Monthly Archives: May 2020

Can I just say? Day 4 of the Novena to St. Philip Neri is EPIC…

Text of the Day 4 prayer, full Novena HERE:

Day 4

Philip, my glorious Patron, who didst ever keep unsullied the white lily of thy purity, with such jealous care that the majesty of this fair virtue beamed from thine eyes, shone in thy hands, and was fragrant in thy breath, obtain for me that gift from the Holy Ghost, that neither the words nor the example of sinners may ever make any impression on my soul. And, since it is by avoiding occasions of sin, by prayer, by keeping myself employed, and by frequent use of the Sacraments that my dread enemy must be subdued, gain for me the grace to persevere in these necessary observances. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Keep. Good. Company.


Double-Dog Toldya: FoxNews is Luciferian- uses clearly steroided-up sodomite who caught CoronaCold at an orgy as FearPorn. Absolutely, Totally Despicable.

Satanic. On so many levels.

“No underlying conditions…”


Coronavirus survivor, 43, shares shocking photo showing 50-lb weight loss

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A 43-year-old California man shared a photo on social media last week of the havoc the coronavirus wreaked on his body during a nearly two-month stay in the hospital.

“I wanted to show it can happen to anyone,” Mike Schultz told BuzzFeed News after posting his before-and-after Instagram post that showed him 50 pounds lighter than a month before he was hospitalized. “It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, have preexisting conditions or not. It can affect you.”

Schultz is a nurse from San Francisco with no underlying conditions who used to work out nearly every day, but after six weeks in a Bostonhospital with the virus, he said he’d gone from 190 pounds to 140.

He said he was exhausted just standing up for a few minutes to take the photo and his lung capacity was also severely hampered.


“I was so weak. This was one of the most frustrating parts,” he recalled. “I couldn’t hold my cellphone; it was so heavy. I couldn’t type, because my hands shook so much.”

He had also completely lost track of time.

“I thought only a week had gone by,” he said of his sixth week in the hospital.

Schultz traveled to Boston in mid-March to visit his boyfriend. A week earlier, they had gone to Miami Beach for a festival where at least 38 people later tested positive and three men died of the virus.

“We knew it was out there,” he said. “There were no real restrictions in place, though. No lockdowns. We just thought, Well, we gotta wash our hands more and be wary of touching our face.”

Within days of arriving in Boston, he had a 103-degree fever and his lungs were filled with liquid.

He was rushed to the hospital, intubated for more than a month and his boyfriend, who called as much as possible and FaceTimed with a nurse’s help, said it was “pretty much like he was in a coma.”

Since leaving the hospital last week, Schultz said he’s received a backlash because he attended the Miami Beach festival, but is choosing to focus on his recovery.

“I knew what I thought going in,” he told BuzzFeed. “I didn’t think it was as serious as it was until after things started happening. I thought I was young enough for it not to affect me, and I know a lot of people think that.”

Today is the Feast of the First Pope to ACTUALLY, VALIDLY resign: Peter Celestine (UPDATED and CORRECTED)

No Pope has VALIDLY resigned since Pope Celestine V, St. Peter Celestine, in ARSH 1294. **** UPDATE and CORRECTION BELOW!! Pope Gregory XII is actually the most recent actual, valid resignation!!

Pope Benedict XVI visited his tomb twice, and left his Papal Pallium on Pope Celestine’s tomb in what is now recognized as an unmistakable signal to his Freemason-sodomite enemies that he was planning on attempting to quit under their pressure. The problem (or glory of the Divine Providence) is that Pope Benedict’s attempt to resign only the “ACTIVE GOVERNANCE OF THE CHURCH” while retaining “always and forever” the “spiritual ministry and mandate” of the Papacy, was totally, glaringly, obviously invalid. Hence his continuing to wear the Papal White, be called “His Holiness Pope Benedict”, write documents and books confirming the brethren, et cetera, ET cetera, ET CETERA.

So, please pray the Matthew 17:20 Intention today WITH Pope St. Celestine V, Peter Celestine, who, I can assure you, is a GREAT advocate for the truth in regards to this situation of an invalid resignation and subsequent Antipapacy of the Freemason Bergoglio.

