Monthly Archives: September 2020

Repost by Request: Living In A Bubble – Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

(An oldie but a goodie from eight years ago… Particularly germane if you are being pressured to continue to patronize clearly overtly satanic businesses like Netflix, etc. ….)

I recently attended a conference about Catholic ethics, and toward the end discussion opened up a bit. An upper-middle class suburban woman (an uber Neo-con Kathy) raised her hand and complained that her 13 year old daughter persistently wanted to dress like Kim Kardashian, I believe the word ”whore” was used, as the daughter has been regularly watching the Kardashian filth on TV and wants to be just like Kim Kardashian, who is, for those of you who do not know, a sociopathic moral degenerate and de facto prostitute and porn star, who is also teetering on the precipice of being mentally retarded.

I tend to keep fairly quiet in venues such as this. If I am not ”the speaker” then it is my job to listen, but since discussion had opened up, I did lean forward and asked this woman why she allowed cable TV into her home in the first place, and why she allowed her daughter to watch evil filth. Some response was made to the effect, ”Well, I can’t control . . . “ at which point I cut her off and told her that she could call and cancel the cable feed this afternoon, at which she bristled and snarled back at me, ”I’m not going to have this discussion. I’M NOT GOING TO LIVE IN A BUBBLE.”

Understand, this woman had no clue who I was, so the bristling and snarling was not because she was intimidated by me – it was an organic response to the thought of taking away her precious Marxist-Sodomite agitporn delivery vector – her precious teevee. She then got up and left.

Had I gone blowtorch on this woman, here is what I would have said:

 Madam, you just raised your hand and volunteered that your 13 year old daughter is emulating as a role model and dressing like a well-known and utterly shameless whore in an effort to elicit sympathy from this group. When I asked you why you simply don’t do the absolute minimum of what any parent should do, namely removing the evil of TV from your home and thus protecting your daughter, you snapped back that you refuse to “live in a bubble.”

Madam, from what little you have told us, it sounds like your daughter, being 13 years old, upper-middle class, living in the United States in 2012, and already EMULATING WHOREDOM, is well on her way to being lost to hell for all eternity. Her soul and psyche are being formed in profound ways, especially now as she is in the throes of puberty, setting up who she will be and the choices she will make for the rest of her life. And you, her mother, refuse to do what is clearly the BARE MINIMUM to stop your own daughter’s descent into the grips of hell, namely eliminating cable TV from your home, because you don’t want to “live in a bubble?”  You would watch your own child be lost to hell before you would go without TELEVISION? Do you realize that in this you are also putting YOUR OWN SOUL at profound risk for eternal damnation?

I don’t know your daughter, and probably never will. I don’t know you, and to be frank, I don’t like you and we will almost certainly never be friends on this earth. BUT, for some reason which I cannot explain, I CARE whether or not you and your daughter go to heaven or go to hell. I am not indifferent to your fate, and am intensely desirous of both of you making it to heaven. In fact, it appears that I care more about the eternal fate of your daughter’s soul than you do. This is charity: not being indifferent to our fellow human beings. (The fruit of the Second Joyful Mystery – the Visitation: love of neighbor) I do not like you, nor am I obliged to, but I am not indifferent to you, which IS my obligation.

Madam, you are the walking personification of the Marxist goal. You are a totally sensuous, self-absorbed person who can only see the world through the prism of your own faux-victimhood, so much so that your self-centered sensuousness even takes precedence over the eternal fates of the souls of your own young children. The last wedge, the wedge between mother and child, has been driven home, and you are the proof of that.

Madam, that “bubble” that you refuse to live in, that “bubble” that simply asks of us that we reject evil, is what the rest of us call “The Sacred Heart of Jesus”, pierced and burning with love for you, your daughter and everyone else. But, if you don’t want to live in that ”Bubble”, then I can promise you Sister, YOU WON’T. EVER. If you find the “Bubble” too boring, too isolating, too embarrassing and too socially awkward; if you hold that “Bubble”, all who dwell in It, all those who seek to dwell in It, and those who are truly desirous of you and your daughter dwelling in It, in scathing contempt, then Madam, I can promise you that you will never, ever have to experience It.


Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

Today’s new term is: FLOCK WORKER’S LUNG. The disease caused by inhaling polypropylene micro fibers… from… you guessed it… Masonic Magic Kleenex Burqas of Dehumanizing Submission

Fascinating paper authored by an east coast M.D., terrified for their career, detailing the total mendacity of the mask agitprop.

