’s obvious this is not about health, safety, or the well-being of our children.  It’s about whether or not we are going to join the Communist Party of COVID.

Take care and God bless,


Today’s must-read. “What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives”

A harrowing read, and EVERY WORD TRUE.

THIS is why I started mentally and spiritually preparing to be raped, tortured and executed over a decade ago.  It is essential, and frankly irresponsible at this point to NOT prepare yourself and those you love for what is now, barring supernatural intervention, all but inevitable.

Warning was given.  It has been totally ignored.

Read every word:

What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives (part 1)

“Once you are told to turn around and put your hands behind your back it will be too late. You will be lead politely into the vehicle. Then as door after door closes behind you, you will discover yourself in a position of disadvantage and you will be killed. It will happen and you won’t be aware of it until it is too late. Do you think this fellow was anticipating being killed the morning when he put on his shoes?”

“Most of the men will be killed immediately. Those rare exceptions would be those who would be tortured for various reasons to make a point to the remaining captives.

All of the women will be dehumanized, raped and sent off to “collection centers”. There they will be provided dehumanizing clothing and attire, and raped until they are of no further use.”