The Red Arrow indicates the first Pope to actually, validly resign. At right is the current Pope, whether he likes it or not, Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger, the one and only living Pope since April ARSH 2005.


Over the transom…

19th May, MMXX A. D.

Feast of St Celestine V; St Dunstan; and St Ivo of Kermatin (Patron of  Lawyers)

Greetings, Ann–

Thanks for all your work, but especially for having helped me to see  back in 2016 that Benedict is the one, true and sole pope, a position  “I have held and hold and publish, and that in which I mean to die.”   

(Belloc, Ballad to Our Lady of Czestachova).  Since 2017, the Fatima  centennial.

Just wanted to point out today that St Celestine was not the last pope  to resign.  He was the first to voluntarily resign, as his biography in Butler’s Lives points out, that it was “unprecedented.”

There is, however, one subsequent highly significant resignation, and  this was by Gregory XII in July 1415 A. D. during the Council of  Constance, which he had placed on a legal footing and thus legitimized  as pope by papal bull of July 4, 1415 A. D. just before resigning.  He  stepped down willingly to resolve the Great Western Schism.  I think  you will enjoy the Catholic Encyclopedia entry on this, as it alludes  to many topics relevant to this current mess we’re in, from which this  quotation (at

The Western Schism was thus at an end, after nearly forty years of  disastrous life; one pope (Gregory XII) had voluntarily abdicated;  another (John XXIII) had been suspended and then deposed, but had  submitted in canonical form; the third claimant (Benedict XIII) was  cut off from the body of the Church, ‘a pope without a Church, a  shepherd without a flock” (Hergenröther-Kirsch). It had come about  that, whichever of the three claimants of the papacy was the  legitimate successor of Peter, there reigned throughout the Church a  universal uncertainty and an intolerable confusion, so that saints and  scholars and upright souls were to be found in all three obediences. 

On the principle that a doubtful pope is no pope, the Apostolic See  appeared really vacant, and under the circumstances could not possibly  be otherwise filled than by the action of a general council.”

Among the saints who were backing the wrong horse was of course St  Vincent Ferrer, contra your special patron the great St Catherine of  Siena(!),* as also touched upon in the article and as you have  fruitfully discussed in the past.  And the man he defended, the  indefatigable Pedro De Luna, “Benedict XIII,” antipope, at least had  several points in his favor unlike Bergoglio–first off he was  Catholic.  Second, he had guts, however misguided, and when deposed by  the Council of Constance, even St Vincent having abandoned him to his  stubbornness by that point, he repaid the favor and excommunicated the  entire Council.  He also made four more cardinals two days before he  died circa 1422.  I can recommend two great books on point if you are  interested.

Anyway, happy feast.  Let me try to get back to my actual work at  being an honest lawyer, like St Ivo.

Best regards,


RN does a fantastic, brief video on the scientific imbecility of masks.

She makes many great points quickly.

Two big ones that everyone should know: increased CO2 levels suppress the immune system, AND

N95 masks are made to block TUBERCULOSIS, which is a bacteria. One bacterium of TB is one thousand times bigger than a virus particle.

I love this comment:

Common sense ideas like understanding how small viruses and bacteria are compared to the “filtering” capabilities of an online yard sale decoration is lost on most of America.

Also, I’d like to draw people’s attention to a piece that has made its way around the Traditional Catholic blogosphere, but merits as wide an audience as possible. It is about the fact that Godlessness produces individuals and thus societies governed by fear.

Misanthropy, constant anxiety, and fear of death are NOT signs of anything even remotely related to sanctity. In fact, all three things are MASSIVE red flags indicating that something is very, very wrong with a human being. Death should be looked upon with sad disgust, but not feared.

Of course, in this situation, there is essentially zero risk of death to healthy people who are not elderly – just like every other seasonal cold virus. So the fear is even more irrational, and therefore more indicative of a spiritually crippled individual.

