“Why are the bishops falling for the obvious lie of the CoronaCold? Why are the bishops leading the charge to deprive the faithful of the sacraments??”
They aren’t “falling” for it. They’re in on it. To the tune of $3.5 billion, and counting.
This is the seed capitalization of the Antichurch.
At this rate, they will offset ALL child sex abuse payouts with CoronaCold taxpayer “bailouts”, if they haven’t already, plus have an excuse to shut down nearly all schools and most parishes.
And they have an excuse to essentially not have to “work”, maybe ever again, if all goes according to plan. No more “stupid” Masses. Certainly no more “idiotic” confessions or having to fake interest in the retarded peasants and their nauseating piety.
After the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, this is what young black men will do. There will be no more rap/hip-hop. This little clip is a foretaste, a sneak-peek, of the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart. This is the inevitability that Satan is now trying to delay as long as possible.
If you can’t believe that this is possible, take it to prayer, preferably the Rosary, preferably before the Blessed Sacrament.
Faith. Hope. Trust in Mary’s Intercession.
This is an 8th century antiphonal hymn from the washing of the feet, the Maundatum, on Holy Thursday.
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est. Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor. Where charity and love are, there God is. The love of Christ has gathered us into one.
Exsultemus, et in ipso jucundemur. Timeamus, et amemus Deum vivum. Let us exult, and in Him be joyful. Let us fear and let us love the living God.
Et ex corde diligamus nos sincero. And from a sincere heart let us love each other (and Him).
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est. Simul ergo cum in unum congregamur: Where charity and love are, there God is. Therefore, whensoever we are gathered as one:
Ne nos mente dividamur, caveamus. Cessent iurgia maligna, cessent lites. Lest we in mind be divided, let us beware. Let cease malicious quarrels, let strife give way.
Et in medio nostri sit Christus Deus. Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est. And in the midst of us be Christ our God. Where charity and love are, there God is.
Simul quoque cum beatis videamus, Glorianter vultum tuum, Christe Deus: Together also with the blessed may we see, Gloriously, Thy countenance, O Christ our God:
Gaudium quod est immensum, atque probum, Saecula per infinita saeculorum. Amen. A joy which is immense, and also approved: Through infinite ages of ages. Amen.
Thank you for another well laid-out article today. When I was deployed in Afghanistan, I read Robert Reilly’s book “The Closing of the Muslim Mind,” in which he lays out what happened in the internal philosophical battle of Islam between the 9th and 11th centuries. Reason was jettisoned, rejected as a heretical limit upon God, who, being all powerful, is now understood, as you mentioned, as pure will, changeable from one moment to the next. This is why the phrase “en sha’Allah,” is so very popular, and a complete cop-out to planning and personal responsibility.
I see this same perspective creeping up in various sectors of the Church, and it troubles me greatly, as it should trouble all of us.
Spending so many years in the military, I know quite a few of us who had been protected, sheltered within the subcultural bubble. I remember my first week in the D.C. metro area, going to a simple little fast food place to get a meal while in the midst of trying to move into the place I was renting while stationed in the city. That’s the first time that I really saw, with my own eyes, that “ghira” that you are referring to. I had a hard time believing it, and it made all of those prejudices that I’d hear people walk around with come to life.
I am thankful now to be on the outskirts of [redacted]. It may be a large metro area, but I can escape back to the edge, where city meets country and people actually think.
Thank you for all you do. I continue to offer an EARLY Monday morning TLM (about 0430 or 0500) for you and your benefactors.
(This was originally penned and posted over three years ago in June of ARSH 2017. Be sure to add “CORONA COLD GHIRA”, “KAREN GHIRA” and “FACE DIAPER GHIRA” to the list.)
The subtitle of my Diabolical Narcissism video presentation is, “The Overarching Global Pathology”. This is why we see points of nexus between all evil paradigms at work today, the same bag of tricks with slightly different masks. Soros-NewWorldOrder-Social Justice Warriorism, Marxism, Islam, Bergoglianism, sodomitism – all of these paradigms and systems have at their foundation Diabolical Narcissism, the freely-chosen purging of all love from the human heart.
