When a populace’s intelligence falls this far, coupled with a lack of virtue and diabolical disorientation born from the rejection of Christ and His Church, totalitarian conquest is inevitable.
Cold viruses apparently cannot spread side-to-side, because magic, and reasons.
“If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, so that my child may have peace.”
Do you know who said that? Thomas Paine. A stridently anti-Christian deist. What exactly does it say about us when an anti-Christian deist Jacobin can run circles around “conservative” and “traditional” Catholics with regards to charity toward his fellow man and future generations?
Thank you, God Omnipotent, Divine Providence, for putting me here, now. Let me live as long as possible, and let me serve You and the Truth- which IS YOU– every single day of my life. I do not shun this life in any way, I glorify You and thank You for it. I want only to be with You forever, and with as many of my fellow man as possible.
Sir Nicolas Dorigny (French, baptized Paris, 1658–1746 Paris) The Holy Trinity; Christ on the cross flanked by two angels, the Holy Spirit as a dove and God in heaven above the cross, a rectangular composition with half-circle at the top, after Reni, 1702 French, Engraving; Sheet (Trimmed): 24 5/8 × 16 9/16 in. (62.6 × 42 cm) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1951 (51.501.4575) http://www.metmuseum.org/Collections/search-the-collections/670261
This thing is a normal seasonal chest cold that essentially CANNOT kill on its own. The deaths attributed to it in Italy are mostly highly co-morbid people over 75, with more than half having been in nursing homes or hospitals – that is, already in the process of dying.
The house arrest, economic destruction, and criminalization of the worship of God is the largest crime against humanity and peace ever perpetrated.
Folks, DO NOT FORGET who among us was bellowing and screeching that MILLIONS or BILLIONS would die, and demanding that all churches be closed indefinitely, and anyone who dared so much as express dissent or, even worse, the desire to go to Mass or even visit Our Lord in the Tabernacle was a “murderous psychopath”. These people can’t be prosecuted for their complicity in this, but … may God have mercy on them, and may they seek it before they die.
The story you are about to read tells of atotally differentCoronavirusemergencythan what we have known so far.
A new narrative of the health crisis, outside the mainstream, from the opinion of the experts and from the daily routine of the pandemic data bulletin.
In fact, the numbers that today indicate more than30 thousanddeaths (243 more victims) and217,185thousand infections (1327 more) could be not only false, but also diametrically opposed.The virus would not cause any death, the first cases in Italy date back to last October and already a third of the population would have contracted it.
This was revealed by a shock study conducted by Professor Pasquale Bacco who together with a group of researchers carried out7038 medical examinationsstarting from the month of February.According to his story, there would be a story to be reversed and rewritten on a healthy basis.To find out his version of the facts, Luigia Luciani and Stefano Molinari interviewed Dr.Pasquale Bacco, a medical examiner and researcher.
Here is the intervention of prof.Pasquale Bacco at Work in Progress.
A third of the population has already been infected
“We are a group of doctors and we work for an American company calledMeleamand it has forty-one offices in Italy.Since the beginning of February, we have carried out 7038 medical visits with related serological kits.
Working on clinically healthy subjects, we went to check if there were antibodies in their blood forCovid.So if these subjects were more or less in contact with the virus.
Result: out of 7038 they gave us a national average of 34% of people already infected.We had a maximum point on Brescia around 49 and a minimum point in Sicily on 28-29 “.
First cases in October in the silence of the crisis unit
“At first we came into contact with thecrisis unit.After 49% of Brescia, we went to the crisis unit in Rome, which was then forming, and we said these are names, surnames, addresses and everything.We have 49% of data that is perplexing.Moreover, on a very large sample, we had made 1700 at the time. So the possibility of error is practicallyzero.
But the important thing about Brescia is that not only were there 49% of positive subjects, but 74% of these had immunoglobulin G as immune memory.That is, they were not recent infections.Now, if we consider the sample number over the whole area, the high value of positivity and immunoglobulins G we must make a jump in the past of at least three and a half months.
The first cases are with certainty inOctober.When we presented these initial data to the embryo crisis unit, they made us talk to what had to be their consultant, who is a well-known virologist whom you all see on television by now.Who in the face of my grievances tells me: we in Brescia in my opinion are two.I tell him why and he answers me because it is so.