Do click over and read the whole thing. It is beautifully written. An excerpt here:

Inimical to Christianity is the idea of the self-isolation of the human race, of sealing ourselves from dirt, bacteria and the potential proximate physical dangers inherent in the world, of seeing our humanity as diseased to the point of the fearful avoidance of others, of fearing real communion with others or with, God forgive us, our Eucharistic Lord. These things fly in the face of the Gospel we have received. We accept crosses, we understand that health is here today and could be gone tomorrow. Before us, all who lived have died, death approaches us all, and despite fact that we have never experienced it as individuals, the same prospect of death awaits us all. To those with even the greatest faith, death is an experiential unknown, a human mystery so profound we cannot begin to plumb its depths, as we slip away from a temporal realm, out of time itself and into eternity.

As Christians, we refuse to live our lives in any other world but the fallen world, the real world, but our souls and our minds are enlightened by the Holy Spirit, we are animated by the Spirit of Christ, He lives and works in us, we try not to impede His life in us as we strive to live in the power of the Holy Spirit in that world, to extend the Kingdom of God, to bring the light of Christ to others, to bring eternal Salvation to the world, the promise of Heaven to those who repent, who are baptised and who believe in the Lord Jesus and live by His Commandments. Jesus leads us in our Passover to the endless world where there is no sadness, no suffering, no illness, no death, only joy, for these former things have passed away.


For the Church, the adoption of a kind of pseudo-secular messianism, led by the new ‘infallible’ high priests of science and medicine, that proclaims humanity itself can save itself from even the threat of pestilence, whether the disease’s survival rate is incredibly high or low, constitutes a major threat similar to and even more alarming than the neo-pagan belief adopted globally that humanity can save the seas, the air, the earth from climate change and that this should be a central concern to us all. Both ideas are ripe for exploitation by those who work for Antichrist and, if he’s around, the Antichrist himself. For the Church, or at least the Hierarchy, to imitate Government in its web of deceitful doctrines that we can create a ‘safe world’, a ‘disease-free future’ in which the air and sea can be as clean as hands freshly washed and sanitised is a gross insult to God as well as a grotesque lie.

It is sin that imperils each and every one of us and threatens every day our eternal happiness. Nothing and nobody is truly safe, but for the man and woman who live in the grace, love and friendship of God and persevere in it to the end.

Melinda Gates isn’t a man, she’s just an ugly pervert psycho-witch apostate non-state,non-uniformed enemy belligerent that should be arrested and tried for her capital crimes against humanity. Along with her Uber-gamma perv husband.

Tell me more about what a good Catholic woman Frau Gates is:

Link here:

Melinda Gates, wife of Microsoft tycoon, Bill Gates, has outspokenly supported early sex education, leading by example in taking her young daughters to sex ed classes.

According to The Hindustan Times,the co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation said that “Children are curious about their bodies and it’s natural for them to ask questions. My girls were seven-10 years old when I, and Bill with our son, went to sex education classes with them.”

She went onto add: “A young girl needs to understand her body and understand reproductive health and as a parent, we need to have that conversation. You have to start very young and have ongoing dialogues — kids need parents, school, relatives, older sister, community self-help worker for good quality information so they can make decision about their bodies and get empowered about their bodies.”

The remarks were made before the 2017 Family Planning Summit, where the wife of the tech billionaire made her case for a greater distribution of information surrounding reproductive health to assist in empowering many, around the world.

On the Summit, the Hindustan Times reported:

The Family Planning Summit 2012 set a goal to give an additional 120 million women in the world’s poorest countries access to lifesaving family planning services and supplies. Since then, modern contraceptives being used by 300 million women across the 69 of the world’s poorest countries averted 82 million unintended pregnancies, 25 million unsafe abortions, and 124,000 maternal deaths.

“We’ve made some great progress… 30 million additional women and girls are using the contraceptives of their choice (since FP2012),” said Melinda. “By 2020, we want to move closer to reach the goal of universal access and to contraceptives to ensure every woman can plan her family and future. I’d like to see a little more, but a lot of groundwork has been done.”

Reaching adolescents is a priority, she says. “Adolescents are not being served by the family planning community. With 500 million girls in the world very soon, if we don’t give them family planning options and information about their bodies, they will get trapped in cycles of poverty,” she says.

Gates went onto lavish India’s progress in reproductive health with praise, while expressing concerns over US President Donald Trump’s proposals to cut funding from organizations such as Planned Parenthood.