Click HERE to read and distribute. The author encourages FULL reposting so long as nothing is edited.

Read up in the last section of this short paper on Flock Worker’s Lung. It’s what you get from constantly breathing in particulate polypropylene fiber – the fine fuzzy coating on all masks.

We all know the mask stuff is a total lie and has exactly ZERO to do with public health, and is a purely RELIGIOUS dynamic.

Yes, that’s right. The mask is a purely RELIGIOUS item. CoronaScam, exactly like islam, is a totalitarian political system masquerading as a religion. This is why people, especially young people, have embraced it with such zeal, and why young people are such enthusiastic mask wearers.

CoronaScam is the working fusion of Freemasonry and islam.

These people have CONVERTED to the CoronaScam One World Masonic Religion. They are essentially the same as jailhouse converts to islam. The mask is their sign of membership in this political religion, and it is your sign of submission to their religion, which they believe to be superior to all others.

The mass apostasy of the west has left a sucking void for religion, which every human heart is built to long for – we long to find God. And God has revealed Himself to us through His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Young people, many having never had ANY religion at all, and being nearly unanimous in their conscious rejection of the Catholic Faith, are now for the first time in their lives being “religious”. CoronaScam IS THEIR RELIGION.

The fact that the west has apostatized from the ONE TRUE FAITH means that most people, and especially young people, are susceptible to any false religion precisely because the ONE TRUE FAITH is openly regarded as the one faith that is totally false. All false religions are “on the table” as being “a form of truth” EXCEPT the Holy Catholic Faith, which alone is considered completely false. This is no surprise. Total inversion has been prophesied for millennia, including by Our Lord Himself in the Gospels.

Now CoronaScam comes along, with its intense narcissism, anti-morality especially in the form of sexual libertinism, and totalitarian power play, coupled with anti-rites and anti-sacramentals, the submission mask being first among them, and the people desperate to fill the religious void in their souls, having apostatized and sworn hatred of the One True Faith, are easy and zealous converts.

The CoronaScam submission mask is the most obvious and open manifestation of Luciferianism ever seen in human history, I think it is safe to say. If a person can’t see it for what it so obviously is… well. It raises questions.

So let’s finish with a quick list of maladies which the filthy submission masks are causing so far:

Adult acne

Staphylococcus infections of the mouth, throat and lungs

Streptococcus infections of the mouth, throat and lungs

Flock Worker’s Lung

Conjunctivitis (infection of the mucosa of the eye from the redirection of exhalation from the nose to upwards into the eyes)

Chronic fatigue/fogginess/persistent headache

Best $400+ you’ll ever spend. You know what to do. Get after it.

When prudence truly dictates that something MUST be said or done, inaction then becomes a sin, no matter how one might try to justify that inaction as ’prudence’. That sin is called COWARDICE.

(This was penned and posted almost a decade ago. To read it in these days of the CoronaScam, CoronaReligion and the open overthrow and long-expected commencement of Civil War in the former US is positively blood-chilling. Add a couple mentions of the Masonic Burqa and this could have been written this morning. -AB)

If you forced me to distill everything that is wrong with this culture down to one word, to find one word that covered almost every sin in one fell swoop, it would be cowardice. I look at western civilization and I see cowardice EVERYWHERE. It is in the eyes and hearts of every adult. Its stench permeates everything.

First, the definition. Cowardice is, when you boil it down, total self-absorption. Cowardice is putting your own immediate and superficial desires above everyone and everything else. Cowardice is indifference to your fellow man, and to God, and as we have already established, indifference, not hate, but INDIFFERENCE is the opposite of love.

The coward cowers and fails to act because he puts himself first, thus breaking the two Great Commandments simultaneously: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and soul AND thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. The coward gives both God and his neighbor the proverbial finger, pulls the covers over his head (and the mask over his face) and retreats into his own navel, oftentimes rhetorically hiding behind the words “prudence” and “benignity”.

The word “Prudence” has been twisted by cowards into the lie that one should never act, but rather think and think and think ad infinitum until either they have talked themselves out of any action (which is always very easy to do) OR until someone else comes along and takes up the slack, thus making the question of their own action moot. In other words, STALLING.

Prudence is being able to discern the right, see the big picture and then DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE. Many people think that they can “legally” dodge this by simply doing nothing. Ah, but they forget that to NOT act is to act, to NOT speak is to speak, to quote Bonhoeffer. It is impossible to avoid action, because inaction is itself an action. When prudence truly dictates that something MUST be said or done, inaction then becomes a sin, no matter how one might try to justify that inaction as prudence. That sin is called COWARDICE.