I recently came upon a new term from the musloid lexicon, and it needs to be added to the broad lexicon because it is all around us, and thus extremely useful as a concept. The word is: GHIRA.
The purging of love inevitably yields a hatred of truth. Satan is a liar and the father of lies because God is Himself Truth, and thus satan, in his warped desire to be God, and resulting hatred of God, can only ever pervert truth in an effort to lead others away from God, and into eternal hell with satan himself.
If you have ever been the object of a Diabolical Narcissist’s rage, you will recognize this dynamic almost immediately. DNs cannot stand any confrontation, criticism, or correction when they are demonstrated to be in error. They will rage at anyone they perceive to be a threat, with the level of rage escalating in proportion to the logic of the argument that they are confronted with. You know you have a DN intellectually pinned when all they can do is scream obscenities at you.
This is also why DNs generally surround themselves with people that either are genuinely dumb, or people the DN perceives to be dumb. Have you ever known someone that would openly lecture or berate their “friends”, family or employees for being “f***ing stupid”? Have you ever been mystified by a person who seemed to be extremely intelligent, but would only surround himself with people who were beneath his intellectual level, thus ensuring his dominance, and would actively drive out anyone of any intellectual gravitas, with the only possible exception being a specific Alpha Psychopath above him to which the DN was politically, commercially or socially attached?
Narcissistic raging in the face of logical argument and confrontation.
Every Trad Catholic reading this is now saying, “Oh my gosh, THAT’S BERGOGLIO AND THE DUBIA BROTHERS!”
Um, yeah. Totally.
Antipope Bergoglio is a raging psychopath DN. And when we say “raging”, we aren’t kidding. I have recounted in this space several times the instance at the Luxury Hotel Casa Santa Marta that Bergoglio lives in at the Vatican that the dining hall had to be cleared by the Swiss Guards one day in ARSH 2014 at lunch because Antipope Bergoglio, after having been “challenged” by some public remark affirming Catholic teaching by a Cardinal, was literally bellowing in rage, screaming, “I’M IN CHARGE HERE! I’LL TAKE THEIR HATS! IF THEY DON’T LIKE IT, THEY CAN LEAVE (the Church)!!”
There is also talk in Rome that Antipope Bergoglio’s foul mouth and raging tirades have become continually worse – more foul, more obscene, more profane, as time goes on. This is exactly zero surprise.
This narcissistic raging in the face of logical argument, of which the PERFECT example is the Dubia, because the five Dubia questions are simple, stone-cold logic, either yes, or no, true, or false, is GHIRA.
The Social Justice Warrior raging is GHIRA. The more you confront SJWs with the illogic and irrationality of their arguments and positions, the more they rage – and make no mistake, that rage WILL TURN VIOLENT, as in the French Revolution.
The islamic political system is illogical and irrational from top to bottom – which is why the only thing musloids can do is rage. This is why the islamic political system spreads by essentially one means: violent coercion. Not only is there no logic, but logic is hated and despised within islam and even islamic “theology”. Did you know that the islamic political system claims that the deity “allah” is devoid of logic and reason – that “allah” is pure will and thus can change 180 degrees on a dime with zero concern for any internal consistency? I’m not kidding. Remember that the next time you hear Antipope Bergoglio or some other Commie-faggot heretic bleating about how Christians and musloids “worship the same god”.
Marxism has traditionally purged the academics AFTER the Marxist revolution has been accomplished and the academics (after having acted as useful idiots) are no longer of use. Why? Because the Marxists fear that the academics would at least have the intellectual capacity to recognize and call out the failure, hypocrisy and illogic of the Marxist oligarchs. For a current example see Venezuela, Cuba or Argentina. Or, the total failure of “ObamaCare” (which is intentional). Or the failure of black inner-cities and their kleptocracies such as Chicago, New Orleans or Detroit.