The Gates have enjoyed much of the limelight during the global pandemic, polarizing the debate on a potential coronavirus vaccine.

“Are you a Widow’s Son?”

“Indeed, I am a Traveling Man…”

“We may serve Him without fear…”

The Canticle of Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, from Luke 1: 68-79.

It’s almost as if this stuff was composed to speak to US, TODAY…

Remember, St. Zachariah’s earthly relics are reposed in Venice, Italy, in a bunk bed situation with St. Athanasius. You could, when travel re-opens, literally pray this canticle looking upon the relics of the man who proclaimed it.

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; because He hath visited and wrought the redemption of His people: And hath raised up an horn of salvation to us, in the house of David His servant: As He spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets, who are from the beginning:

Salvation from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us: To perform mercy to our fathers, and to remember His holy testament, The oath, which He swore to Abraham our father, that He would grant to us, That being delivered from the hand of our enemies, we may serve Him without fear, In holiness and justice before Him, all our days.

And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways: To give knowledge of salvation to His people, unto the remission of their sins: Through the bowels of the mercy of our God, in which the Orient from on high hath visited us: To enlighten them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death: to direct our feet into the way of peace.

St. Philip Neri Novena! 17-25 May, Feast on the 26th!

Say 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and 1 Glory Be each day of the novena.

Day 1

Philip, my glorious Patron, who didst count as dross the praise, and even the good esteem of men, obtain for me also, from my Lord and Savior, this fair virtue by thy prayers. How haughty are my thoughts, how contemptuous are my words, how ambitious are my works. Gain for me that low esteem of self with which thou wast gifted; obtain for me a knowledge of my own nothingness, that I may rejoice when I am despised, and ever seek to be great only in the eyes of my God and Judge. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen. [Now pray the Litany, below].

Day 2

Philip, my glorious Patron, gain for me a portion of that gift which thou hadst so abundantly. Alas! thy heart was burning with love; mine is all frozen towards God, and alive only for creatures. I love the world, which can never make me happy; my highest desire is to be well off here below. O my God, when shall I learn to love nothing else but Thee? Gain for me, O Philip, a pure love, a strong love, and an efficacious love, that, loving God here upon earth, I may enjoy the sight of Him together with thee and all the saints, hereafter in Heaven. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. [Now pray the Litany].

Day 3

Philip, my holy Patron, teach me by thy example, and gain for me by thy intercessions, to seek my Lord and God at all times and in all places, and to live in His presence and in sacred intercourse with Him. As the children of this world look up to rich men or men in station for the favor which they desire, so may I ever lift up my eyes and hands and heart towards heaven, and betake myself to the source of all good for those goods which I need. As the children of this world converse with their friends and find their pleasure in them, so may I ever hold communion with Saints and Angels, and with the Blessed Virgin, the Mother of my Lord. Pray with me, O Philip, as thou didst pray with thy penitents here below, and then prayer will become sweet to me as it did to them. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. [Now pray the Litany].

Day 4

Philip, my glorious Patron, who didst ever keep unsullied the white lily of thy purity, with such jealous care that the majesty of this fair virtue beamed from thine eyes, shone in thy hands, and was fragrant in thy breath, obtain for me that gift from the Holy Ghost, that neither the words nor the example of sinners may ever make any impression on my soul. And, since it is by avoiding occasions of sin, by prayer, by keeping myself employed, and by frequent use of the Sacraments that my dread enemy must be subdued, gain for me the grace to persevere in these necessary observances. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. [Now pray the Litany].

Day 5

Philip, my glorious Advocate, teach me to look at all I see around me after thy pattern as the creatures of God. Let me never forget that the same God who made me made the whole world, and all men and all animals that are in it. Gain for me the grace to love all God’s works for His sake, and all men for the sake of my Lord and Savior who has redeemed them by the Cross. And especially let me be tender and compassionate and loving towards all Christians, as my brethren in grace. And do thou, who on earth wast so tender to all, be especially tender to us, and feel for us, bear with us in all our troubles, and gain for us from God, with whom thou dwellest in beatific light, all the aids necessary for bringing us safely to Him and to thee. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. [Now pray the Litany].