Benignity means “kindness”, which is not the same as “being nice” or even being liked. True kindness sometimes requires sternness, or even ferociousness. If you walked into a kitchen and saw a three year old child just about to drink from a bottle of drain cleaner, would you not ferociously dive at the child yelling, “NO!” in order to save that child from poisoning and burning themselves? Anything less would be unthinkable. How could one react with silent paralysis to a child about to drink poison? How would that be kind? How would that be benign? It wouldn’t. It would be malignant malefaction devoid of prudence and charity, and utterly cowardly.

The other term that gets distorted by cowardice is “meekness”. The tragic coincidence that the word “meek” rhymes with “weak” in English has led many intellectually lazy people to believe very falsely that the words are synonyms. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Meekness is POWER UNDER CONTROL. Hence, Christ is perfectly meek, because as the Second Person of the Triune Godhead He is infinitely powerful, but yet so under control of His power that He freely chose to be crucified. An absolute monarch, powerful politician, powerful corporate executive, or law enforcement officer is called to meekness: power UNDER CONTROL. Power itself isn’t necessarily bad, as the absence of authority leads to anarchy and chaos. Power without the integrity of self-control is the problem. I think we can all agree that we have a serious, serious meekness deficiency in this culture, borne from cowardice, which recall is total self-absorption. A coward cannot be meek because a coward has no LEGITIMATE power to control in the first place.

The reason we are in this mess, and the reason why I don’t see any indication of anything getting any better is because we are indeed a nation, and a civilization, of cowards. I see exactly ZERO willingness by anyone to offer any meaningful resistance to evil. I see zero willingness for anyone to do anything that might result in the least bit of discomfort, loss or material damage to themselves or their estate.

As an example, over the last couple of days I have been inundated with emails from people who remember the Mass before 1968, and they all say something very similar: When the changes came, we hated them and just KNEW that they were bad, bad news. We also KNEW which priests were gay, it wasn’t like they were trying to fool anyone.

My universal response to that is: WELL, WHY THE HELL DIDN’T YOU DO ANYTHING?

The answer is cowardice. People wanted to maintain their social standing, and so they chose the action of inaction. People wanted to just pull the blanket over their head, not get involved, and be considered “nice”. This is the ultimate self-absorption. If you people KNEW that the Church and the Mass were being profaned and you did NOTHING, then you will be held to account for that cowardice. You will be made to answer for the hundreds of millions, if not billions of human beings who were lost to hell because of the Marxist-homosexualist near-destruction of the Church and the Mass. You will be held to account for the horrific gutter dive that this culture has taken, because if the Novus Ordo Mass had been deep-sixed by the irate demand of the people before it ever got off the ground, this world would be a very, very different place. If the Marxist-homosexualists had never been allowed to rise to power by the silent assent of the cowardly people, God would still be shedding His grace on us, and tens of millions of dead babies would be very much alive today, and countless millions of people might not have been lost to hell.

Every time I hear someone say, “Well, I can’t DO THAT. I can’t SAY ANYTHING. I can’t stop paying taxes. I can’t get crossways with the IRS. I can’t cancel my cable. I can’t get on my boss’s bad side. I can’t jeopardize my job. I can’t jeopardize my reputation. I can’t jeopardize my income. You just don’t understand. I just CAN’T,” I have just one question in response. It is very easy, and only requires a single number is response – not even words. Just one number. The question is, exactly how many human souls are you content to see lost in exchange for your personal comfort and ability to navel-gaze uninterrupted? I need a number. No prose. No bullshit excuses. Just a number. If you are willing to admit that you are willing to see a billion people lost, then say it. If you’re willing to see 3.5 billion people lost, then say it. If you’re willing to see the entire surface population minus yourself lost, then say it. But don’t bullshit me by saying “zero” and then cowering in fear and refusing to so much as lift a finger or say ONE WORD in the face of this evil.

Fish or cut bait, people.

Do you know why Ayn Rand (Alisa Rosenbaum was her real name) became an atheist? Do you know why that clearly intelligent woman became so utterly convinced that there was no God? It is because she witnessed the revolting, repellant cowardice of the Russian Orthodox clergy in Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution. Seeing those men capitulate to evil in order to save their own skins was so abhorrent to behold -even to Rabbinical Jews – that young Alisa became convinced that there was no way that the Church or the God of that Church could possibly be real or true. It was the observation of cowardice that drove her into confirmed atheism, and then into her own sad life of sin and self-centeredness, all in the name of “rational self-interest” and “happiness”.