Sodomites, their sexual perversion being derivative of their Diabolical Narcissism, have the highest rates of emotional abuse and domestic violence by a long shot. Ask any cop – fags and dykes are CONSTANTLY beating the crap out of each other. Why? GHIRA. Narcissistic raging, particularly when confronted or challenged. And this is why sodomites, when they come to power over large groups, are spectacularly cruel and hyper-violent. Don’t let the “sissy queeny faggot” facade fool you. And remember that when you see people being horrifically tortured under political oppression or war, dollars to doughnuts says there is a faggot or some other manner of sex pervert calling the shots.
Spread the term around, keep an eye out for it, and call it out when you see it.
Let Don Williams and Mandolin Boy put it into song.
Now that the Second Civil War has begun, this already-poignant song is now at eleven on the heartstrings amp.
Lord, I hope this day is good I’m feelin’ empty and misunderstood I should be thankful Lord, I know I should But Lord, I hope this day is good
Lord, have You forgotten me? I’ve been prayin’ to You faithfully I’m not sayin’ I’m a righteous man But Lord, I hope You understand
I don’t need fortune and I don’t need fame Send down the thunder Lord, send down the rain But when You’re plannin’ just how it will be Plan a good day for me
Lord, I hope this day is good I’m feelin’ empty and misunderstood I should be thankful Lord, I know I should But Lord, I hope this day is good
You’ve been the King since the dawn of time All that I’m askin’ is a little less crime It might be hard for the devil to do But it would be easy for You
Lord, I hope this day is good I’m feelin’ empty and misunderstood I should be thankful Lord, I know I should But Lord, I hope this day is good
That’s right. The Italian Bishops’ Conference has come out in their daily newspaper in favor of a law moving through the Italian legislature that would make belonging to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church a crime carrying a prison sentence. Why? Because the One True Church, the Bride of Christ, teaches infallibly that which the Natural Law informs EVERY human being: SODOMY IS MORTAL SIN. The bill moving quickly towards being made law would criminalize membership in ANY organization that speaks out against sodomitical pseudo-marriage and the trafficking and sale of children to sodomites under the guise of “adoption”.
“The apostasy of the city of Rome from the Vicar of Christ, and its destruction by Antichrist, may be thoughts so new to many Catholics, that I think it well to recite the text of theologians in the greatest repute. First, Malvenda, who writes expressly on the subject, states as the opinion of Ribera, Gaspar Melus, Viegas, Suarez, Bellarmine, and Bosius, that Rome shall apostatize from the faith, drive away the Vicar of Christ, and return to its ancient paganism. Malvenda’s words are: “But Rome itself in the last times of the world will return to its ancient idolatry, power, and imperial greatness. It will cast out its Pontiff, altogether apostatise from the Christian faith, terribly persecute the Church, shed the blood of martyrs more cruelly than ever, and will recover its former state of abundant wealth, or even greater than it had under its first rulers.”
Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, “The Present Crisis of the Holy See”, 1861, pg 87-88
The Italian bishops supporting a law that would literally CRIMINALIZE membership in the Catholic Church, which can never and will never ratify sodomy, seems to me to be a clear step toward the final “decoupling” of the True Church and the Antichurch. Remember Fr. Linus Clovis’ axiom:
And, as always, follow that axiom with this challenge: speak the following sentence aloud WITHOUT LAUGHING:
“Jorge Bergoglio is the head of the Church, opposing the anti-church.”
“Considering the special Divine Providence, and its manifestation in the past, with regard to the Holy See, the destruction of the Bishopric of Rome is indeed most improbable in the future. Still, it is an event within the sphere of possibility, and there does not appear to be any such certain, positive, and absolute guarantee for its perpetual per permanence as there is for that of the Catholic Church itself. Hence, theologians have supposed the extreme case of the extinction both of the city and See of Rome; and here their opinions are divided.