Day 6

Philip, my glorious Advocate, who didst ever follow the precepts and example of the Apostle Saint Paul in rejoicing always in all things, gain for me the grace of perfect resignation to God’s will, of indifference to matters of this world, and a constant sight of Heaven; so that I may never be disappointed at the Divine providences, never desponding, never sad, never fretful; that my countenance may always be open and cheerful, and my words kind and pleasant, as becomes those who, in whatever state of life they are, have the greatest of all goods, the favor of God and the prospect of eternal bliss. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. [Now pray the Litany]

Day 7

Philip, my holy Advocate, who didst bear persecution and calumny, pain and sickness, with so admirable a patience, gain for me the grace of true fortitude under all the trials of this life. Alas! how do I need patience! I shrink from every small inconvenience; I sicken under every light affliction; I fire up at every trifling contradiction; I fret and am cross at every little suffering of body. Gain for me the grace to enter with hearty goodwill into all such crosses as I may receive day by day from my Heavenly Father. Let me imitate thee, as thou didst imitate my Lord and Savior, that so, as thou hast attained heaven by thy calm endurance of bodily and mental pain, I too may attain the merit of patience, and the reward of life everlasting. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. [Now pray the Litany].

Day 8

Philip, my holy Patron, who wast so careful for the souls of thy brethren, and especially of thy own people, when on earth, slack not thy care of them now, when thou art in Heaven. Be with us, who are thy children and thy clients; and, with thy greater power with God, and with thy more intimate insight into our needs and our dangers, guide us along the path which leads to God and to thee. Be to us a good father; make our priests blameless and beyond reproach or scandal; make our children obedient, our youth prudent and chaste, our heads of families wise and gentle, our old people cheerful and fervent, and build us up, by thy powerful intercessions, in faith, hope, charity, and all virtues. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. [Now pray the Litany].

Day 9

Philip, my holy Patron, the wounds and diseases of my soul are greater that bodily ones, and are beyond thy curing, even with thy supernatural power. I know that my Almighty Lord reserves in His own hands the recovery of my soul from death, and the healing of all its maladies. But thou canst do more for our souls by the prayers now, my dear Saint, than thou didst for the bodies of those who applied to thee when thou wast upon earth. Pray for me, that the Divine Physician of the soul, who alone reads my heart thoroughly, may cleanse it thoroughly, and that I and all who are dear to me may be cleansed from all our sins; and, since we must die, one and all, that we may die, as thou didst, in the grace and love of God, and with the assurance, like thee, of eternal life. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Look down from heaven, Holy Father, from the loftiness of that mountain to the lowliness of this valley, from that harbour of quietness and tranquility to this calamitous sea. And now that the darkness of this world hinders no more those benignant eyes of thine from looking clearly into all things, look down and visit, O most diligent keeper, this vineyard which thy right hand planted with so much labour, anxiety, and peril. To thee then we fly, from thee we seek for aid: to thee we give our whole selves unreservedly.

Thee we adopt for our patron and defender: undertake the cause of our salvation, protect thy clients. To thee we appeal as our leader, rule thine army fighting against the assaults of the devil. To thee, kindest of pilots, we give up the rudder of our lives; steer this little ship of thine, and placed as thou art on high, keep us off all the rocks of evil desires, that with thee for our pilot and our guide we may safely come to the port of eternal bliss. Amen. [Now pray the Litany].


Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Christ hear us. Christ graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
God the Holy Ghost,
Holy Trinity, one God,
Holy Mary, pray for us.
Holy mother of God,
Holy virgin of virgins,
St. Philip, Vessel of the Holy Ghost,
Child of Mary,
Apostle of Rome,
Counsellor of popes,
Voice of prophecy,
Man of primitive times,
Winning saint,
Hidden hero,
Sweetest of fathers,
Flower of purity,
Martyr of charity,
Heart of fire,
Discerner of spirits,
Choicest of priests,
Mirror of the divine life,
Pattern of humility,
Example of simplicity,
Light of holy joy, Image of childhood,
Picture of old age,
Director of souls,
Gentle guide of youth,
Patron of thy own,
Who didst observe chastity in thy youth,
Who didst seek Rome by divine guidance,
Who didst hide so long in the catacombs,
Who didst receive the Holy Ghost into thy heart, Who didst experience such wonderful ecstasies, Who didst so lovingly serve the little ones,
Who didst wash the feet of pilgrims,
Who didst ardently thirst after martyrdom,
Who didst distribute the daily word of God,
Who didst turn so many hearts to God,
Who didst converse so sweetly with Mary,
Who didst raise the dead,
Who didst set up thy houses in all lands,
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us. 