Human beings are hard-wired to loathe and shun the coward. There is no character trait that is more universally and instantly repellant to both males and females than cowardice. It takes massive brainwashing to overcome this most visceral of human responses. Why is this?

From the female perspective, a woman identifies and rejects the coward because the coward will not protect her. The coward will abandon her and their children. So how is it that any inner city black man today gets laid? Because the Marxists have brainwashed the black culture into embracing male cowardice. The men are given false substitutes in the form of sports and gangs (because nothing is more GAY masculine than running around in a shirt with another man’s name emblazoned across it), and the women are trained by the rap/hip-hop culture to expect to be used and abandoned as mere masturbation vectors. And when conception actually happens, we have the ultimate act of cowardice to fall back on: abortion.

From the male perspective, cowardice is repellant because it is the coward who will either betray you, or fail to come through and get both of you killed. Judas Iscariot was the biggest coward in history. Read John 6. When Jesus told the huge crowd of disciples about the Eucharist, that they would literally have to eat His Flesh and drink His Blood to have His Life within them, they all freaked out and got up and left. Judas was humiliated at being associated with Jesus from that moment forward. He was livid that the potential revenue stream of thousands of followers was drying up. He was livid at the loss of power that he was watching as a member of Jesus’ inner circle of apostles. He thought Jesus was going to overthrow both the Herodian dynasty and the Roman occupation and that he, Judas, would be made a prince. When Jesus revealed the Eucharist to the people and they all left, Judas, self-centered and desperate for worldly wealth, power and approval, which is to say an abject coward, decided at that moment, purely because of the Eucharist, to betray Christ.

But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning, who they were that did not believe, and who he was, that would betray Him. John 6:65,

Jesus answered them: Have not I chosen you twelve; and one of you is a devil? Now He meant Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon: for this same was about to betray Him, whereas he was one of the twelve. John 6:71-72.

(Remember, all of what follows was written almost a decade ago… -AB)

At this point, I am sadly reminded of the priests and bishops in the U.S. who have betrayed and continue to betray Christ because they are embarrassed by Him and His Truth, livid at Him for getting in the way of the government revenue stream, and humiliated and ashamed of the Eucharist itself. Oh, to be a fly on the wall at a Georgetown party when Joe Biden or John Kerry sidles up to Archbishop So-and-So, leans in close, smiles wryly and says, “You don’t actually believe that a cracker and a shot of wine turns into God, do you?”

If the coward doesn’t betray you outright to your enemies, he will at the very least fail to come through in combat, and get you both killed. To my eye, that covers pretty much everyone else. Even the clergy and people who are not Marxists are paralyzed and give every indication that they cannot be relied upon to march into combat. Some even hiss their contempt at courageous men in the hopes that God won’t recognize their cowardice if He has no courageous contemporaries to compare them to. I believe the technical term for that is “relativism.” Or perhaps they feel that they will be able to talk their way out of their sin by claiming “prudence” or “benignity.”

Yes, let’s just stall and hope and pray that someone comes along who will take up our slack and do the right, do that which we are too chickenshit to do.

Be careful what you pray for. You might just get it.

I’ll conclude with some quotes from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn:

To stand up for truth is nothing. For truth, you must sit in jail.

You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.

The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world.

In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand fold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.

If I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible what was the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: ‘Men had forgotten God; that is why all this has happened.’

A decline in courage may be the most striking feature that an outside observer notices in the West today. The Western world has lost its civic courage . . . . Such a decline in courage is particularly noticeable among the ruling and intellectual elite, causing an impression of a loss of courage by the entire society.

And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.

Barnhardt Podcast #122: Mmmmm… Canned Podcast!

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this well-preserved episode we reprise the discussion of prepping against an unknown future, especially given the elevated possibility of widespread violence this fall and winter. While there are several practical considerations regarding what to wear and what to eat, seek first the Kingdom of God and prepare your soul to meet Him. Then go get some guns, ammo, seeds, food storage supplies, food, books, toilet paper, etc…

The links below are going to be updated over time!

The links below are far from complete and will be updated over time. I’m not saying you should bookmark this page and check it from time to time but if you do you’ll see more links being added. If you can think of something that should be listed below that isn’t, send an email to [email protected] and I’ll get that added.