Some think that the Pope would then be bound to content himself with the title, together with the right of ruling the Roman See, should it be again revived much the same as in the case of titular bishops in partibus infidelium ; and that this would suffice for the actual succession of the Roman Pontiffs, as such, to the Primacy, since the title and right would still survive: so that whoever succeeded thereto would, as S. Peter s legitimate successor, have the Primacy over the universal Church. Other theologians incline to hold that, in such a case, a transfer of the Primacy to another See that the Pope might choose would be within the rights of the Vicar of Jesus Christ.”
-Rev. Thomas Livius C.SS.R., St. Peter, Bishop of Rome, or the Roman episcopate of the Prince of the Apostles proved from the Fathers, history and archeology, (London: Burns and Oates, 1888, pg 284)
-All we need is a title and the right ✓
-this is the bare minimum for the actual succession, as the title and the right alone would survive ✓
-it would be as in the case of titular bishops in partibus infidelium ✓
Now let’s look at partibus infidelium.
Partibus infidelium, as per Merriam-Webster dictionary – “in the regions of the infidels” —used in a bishop’s title after the name of a diocese conquered by a power of another faith.
Shut the front door! Are you telling me that in case of pope splitting the papacy, he would still rule with the title and the right that would survive, as if he were in a diocese conquered by a power of another faith?
But get this, cardinal Manning is not shying away from a money quote for our times either:
“The writers of the Church tell us that in the latter days the city of Rome will probably become apostate from the Church and Vicar of Jesus Christ; and that Rome will again be punished, for he will depart from it; and the judgment of God will fall on the place from which he once reigned over the nations of the world. For what is it that makes Rome sacred, but the presence of the Vicar of Jesus Christ? What has it that should be dear in the sight of God, save only the presence of the Vicar of His Son ? Let the Church of Christ depart from Rome, and Rome will be no more in the eyes of God than Jerusalem of old. Jerusalem, the Holy City, chosen by God, was cast down and consumed by fire, because it crucified the Lord of Glory; and the city of Rome, which has been the seat of the Vicar of Jesus Christ for eighteen hundred years, if it become apostate, like Jerusalem of old, will suffer a like condemnation. And, therefore, the writers of the Church tell us that the city of Rome has no prerogative except only that the Vicar of Christ is there ; and if it become unfaithful, the same judgments which fell on Jerusalem, hallowed though it was by the presence of the Son of God, of the Master, and not the disciple only, shall fall likewise upon Rome.
The apostasy of the city of Rome from the Vicar of Christ, and its destruction by Antichrist, may be thoughts so new to many Catholics, that I think it well to recite the text of theologians in the greatest repute. First, Malvenda, who writes expressly on the subject, states as the opinion of Ribera, Gaspar Melus, Viegas, Suarez, Bellarmine, and Bosius, that Rome shall apostatise from the faith, drive away the Vicar of Christ, and return to its ancient paganism.* Malvenda’s words are: “But Rome itself in the last times of the world will return to its ancient idolatry, power, and imperial greatness. It will cast out its Pontiff, altogether apostatise from the Christian faith, terribly persecute the Church, shed the blood of martyrs more cruelly than ever, and will recover its former state of abundant wealth, or even greater than it had under its first rulers.”
Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, “The Present Crisis of the Holy See”, 1861, pg 87-88
Now let’s see the head count here:
-Rome apostatised from the faith ✓
-Rome drove away the Vicar of the Christ ✓
-Rome returned to ancient paganism ✓
In this episode we discuss several tangents (5G, the meaning of the word “symptoms,” the Christmas Ceasefire of WW1) while discussing relevant recent news and several listener questions. A recurring theme was ignorance and that when it comes to the Faith we have the solemn obligation to study and learn more: the more we know about Christ and His Church the more deeply we can love it… and a refusal to educate ourselves is a sign of lack of love for God’s Truths and a sure sign of reprobation. Our Lady of Wisdom: Pray for us!
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