Remember thy Congregation, which thou hast possessed from the beginning.

Let us pray. O God, who has exalted blessed Philip, Thy Confessor, in the glory of thy Saints, grant that, as we rejoice in his commemoration, so we may profit by the example of his virtues, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Pews are a Protestantism. If I were a parish priest, I would remove them. Now is the perfect time to do it.

What did the Blessed Virgin and St. John do at Calvary? They stood and knelt on the ground. The Mass IS Calvary. Ergo…

Excerpting from a Crisis piece by Fr. Rutler from several years ago. Now’s the time!

The last time I sat during Mass was the Easter Vigil. I sat during the Prophecies. Otherwise, at daily Low Mass, I kneel/stand throughout, mostly kneeling.

St. Mary Major, Rome.

The whiskering of buildings with ivy is a metaphor for another aesthetic offense, and one more serious, since it is a reproach as much to ascetics as to aesthetics.   Pews are the climbing ivy of God’s house. My case is that they should be removed. I immediately alienate from this argument anyone whose limited aesthetical perception sees nothing wrong with electric votive lights and bishops wearing miters in colors matching their vestments. But the problem with pews is worse, for it is not simply a matter of taste. Pews contradict worship. They suburbanize the City of God and put comfort before praise.

For most of the Christian ages, there were no pews, or much seating of any sort. There were proper accommodations for the aged (fewer then than now) and for the infirm (probably more then than now) but churches were temples and not theatres.  One need only look at the Orthodox churches (except where decadence has crept in) or the mosques whose architectural eclecticism echoes their religion’s origin as a desiccated offshoot of Christianity [denial of the Trinity, Incarnation and Eucharist, combined with paganism. -AB] to see what churches were meant to look like.  The word “pew” comes from the same root as podium, or platform for the privileged, indicating that if there were any pews in the Temple of Jerusalem they were those of the Pharisees who enjoyed “seats in high places.” The first intrusion of pews into Christian churches was around the twelfth century and they were rare, and mostly suited to the use of choir monks in their long Offices. But filling churches with pews was chiefly the invention of the later Protestant revolution that replaced adoration with edification.

Increasingly, manorial lords had special seats in the churches that were in their “living” not unlike the Pharisees, and this eventually extended to other people of means and in fact became a source of income. Pew rentals were precursors of pledging for the bishop’s “annual appeal.” Pews were property and could be part of a bequeathed estate. It was this sort of instinct that moved Ambrose Bierce to say of Celtic culture: “Druids performed their religious rites in groves, and knew nothing of church mortgages and the seasonal-ticket system of pew rents.” By the eighteenth century, in Protestant lands, “box pews” became like little cabins, where people could doze during long services and even brew tea and keep small charcoal warmers. Pews gradually were adapted by Catholics in areas imbued with a Protestant culture and were alien to purer Latin traditions. Try to find pews in the great Roman basilicas. Curious, then, is the way some people have come to identify pews with “traditional Catholicism” when they are its antithesis.

Ascetically, pews stratify the people as passive participants. There actually are churches where ushers, like maître d’s in a cabaret, move down the aisle pew by pew, indicating when the people can go to Communion. Ensconced and regimented in serried ranks, the people are denied the mobility of the sacred assembly and even the sacred dance, which is what the Solemn Mass is—a thing far different from the embarrassing geriatric ballets called “liturgical dancing.”  Especially in a busy city parish, people wandering about and lighting candles and casting a curious eye at images, can be distracting, but it is also a healthy sign that people are freed by grace to be at home in the House of God, unlike the passive creature known as a couch potato or, in this instance, a pew potato.

