Monthly Archives: October 2020

CoronaCold Kayfabe: Proven Unreliable Test Given By A Criminal Government Shows That Two Asymptomatic People Carry A Seasonal Cold Virus That Might Give Them the Sniffles One Month Before Election: Both People Placed Under House Arrest

Is no one going to question this?

IF one or both do get a cold, will they try to murder one or both by ventilator?


It’s a COLD, remember.

One month to the day before the election, in which the opposition candidate is literally demented.

Hands up: who usually gets a cold/sniffles once per year? Yeah, me too. Which means we all carry cold viruses, especially in cold season, completely asymptomatically. We have covered this before in the post about how every day we expel poop which contains TRILLIONS of virons and bacteria of various and sundry types. To be human is to carry bacteria and viruses. By the trillions. This is why civilized people build sewers, use flush toilets, and wash their hands after visiting the water closet.

If they can use this to essentially put Trump under arrest, you do realize that they intend to use this to control the entire population as a tool. The Soviets used accusations of “psychological illness”. The New World Order / Freemasonic One World Political Religion will use the excuse of… a common seasonal cold to eliminate/incarcerate anyone at any time.

They won’t even need to go through the theater of the “tests”. They’ll just claim “Contact Tracing.”

So, just to review: two healthy people have been put under house arrest because lying liars have declared that “tests” show they carry a cold virus that might give them the sniffles.

If they can do this to Trump, they can do it to you. And your CHILDREN.

Welcome to the brave new world of Freemasonic Kayfabe.

Roman Agenda#-1: You Need to Learn to Serve Mass!

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this pre-launch special of the Roman Agenda podcast, Roman McClaine speaks with Tofari of Romanitas Press, primarily to discuss his upcoming webinar for teaching men and boys how to serve at the Traditional Latin Mass. You can find Louis’ contact info at along with an impressive catalog of materials and training resources.

Hey, Dum-Dum: Sant’Egidio is LITERALLY a Communist human trafficking front group, and EVERYONE knows it.

Sant’Egidio is one of the most evil racketeering fronts infesting The Church today. It’s pacing with the Legionaries of Christ, except Sant’Egidio works the hard left openly gay Champagne Communist set, and the Legion runs its grift on the “conservative” closeted gay/gay friendly Novus Ordo Big Money right.

Sant’Egidio is the main human trafficking entity bringing musloid invaders into Italy as a gateway to Europe. And, boy, it is BIG money. And apparently all the sodomites in Sant’Egidio are… not lacking for young male “migrants” willing to sodomize them in exchange for preferential treatment. As is typical with NGO personnel.


#Toldya JPMorgan fined almost a billion dollars for manipulating the metals markets. And… nobody cares.

DOJ press release here.

We were jumping up and down screaming about this a decade ago. Who else was raped or had clients raped in the spring ARSH 2011 metals spike? I had clients with GTC stops under their long silver positions, and those thieving wretches literally ignored the stops and said, “We didn’t ELECT your stops.”

In case you don’t know, a stop loss order is triggered and becomes a MARKET ORDER by law when the stop price is touched. Not traded through, but TOUCHED.

I yelled. Loudly.

Nothing. Absolutely no recourse. Nothing.

It was the prequel to Corzine and MF Global.

And now TODAY, $920 million in fines, NO ONE SERVES any jail time…

Do you know what over a decade of screwing the world, with a fine and no jail time is called amongst psychopaths? A “GOOD BUSINESS DECISION.”

And people still, to this day, call me stupid for clearing out of the financial industry.