So I left a comment on Bo Duke’s YouTube Channel…

I almost never comment online, but when I do, it’s under my full name.

John Schneider posted a video last week from a stretch of road that they used for action shots with The General Lee on The Dukes.  His question was, “Were we racist?  White supremacist?”

Here’s my comment, and HERE IS THE LINK TO THE VID.

Bo Duke is the first man I ever “loved”. My childhood (I was born in Oct ’76) was the mere DOWNTIME between episodes of the Dukes. I learned the days of the week by asking my mother, “Are the Dukes on tonight?” I admired Sheriff Little as a man of AUTHORITY. All of this garbage about the St. Andrew Battle Flag {of the Tennessee Army}  (call it by its real name, folks) is pure Marxist garbage. We love you. Never bow to totalitarianism, which is the REAL racism. Planned Parenthood, the ongoing slaughter in Chicago – that’s the REAL war on black people. God bless- Ann Barnhardt


Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.