Worse than plain wooden pews are those that are upholstered. Goodbye acoustics.   And anyone who gives priority to the softness of his seat rather than the sound of song, should humbly ask forgiveness of St. Cecilia who died suffering from more than the lack of a cushion, but was comforted—and eternally so—by good music.  Sensibly, seating should be provided for the elderly and physically limited.   Other seating should be moveable to permit different kinds of liturgical use, with space for kneeling.

Bomb dropped in Italian Parliament: Gates should be arrested for crimes against humanity

Italian MP Sara Cunial:

“Hobbes said that absolute power does not come from an imposition from above but by the choice of individuals who feel more protected renouncing to their own freedom and granting it to a third party. With this, you are going on anesthetizing the minds with corrupted Mass Media with Amuchina (a brand of disinfectant promoted by Mass Media) and NLP, with words like “regime”, “to allow” and “to permit”, to the point of allowing you to regulate our emotional ties and feelings and certify our affects.

So, in this way, Phase 2 is nothing else than the persecution/continuation of Phase 1 – you just changed the name, as you did with the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). We have understood people, for sure, don’t die for the virus alone. So people will be allowed to die and suffer, thanks to you and your laws, for misery and poverty. And, as in the “best” regimes, the blame will be dropped only on citizens. You take away our freedom and say that we looked for it. Divide et Impera (Divide and Rule).

It is our children who will lose more, who are ‘raped souls’, with the help of the so-called “guarantor of their rights” and of CISMAI (Italian Coordination of Services against Child Abuse). In this way, the right to school will be granted only with a bracelet to get them used to probation, to get them used to slavery – involuntary treatment and to virtual lager. All this in exchange for a push-scooter and a tablet. All to satisfy the appetites of a financial capitalism whose driving force is the conflict of interest, conflict well represented by the WHO, whose main financier is the well-known “philanthropist and savior of the world” Bill Gates.

We all know it, now. Bill Gates, already in 2018, predicted a pandemic, simulated in October 2019 at the “Event 201”, together with Davos (Switzerland). For decades, Gates has been working on Depopulation policy and dictatorial control plans on global politics, aiming to obtain the primacy on agriculture, technology and energy.

Gates said, I quote exactly from his speech:

“If we do a good job on vaccines, health and reproduction, we can reduce the world population by 10-15%. Only a genocide can save the world”.

With his vaccines, Gates managed to sterilize millions of women in Africa. Gates caused a polio epidemic that paralyzed 500,000 children in India and still today with DTP, Gates causes more deaths than the disease itself. And he does the same with GMOs designed by Monsanto and “generously donated” to needy populations. All this while he is already thinking about distributing the quantum tattoo for vaccination recognition and mRNA vaccines as tools for reprogramming our immune system. In addition, Gates also does business with several multinationals that own 5G facilities in the USA.

On this table there is the entire Deep State in Italian sauce: Sanofi, together with GlaxoSmithKline are friends of the Ranieri Guerra, Ricciardi, and of the well-known virologist that we pay 2000 Euro every 10 minutes for the presentations on Rai (Italian state TV. She’s probably talking about Burioni). Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline sign agreements with medical societies to indoctrinate future doctors, making fun of their autonomy of judgment and their oath.

Hi-Tech multinationals, like the Roman Engineering which is friend of the noble Mantoan, or Bending Spoons, of Pisano, which are there for control and manage our personal health datas in agreement with the European Agenda ID2020 of electronic identification, which aims to use mass vaccination to obtain a digital platform of digital ID. This is a continuation of the transfer of data started by Renzi to IBM. Renzi, in 2016, gave a plus 30% to Gates Global Fund.

On the Deep State table there are the people of Aspen, like the Saxon Colao, who with his 4-pages reports, paid 800 Euros/hour, with no scientific review, dictates its politics as a Bilderberg general as he is, staying away from the battlefield. The list is long. Very long. In the list there is also Mediatronic, by Arcuri and many more.