Links, Reading, and Video:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]

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Folks, EVIDENCE AND TRUTH NO LONGER MATTER. You are living under a satanic tyranny that LUXURIATES in lies and mendacity.

Ukraine is the breadbasket of eastern Europe.  Tremendous farming and wheat production was centered in Ukraine.  Under Lenin, and then Stalin, all farms and food production were seized and controlled by the state.  The Soviets hated the Ukrainian peasants and wanted them all dead.  All of them.  So here’s what they did in ARSH 1932:

At wheat planting time, the Ukrainian farmers all went to the Soviet office in town to get their allocation of seed wheat to plant for that year’s crop, naturally.  The Soviets stalled and stalled and then simply refused to give the Ukrainian farmers any seed.  As the planting window narrowed day by day, and then finally closed, the farmers became first ever more urgent, and then resigned themselves in despair to the fact that they would have no crop that year.

Fast forward to wheat harvest time in June.  The Soviet bureaucrats showed up at the farms and demanded that the farmers deliver that year’s wheat crop harvest.  The farmers, in complete disbelief at the Soviets after having begged and pleaded for seed a few months earlier only to be ignored and then explicitly denied any seed by these very same Soviet bureaucrats, told them that there was no harvest because YOU REFUSED TO GIVE US ANY SEED.

The bureaucrats then accused the farmers of hiding and hoarding the wheat harvest, and summarily executed all of the men and teenaged boys on the spot as “enemies of the Revolution and the people”.  Those were the lucky ones.  The Ukrainians left alive then slowly starved to death, many descending into the madness of starvation.  Many Ukrainian women, insane with hunger, slaughtered, cooked and ate their own children.  Some of those women survived the famine and carried the intense guilt of what they had done for the rest of their lives.  Before this totally state-engineered famine was over, upwards of three million Ukrainians were dead in less than two years.  This event is called The Holodomor.

Folks, you are living under a Communist putsch.  Evidence, even videographic, is IRRELEVANT.  It doesn’t phase these demoniacs in the least.  Don’t think for a nanosecond that because you have “done nothing wrong” that they won’t come for you.  They will. And they will murder you without compunction. If you’re “lucky” (as the Ukrainians would have told you….)

Now, understand, this episode was SOVIET.  The Soviets look positively TAME as compared to the Maoist Chinese, which are closer to ideologically, and almost certainly funding BLM and the CoronaScam.


In fact, they are the declared enemies of Truth, which is a Person, namely Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Khrushchev was right…. Your children’s children will live under Communism.

Pope Paul VI, a lifelong Communist sympathizer, the man who turned Cardinal József Mindszenty, our father in God, over to the Communists to be tortured and imprisoned for years, suppressed the Leonine Prayers in March, ARSH 1965. He also refused to allow the TOP PRIORITY expressed by the world’s bishops to come to the fore at Vatican II (a failed Council, like Lateran V), the DENUNCIATION OF GLOBAL COMMUNISM, and then specifically invited the KGB under the cover of Russian Orthodox clergy to “observe” the Council – essentially giving them a “veto”, along with Protestant “observers”.  Tell me again how Vatican II was a legitimate Ecumenical Council the shouldn’t be denounced and all its documents eternally banned??

Do a cursory study of the cultural nosedive that began right around… ARSH 1965.  Then look at the second nose-dive that happened exactly as the Novus Ordo Mass was promulgated the first Sunday of December ARSH 1969.  Just as an example, almost overnight TV went from The Andy Griffith Show, The Beverly Hillbillies, Bonanza and Gunsmoke to All in the Family.  All four shows listed were canceled while in the TOP TEN in ratings. Think about that.  It was a pure cultural purge.  Foul, atheistic, soul-killing ((((Norman Lear)))) agitprop became the gold standard.

Do you pray the Leonine Prayers after every Mass, even if the priest doesn’t?  I do.  (They were originally to be said only after Low Mass, but I go ahead say them after EVERY Mass, no matter what.  I also pray for Trump and Melania specifically at the Leonine Prayers, in addition to the Leonine intention “against the errors of Russia”.  Seems apt.)

Grain confiscation in Novokrasne (Arbuzynka Raion, now Mykolaiv Oblast), October ARSH 1932. Source:

Must Read: A parishioner speaks out on Fr. Daniel Nolan, FSSP, Captain, USMC (retired)

Backstory here.

My post here.