Now months later, when all our data are confirming, three Italian universities (Milan, Naples and Bari) have asked us for the study.In August we will start with another 7000 visits.Now we have created a task force with 500 doctors in Italy.We are seeing things that in the coming weeks will bring us even more sensational data “.
False death count and unnecessary vaccine
“Keep in mind that I’m a coroner and I do autopsy tests.We have seen not only in the laboratory, but also with the tests on the deceased that it is atrivialvirus.He has no ability to kill subjects who have no particular conditions.
We are talking about a virus, Covid, which is absolutely trivial.The death toll is all false.This virus is not capable of killing in any way.
Covid suffers from the weather and on television they still say it isn’t.Create immunity, even if limited.Do you want to know the biggest lie in the world?Even now on television they talk aboutvaccine.We have all seen that the virus has already mutated.
You get one vaccine a year for the flu virus because one of the characteristics of Coronavirus is that it changes.Then this virus has already mutated.Would you get the Covid vaccine in June?
As a free doctor I say that if we talk about vaccine for Covid-19 we talk about gossip.If we talk about a thousand deaths a day wetalkaboutchatter.The same if it is not admitted that the climate completely eliminates the virus.Come to the lab with me.
To verify that the virus dies with heat one does a very simple thing which is to increase the temperature.Do you know how much this operation costs?7 euros and 80cents.And we did it in early March.The whole country had to be told that this virus dies in May.“
(As I have been screeching for months, this entire thing has been 100% a Gates production. Gates is a non-state, non-uniformed enemy belligerent, and this is already the largest crime against humanity ever perpetrated, and it is far from over. -AB)
Dear Ann,
Me: Long-time reader, Catholic convert, morally sane female conservative, B.A., Philosophy; M.A., Psychology – I don’t have a platform, but you do – please review and consider for posting:
From the Seattle Times, January 25, 2017:
“The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundationis once again shattering donation records at the University of Washington, this timewith a $279 million grantto continue and expand pioneering programs that measure health around the globe. The money will fund another decade of work at the UW’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), which was founded 10 years ago with a $105 million Gates grant that was at the time the largest gift in UW history. That record was eclipsed three months ago by $210 million from the foundation for a new building to house IHME and the Department of Global Health — which was also funded by Gates.” [emphasis added]
The IHME is the primary provider of statistical data modeling for the COVID 19 “pandemic” (aka CoronaCold) and is routinely cited by journalists, medical experts and politicians as an accurate and reliable of source of informationto wit:
From CNN online, May 10, 2020:
“‘Explosive increases in mobility’ leads to more projected deaths. A projection model cited by the White House now predicts thousands more deaths, largely due to ‘explosive increases in mobility in a number of states.’ The model, from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, now forecasts 137,000 deaths in the United States by August, up from an earlier prediction of about 134,000.“
(Over the transom, and I’ve received several reports of success already, but this one from the People’s Republic of Calipornia is choice…)
Good Afternoon [X],
Thank you for contacting me on Friday night regarding your experience at our [XX] location. We appreciate your feedback, appreciate you as our valued customer, and apologize for any inconvenience.
We want all of our customers and team members to be safe, and to follow the protocols set forth by [X] County and the State of California. Facemasks can be uncomfortable, especially for our employees who have to wear them all day long, sometimes in hot weather. State and Local authorities have mandated masks for 99.9% of us, and we are following that protocol. We do however recognize that there is an “exception to every rule” as in your case. Our managers and our staff at [X] as well as our other four locations have been made aware of this exception. We anticipate your next visit to be smooth. You will more than likely be requested to put on a mask if still required at that time. Simply present your card again or ask to speak with the Manager and we will ensure that you are granted service without a mask while maintaining social distance. Feel free to call me on my personal cell phone at any time before or during your visit in case you encounter any issues. We want you to have a pleasant and stress-free experience with us.
Thank you for taking the time to write to me regarding this issue.