The Italian contribution to the International Alliance Against Coronavirus will be of 140 million Euros, of which 120 million Euros will be given to GAVI Alliance, the non-profit by Gates Foundation. They are just a part of the 7.4 billion Euro fund by the EU to find a vaccine against Coronavirus – vaccines which will be used as I said before.

No money, ofcourse for serotherapy, which has the collateral effect of being super cheap. No money for prevention, a real prevention, which includes our lifestyles, our food and our relationship with the environment.

The real goal of all of this is total control. Absolute domination of human beings, transformed into guinea pigs and slaves, violating sovereignty and free will. All this thanks to tricks/hoax disguised as political compromises. While you rip up the Nuremberg code with involuntary treatment, fines and deportation, facial recognition and intimidation, endorsed by dogmatic scientism – protected by our “Multi-President” of the Republic who is real cultural epidemic of this country.

We, with the people, will multiply the fires of resistance in a way that you won’t be able to repress all of us.

I ask you, President, to be the spokesperson and give an advice to our President Conte: Dear Mr. President Conte, next time you receive a phone call from the philanthropist Bill Gates forward it directly to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. If you won’t do this, tell us how we should define you, the “friend lawyer” who takes orders from a criminal.

Thank you.”

#Toldya Microneedle patch technology for Gates’ Mark of the Beast is being developed as a sterilant delivery system

I know I’m preaching to the choir here to some extent, but just stop and think: how could you or anyone KNOW what was contained in ANY of Gates’ fetishistic concoctions? Do you have the ability to run a chemical assay? Of course not. You are being asked to trust some of the most heinous criminals to ever live – lying liars who lie, and have as their open, explicit goal the reduction of the human population by something like 85%.

Bill and Melinda Gates already clandestinely injected sterilants into millions of Kenyans under the guise of tetanus shots. When caught, they lyingly claimed that there was a “contamination” at the production facility. Yeah. Riiiight.

Here is a firm that is totally in bed with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation producing microneedle patch slow-release drug systems. Note the ominous reference to “patient compliance” as a selling point.

Marry this technology to the ultraviolet fluorescing barcode tattoo (the aptly named Luciferase), and you’ve got a tracking system, banking modality, AND a sterilant. All in one.

Micron Biomedical

Who we are:

Micron develops pharmaceutical products, based on its proprietary microneedle patch technology, that are designed to provide enhanced vaccines and proprietary drugs efficacy, superior patient compliance, and simplified administration, distribution, and storage logistics.

Micron attends WHO meeting of experts on microneedle patches for measles vaccination

GENEVA, April 23, 2018 – The World Health Organization (WHO) invited Micron Biomedical, Inc. (Micron) to participate in a workshop on the development of microneedle patches for vaccination against measles.  This meeting is taking place at the WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, April 23-24, 2018 and gathers experts from around the world on measles and microneedle patch technology.  Attendees include members of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), WHO, Doctors Without Borders (MSF), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), PATH, vaccine manufacturers, and microneedle patch companies. Micron will present its ongoing work on the development of a measles and rubella microneedle patch funded by BMGF and UNICEF.

Microneedle patch technology shows potential for long-acting contraception

ATLANTA, January 14, 2019 – The laboratory of Prof. Mark Prausnitz at Georgia Tech developed dissolving microneedle patches that administer a long-acting contraceptive for more than 30 days using microneedle technology licensed exclusively to Micron Biomedical. This work was published in the journal Nature Biomedical Engineering on January 14, 2019.

In the study conducted in animals, microneedle patches were designed to allow microneedles containing the contraceptive hormone levonorgestrel to break off their base within a few seconds following microneedle patch application to skin and, then, to slowly dissolve and deliver levonorgestrel for over a month with a single microneedle patch application.  Because the microneedles break off quickly, it is not necessary for the microneedle patch backing to remain on the skin while the microneedles dissolve. Also, because the microneedle patches are applied by simply pressing to the skin by thumb, self-administration is envisioned.

The technology, licensed exclusively by Micron Biomedical, shows the potential to offer an attractive alternative to current long-acting contraceptive options, which can be costly and require an injection or the implantation of a device by a healthcare professional.

The global hormonal contraceptive market was valued $19.5B in 2017 and is expected to reach $30.0B by 2026.

The research article can be found at