(Just for the record: I haven’t stepped foot in Colorado in YEARS. Dust. Sandals. I don’t know Fr. Nolan in any way. But I’d like to meet him if I get the chance some day! Ooooh Rah!!!!)

Y’all: don’t act all shocked when it’s a Jarhead that steps to the front. If you’re a biological male screeching, “IMPRUDENCE! PRIDE!”, check yourself. Those emotions you are feeling are envy, embarrassment, and SHAME.

Please read the following letter, sent to and published by Frank Walker, the owner/editor of the invaluable news aggregator , at his blog,



Today is the Feast of Papa Sarto, Pope St. Pius X.

I couldn’t help but smile at the coincidence of Fr. Nolan’s move to the front like a steely-eyed man of God and today’s Epistle:

Lesson from the first letter of St. Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians
1 Thess. 2:2-8
Brethren: We had confidence in our God to preach to you the gospel of God amid much anxiety. For our exhortation was not from error, nor from impure motives, nor from guile; but, as approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak not as pleasing men, but God, Who proves our hearts. For at no time have we used words of flattery, as you know, nor any pretext for avarice, God is witness, nor have we sought glory from men, neither from you nor from others. Although as the apostles of Christ we could have claimed a position of honor among you, still while in your midst we were as children, as if a nurse were cherishing her own children. So, we, in our love for you, would gladly have imparted to you not only the gospel of God, but also our own souls, because you had become most dear to us.
R. Thanks be to God.


Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

-John 15: 13

A priest forever in the Order of Melchizedek.

CovidReligion IS Satanism: Canadian Surgeon General issues recommendation for wearing the Satanic Veil during all “intimacies” and only engaging in sodomy

Face-to-face is the only morally acceptable way to engage in the conjugal act… because INTIMACY, and any other way is ANIMALISTIC.

Only human beings copulate face-to-face because only we are clearly designed to do so. Have you ever stopped and thought about that? Maybe the ability to look directly into one’s spouse’s eyes and whisper words of love at the moment of consummation is… pointing to a greater reality, and is thus non-negotiable and tied up in the Natural Law?

Only this new manifestation of Freemasonry has ever DARED demand faceless sodomy as a point of public policy.

Only Freemasonry.

Time to take Freemasonry seriously? Because damn near every war instigated and profiteered by these bastards for the past 300 years hasn’t been reason enough? Because the usurpation of the Petrine See has been just a minor offense, a mere speed bump in history, and besides,

the Papacy has been totes overrated lo these 2000 years anyway, amiright? The Pope can totes be an open apostate and the obvious Stepin Fetchit of the Grand Lodge, because the Papacy doesn’t maaaaatter… but if you don’t submit without any intellectual engagement to whomever the Freemasonic world says is the Pope, who is irrelevant, remember, then you’re a schismatic! Because an irrelevancy is the standard of schism. Yep. Let me repeat that again: AN IRRELEVANCY IS THE STANDARD OF SCHISM. If you think the identity of the Vicar of Christ is relevant, then you’re an IDOLATOR! Heaven or hell, for eternity. Pivoting on… submission to an irrelevancy. And, yeah, given modern technology, we can now know in context that Jesus was just running His mouth during the Good Shepherd Discourse. Because we have global communications now. So WE HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE. Wait… Twitter notification. And I gotta finish watching my Hollywood content for the day… And I’m in real-time group play on my video game. Shut up, Stupid….

“We know better, because WE HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE of modem technology and global communication. We know. WE KNOW.

Freemasonry = New World Order = SATANISM.

Maybe now Freemasonry publicly pushing anonymous buttsecks WHILE WEARING THE FREEMASONIC VEIL will catch attention?

Folks, the face mask is a RELIGIOUS garment. Make absolutely no mistake, and don’t even try to delude yourselves. It is a pure sign of submission to the CovidLodge and its dark lord, lucifer.

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

This is how a psycho-sexually normal priest with a sound interior life rolls. He’s ready to be persecuted. May God reward him richly.

And guess what this priest will NEVER, EVER do?

He will NEVER ask to be laicized.  Because only loser cowards (almost always with chastity problems) go AWOL.  Only sociopaths abandon their spouse when their spouse is under attack.

Sloth is the vice of not doing a virtuous good because it is difficult.

Effeminacy is the vice of not doing a virtuous good because it might reduce one’s own personal comfort or pleasure in life.

Father suffers from neither of these vices.  And it is now so rare, that it is almost awe-inspiring to behold. It is certainly beautiful and edifying.

Pray for this priest.  Pray for all priests.