The question you must now be asking is, “If it kills so many people, why is that the freakin’ protocol?!?” What few people know is that ventilators have been given the status of “countermeasure” for the COVID-19 crisis by the federal government. Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Alex Azar made a PREP Act Declaration on March 18, 2020, which thus barred any person injured or killed on a ventilator being treated for COVID-19 between the dates of January 27, 2020 and October 21, 2024 from suing the hospital, or anyone.
Once the PREP Act was invoked, hospital administrators had absolutely no reason to worry about placing COVID-19 patients on ventilators. They get to bill upwards of $40,000 to the insurance companies just for the intubation, they can’t be held liable for any damage done to the patient, and there are no family members allowed to visit COVID-19 patients, so the patient has absolutely no advocate! This completely disgusting reality has caused doctors, nurses and other front-line workers to figure out ways to work around what can only be called a system of death.
A CoronaCold by Gates (TM) particle is a sphere with a diameter of 0.125 microns.
N95 masks, ONLY WHEN RIGOROUSLY FITTED AND TESTED, stop approximately 95% of particles down to 0.300 microns. Anything smaller than 0.300 microns sails through an N95 mask, EVEN if it is rigorously custom-fitted.
0.125 microns is SMALLER than 0.300 microns. THEREFORE, N95 masks DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to block CoronaCold by Gates (TM), even when rigorously custom-fitted. Hence the unstoppable healthy spread of the virus and herd immunity.
Surgical masks are 60%-80% effective in blocking particles of 5.000 microns down to 0.300, depending on the type. Surgical masks are designed to keep the doctors’ and nurses’ boogers out of the flayed patient. This is not an exaggeration.
Cloth, like a cotton bandana, will block particles down to 200 microns when brand new. After washing, when the weave of the fabric softens and loosens, that increases to 400-600 microns.
Just to recapitulate for the sake of clarity, a CoronaCold by Gates (TM) particle is ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE THOUSANDTHS OF A MICRON in diameter. 0.125 microns.
The pores in that Masonic Burqa of submission are 2.5 times wider for an N95 mask, up to 4800 times wider for a piece of fashion fabric.
I just grabbed a tape measure and measured myself shoulder-to-shoulder. Let’s call it 20 inches to use a round number. Let’s see what 4800 times wider than me is:
20 inches X 4800 = 96,000 inches
96,000 divided by 12 inches in a foot = 8000 feet
8000 feet divided by 5280 feet in a mile = 1.51 miles
The ONLY THING that masks do is signal SUBMISSION TO THE LIE, a loud-and-proud declaration of being contra-educated and fully subscribed to the most infantile forms of magical thinking.
IF you think ANY of this has ANYTHING to do with “public health”, or a “pandemic” – THERE IS NO PANDEMIC, JUST A CHEST COLD… I just can’t even….
In the U.K., where the NHS is literally worshipped as a Neo-pagan entity, the mask is the veil of submission. It is a piece of “religious” garb, and any non-conformity to its dehumanizing submission to “the lord high god Enn Aitch Ess” will be beaten down in Talibanesque spirit, with the neighbors joining in, slain with the spirit of satanic piety.
In Italy, the Masonic Veil has become the symbol of “Italian pride”, the new national religion of narcissism, which with the full cooperation of the Antipope and his Antichurch, will attempt to grind the One True Church to dust.
And in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave?
Total economic suicide and neo-pagan religious submission to New World Order totalitarianism without a single shot fired… OVER A CHEST COLD.
Stop and think about the people you know who, within a few days, turned into screeching, panic-mongering Nazis demanding that everyone lock themselves in their houses, put a piece of gauze or fashion fabric over their face, and wait to die, and if you didn’t go along with their insanity that you were a “psychopath” who wanted to “murder old people.” Remember that?
Let me guess:
Addicted to Tee-Vee and movies? Just GOTTA watch the boob tube? Yup.
This is from ARSH 2003. If you think this is a coincidence… I can’t really help you.
Watch this, and then realize that YES, this thing was literally scripted, designed to be spoon-fed to the gullible, conditioned masses. The constant pumping of “zombie apocalypse” and “pandemic” teevee and movies. Fear porn. And people with extant psycho-spiritual problems and little to no actual faith in Our Lord just eat it up.